Okay, I don't know if this is Medical Forum,
Current Events forum, or Spiritual/Religion Forum.
This fellow claims that the Virgin Mary has given him
a cure for AIDS. He provides the cure free of charge
to anyone who wants it. There are charges that
a European company has stolen the cure previously
and that the African Nation of Rwanda is not allowing
him to give this medicine away anymore.
- Why is Rwanda not allowing it? Is it toxic or lethal
in some way? Cutting short the lives that are already
being cut short by HIV? Or is it ignorance by Rwanda
or some political reason?
- Is there merit to the claim that some European company
stole the cure and isn't releasing it?
- The Catholic Church will not comment on any alleged
vision of Mary until the alleged visions are 'complete'. Then
they will investigate. At this point, the Rwandan Bishops
DO NOT feel the Rwandan 'vision' is authentic. Rome
can't say until they are 'finished'.
- Is it possible or probable for a spiritual being, an angel, a saint to
give us a cure for a disease? Sure it's possible. With God all things
are possible. However, has there ever been any other case where
God has given medical advice to humans through angels or (dead)
saints? In my readings I have not come across any such happening.
The only one is St. Raphael in scripture giving the cure by telling
the human being how to fix the fish in a certain way. Remember?
Other than that ... from heaven to us .... nothing recently. But
that doesn't mean it won't happen.
The New Times (Kigali)
July 18, 2005
Posted to the web July 18, 2005
By Boniface Awino Kigali
Mahoro a young man from Butare province of Rwanda has become a house-
hold name in Rwanda due to his claims that through the appearance of the
Virgin Mary, he was shown drugs that can cure HIV /Aids and ever-since,
he has been administering those drugs to HIV /Aids patients, not until a
couple of weeks ago when the Ministry of Health ordered him not to
continue administering such drugs any more.
A critical analysis of Amahoro's case will immediately confirm the poor man's
technical knock-out in the area of HIV/Aids cure. However, Mahoro is not
only the first person to claim the discovery of HIV/Aids cure. Many other
people including, outstanding professional medical experts have
undergone the same persecution as Amahoro of Rwanda.
I can remember very well KEMRIs renowned Professor of medicine and a
leading researcher in HIV/Aids cure since the first HIV/Aids case in Kenya
was reported. He found himself into the drama of HIV/Aids cure in the
name of Kemron and Pearl Omega. Professor Obel has been the pioneer
and master mind of the research which led to the discovery of those drugs
under the auspices of the Kenya Institute of Medical Research (KEMRI) and
the Kenyan government.
Professor Obel, his team from KEMRI and HIV/Aids patient who used
Kemron claimed that it was "the drug" regardless of none of its entire
scientifically exhausted procedure as HIV/Aids drug. The persecution that
ensued came from the government officials, medical experts including
some of Obel's own peers in the medical circles. The drug was eventually
banned by the government and ever since has remained in mystery to all
those people who are related to it in Kenya and probably Africa at large.
Here though the ban was implemented the formula of the drug's
manufacture was stolen by some European company and it is now been
manufactured under the different name and different combination then
supplied to us in exorbitant prices in the name of ARVs! Nobody had
justified this and so I am innocent of what I am saying.
[edit on 7/25/2005 by FlyersFan]