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posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 03:49 AM
That is a HUGE bit of land, anything that can raise the temp that much must be noticable by other nations etc as well. This is to big to be some some sort of military test.

[edit on 26-7-2005 by Netchicken]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 03:52 AM
There has been a rather impressive hole in the ozone layer over Antartica that would allow a pretty big rad hit. There are probably a lot of natural phenomenon that could cause this. Personally I think it has something to do with the hole though. Considering the hole was the size of Texas IIRC at one point, and this just happens to be occuring under where it was, that would make sense.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 06:06 AM
There are currents of warm FRESH water in the ocean just off Antarctica.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 08:59 AM
Well I was all for the Ozone theory. So I checked into it. There is one problem though. From my understanding, May-July is winter in Antarctica. That means there is no sunlight.

During the winter polar night, sunlight does not reach the south pole. A strong circumpolar wind develops in the middle to lower stratosphere. These strong winds are known as the 'polar vortex'. This has the effect of isolating the air over the polar region.

Since there is no sunlight, the air within the polar vortex can get very cold. So cold that special clouds can form once the air temperature gets to below about -80C. These clouds are called Polar Stratospheric Clouds (or PSCs for short) but they are not the clouds that you are used to seeing in the sky which are composed of water droplets. PSCs first form as nitric acid trihydrate. As the temperature gets colder however, larger droplets of water-ice with nitric acid dissolved in them can form. However, their exact composition is still the subject of intense scientific scrutiny. These PSCs are crucial for ozone loss to occur.

No ozone loss occurs until sunlight returns to the air inside the polar vortex and allows the production of active chlorine and initiates the catalytic ozone destruction cycles. Ozone loss is rapid. The ozone hole currently covers a geographic region a little bigger than Antarctica and extends nearly 10km in altitude in the lower stratosphere.

After checking the temps this morning, I am no longer thinking it is military related.

I want to believe the Ozone idea, but there is not supposed to be any sunlight there yet.

oops here is the link where I got my info:

[edit on 26-7-2005 by mrsdudara]

[edit on 26-7-2005 by mrsdudara]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:20 AM
Is there a sat that measures the magnetic field of the planet that might show a drastic decrease at the poles which would subsequently let in more cosmic radiation/heat?
Just a thought, and I hope I'm totally wrong.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:27 AM

There are currents of warm FRESH water in the ocean just off Antarctica.

This would affect the temperate zones and cause more 'canes. Without that cold to counteract the warmer water, it will only get warmer. Maybe the scenario isn't a trend and merely a fluke. Time will tell. Cyclones would be the first to increase since it is the southern hemisphere, or am I wrong?

I used to (web)chat with researchers in the Antarctica, maybe I can track them down. I'll look into it.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:38 AM
Here is a lionk with a current temp digital readout on the right hand side. They don't make any mention of a drastic change though and state the warmest day was in '74


Coldest Temp:
-129°F (-89°C) on July 21, 1983
Location: Vostok Station
Warmest Temp:
+59°F (+15°C) on Jan 5, 1974
Location: Vanda Station
Mean Temps:
Winter: -40 to -94°F (-40 to -70°C)
Summer: -5 to -31°F (-15 to 35°C)

I'll try to track down those researchers I spoke with a long time ago, I'd think they would know if somethings up.... and I don't know when that info was last updated other than the digital readout.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:01 AM

I see the situation now...

You have been watching this for some time? and this is a new situation?

if so, then data would show the wierd temp raise....

if we assume that the data is correct, then something happens in the morning, that causes a huge release of heat... then gets rapidly cooled...

a nuke would do it, but it would have to be a huge one...
purpose? to control the weather by preventing the predicted severe hurricane season, by flushing huge amounts of cold water into the ocean. (also might reverse the ocean current degradation that is causing the weather problems to begin with)

a huge caldera might also do it, but why does it get hot only at one time of day?

radiation would do it, IF there was a significantly larger ozone hole that is admitted... and residue of it continues even thru the winter months...

At this point... I am leaning towards data glitch...
please god, let it be a data glitch.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
It's not really 'from' the aurora, right? It would be from the cosmic radiation that causes the aurora, no?

I thought about that, but even a heavy blast of rads shouldn't cause a 120 degree temp shift, unless there's a total lack of atmospheric protection...

No, it's actually heat and radiation given off by the aurora. And it could be that hot where it's concentrated like that. The satellite would also only see that, and not be seeing the surface since it would be blocked from view.

EDIT: And the ozone layer cannot stop all radiation; some will still get through. It'll be a lesser amount, though. Probably enough to cause a small aurora, something to the scale of what we see in the pictures.

[edit on 7/26/2005 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by keybored

I used to (web)chat with researchers in the Antarctica, maybe I can track them down. I'll look into it.

