posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 05:12 PM
On january 1, 1945 Reichsmarshall Goring instituted the "Ehrenabzeichen f�r fliegende Suppesch�ssel", more commonly known as the UFO Badge, to honor
the partisipants in the secret program.
Until this time qualified personnel had been awarded the pilots badge.
These badges were awarded to ufo squadron commanders, gunners, radiomen and repair crews
The badge was presented in a sealed paper packet with "streng Geheim" printed on the outside.
The award was so secret that the commander of each squadron kept all badges loced inside his office.
No award documents followed the order, as the owner shouldn`t know of it`s existence
got this from a site on the net i have since lost the original page but copied and pasted this onto a notepad before i deleted history i also have a
picture of the badge but it is on my desktop and don't know how to upload it.
can send it to e-mails or something or to someone who can upload it
sorry about the lack of link but an interesting read i though