posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Daedalus3
Actually Turkey has 100+ f16 most of them are 50+ block and has ordered 100 f35's ... The turkish airforce would pown the pakistan airforce and
indian air force at the same time as their pilots are rather verry verry skilled and their airf force is way bigger.. (I'm a Us soldier i know some
of them) Further the Turkish ground forces are very mobile they have one of the biggest army's in the world ( I thought 3/4th place or something
like that) Their navy is one of the biggest ,,
Their soldiers are highly nationalistic, and pretty well trained .. especially their commando's (the prof soldiers in turkey) because a big part of
the turkish army is made up of people on service for 13 months ..
The amry is verry big, and is verry mobile .. And I'm pretty sure turkey has nuke's even if they denie it ... The soldiers are used to allmost all
types of terrain
I did service In turkey ,,, They don't see us as an emperial power but rather as allies, they help us in time of war .. they espect us to give them
help in time of war .. (turkey has verry strong allies .. and just believe me they are in the top 4 of nato forces ..)
They are the strongest force in the middle east .. Let's hope that remains like that... because like I said already the turks see us as allies, not
as enemies ..