posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 09:46 AM
I stumbled onto this site through ATS about cold war era government facilities around the Washington D.C. region.
I would like to thank Albert LaFrance for his research.
One might think that moving your family 50 miles N.W. of Washington D.C.
to the mountains of Loudoun County VA would somewhat improve the possibility
that you might be able to survive a first strike against Washington.
While this might shield us from a small scale terrorist attack on the Nation's Capitol,
it doesn't provide much peace of mind in a more serious situation.
Essentially, my home rests in a nearly straight line between the AT&T (VA-1) repeater station
on Short Hill Mountain and Mt. Weather roughly 22 ( driving) miles away.
I can see the AT&T facility across the valley from my back yard
external image
We always knew it was there, but this shows the extent of the facilities' development.
Even so this is nothing compared to Mt. Weather over in Bluemont.
I may be better off than some people living out here, but if things ever really get ugly
it's hopeless.
I wonder how many of our members live near similar secret facilities that put them in harms way?
Edited by SimonGray to reduce size of a large image
[edit on 6-8-2005 by SimonGray]