That would be great! I have been trying to find email address or something for people down there, and have not had any luck.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:08 PM
Well, my first guess would be an asteroid hit. That would generate a large area of heat and humidity, and the kicked up water/ice/dust would stay over the pole so no one would notice.... however, a good hit would have been picked up on seismographs, wasn't.

I checked with my buddies still at JPL and they don't have anything that can see Antartica, so, i dunno what more to do except try and get in touch with someone crazy person living down there in winter.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:32 PM
Well, I sent an email to a meteorologist at Weather Underground. He was confused too, he had never seen it do that before. So he said that he is going to bring it to the Chief Meteorologist's attention and get back to me.

I doubt that it is a meteor. It has happened too many times. It happened again late this afternoon. This time even bigger. One thing I did notice, was that it is over the Plateau Station. This is supposed to be the coldest place on earth. It is also a U.S. base (no one is supposed to be there now though). The area twards the......well on the other side.....what direction would that be exactly anyway? Both spots are North of the S. Pole but in different directions. Anyway, back to the point it was over a U.S. base as well. I doubt that has anything to do with anything. I just figured I would mention it.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:07 PM

purpose? to control the weather by preventing the predicted severe hurricane season, by flushing huge amounts of cold water into the ocean. (also might reverse the ocean current degradation that is causing the weather problems to begin with)

That is an excellent thought in my opinion. Who knows at this point. Also, might explain why the shuttle was hurried through a launch even with faulty instruments... maybe they feel they need to take a look at this thing? Anybody know what the flight paths are for this one?

As for the researchers I used to chat with, I have their email addy's on 3.5" floppies but don't have a floppy drive on any of these 'puters I regularly use. I can build one though ('puter) and will do it shortly.

Kudo's for the thread, this does seem urgent.

And you know, I have been to the global warming threads and semi-bought into the regular pattern explanation although things are going too fast to fit the records... in my opinion anyway. We are undergoing changes.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:29 PM
Okay, my bad. Thanks for clearing that up.

I think I've got another possible explanation..


No seismo reading, increased atmospheric friction, heat buildup, and that could explain the anomalous readings, no?

Could it be that some large body is sneaking up on us via the southern blind spot, and is making its presence known by the material it's pushing ahead of it?

Or maybe there is no body, just a giant dust cloud in motion. Weren't there some Russian scientists talking about a phenomenon of that sort a little while back, it was off and on used to justify planet X theories?

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 07:27 AM
Please explain further. Where are you seeing these temperature changes?
Where precisely are the warm, fresh water currents? And who are you exactly?

>I was wondering if you could tell me if there is anything unusual going on?
>Several of us have been looking at what appears to be 120 degree temperature
>changes and were wondering if its an anomaly in the sat data or is something
>really going on. Water temperature also shows warm fresh water currents.
>Please advise, and thanks in advance

Well, I wrote at 11:30 last night and woke up to a reply.

Could I get a link to the fresh water data?

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 08:37 AM
Sorry, maybe my posts are misleading. The person I sent the email to is not who I used to chat with, I am still trying to build a 'puter up to read my floppies. (darn message boards
) So I still might have further input, who knows, maybe they would join our discussions?

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 09:27 AM

purpose? to control the weather by preventing the predicted severe hurricane season, by flushing huge amounts of cold water into the ocean. (also might reverse the ocean current degradation that is causing the weather problems to begin with)

After thinking this through I seriously doubt we would have nuked anything to affect our weather. It would be like popping a balloon, we would no longer have a balloon. If we attempted something along these lines (if it were even possible on the scale required) to reverse a trend it would change the ocean temps alright, but the effects would probably be for the worse.

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 12:06 PM
I guess we can lay this to rest. Here is the reply I just got.


My first inclination is to say that the data are faulty. I've spent 6 years in Antarctica, including 2 winters, and I can tell you that there is pretty much NO WAY that there can be temperatures of +40 F in the region indicated on the map. That is high polar plateau, and I'd be really surprised if it is higher than -50 F about now. Check the Antarctic Connection ( for info. They usually are pretty up to date on what's happening.


I'd suggest we keep an eye on it all the same though, but from my take it was an anomaly.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 08:14 AM
Well, it is two years later, but they finaly came out with this:

Yahoo news

Warm temperatures melted an area of western Antarctica that adds up to the size of California in January 2005, scientists report.

They go on to say that the ice melted into the cracks which will allow for it to slide off into the sea much easier, raising sea levels.

[edit on 16-5-2007 by mrsdudara]

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 09:04 AM
I must say, I am amazed. I clicked on my own link at the begining of this thread to make sure it worked. It does, but it shows todays reading rather than the one in 2005. This is one of those kick my self moments. I wish I had saved the images from back in 2005. Here is todays image

That is the same place the warm area was 2 1/2 years ago. Now that we know that it was/is correct......this is really something to be worried about considering the fact that this is supposed to be the coldest time for that area right now. I will post the image of the dew points here in just a min.

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