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secret nazi ufo badge

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posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 05:12 PM
On january 1, 1945 Reichsmarshall Goring instituted the "Ehrenabzeichen f�r fliegende Suppesch�ssel", more commonly known as the UFO Badge, to honor the partisipants in the secret program.
Until this time qualified personnel had been awarded the pilots badge.
These badges were awarded to ufo squadron commanders, gunners, radiomen and repair crews

The badge was presented in a sealed paper packet with "streng Geheim" printed on the outside.
The award was so secret that the commander of each squadron kept all badges loced inside his office.
No award documents followed the order, as the owner shouldn`t know of it`s existence

got this from a site on the net i have since lost the original page but copied and pasted this onto a notepad before i deleted history i also have a picture of the badge but it is on my desktop and don't know how to upload it.

can send it to e-mails or something or to someone who can upload it

sorry about the lack of link but an interesting read i though


posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 08:16 PM
So they got an award that they didn't get to keep... not only that but one that no one ever knew about... that's stupid... oh well, they were Nazi's, what do you expect.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 08:21 PM

Can you go back to that site and post a photo of the badge, here, for us all to see?

My impression, though, was that a lot of the German UFO stories had been shown as hoaxes designed by some guy in italy who wanted to sell magazines/newspapers.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 08:43 PM

hi mate,

i have a pic of it on my desktop i don't know how to post it on the forum but i can send it to you and maybe you could


posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 08:59 PM
I went looking for that site with the nazi ufo badge,don't know if this is the right one, but it looks mighty tasty anyway.

posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 04:17 AM
that isn't the one but like you said it does look good lots of reading on it i am still searching for the page thought all i needed to do was a google search aswell lol


posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 04:45 AM
Not too sure I liked that website. It had alot of good info, but it was too IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 05:28 AM
Yeah right.. Luftwaffe veterans would like this, NOT! They didnt fly UFOS, just ordinary planes and jets..

These were the UFOS:

And not many of even those ever flew..

[Edited on 24-8-2003 by FULCRUM]

posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Graham
i also have a picture of the badge but it is on my desktop and don't know how to upload it.

can send it to e-mails or something or to someone who can upload it

sorry about the lack of link but an interesting read i though


Here is your UFO Badge. Thanks for sending me the copy.

posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 10:00 AM
That badge looks pretty cool and i never knew about the secret nazi badge. However, it does look abit fake to me.

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 06:18 AM
It looks damn fake to me. If you take a close look to the ufo on the badge you see that it's a picture and that the medal itself is crafted out of metal. I even think I saw that ufo on one of this hitler's ufo pictures.

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 06:21 AM
The UFO part of the badge looks like it shouldn't be there. Have you got the link to the site??

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 02:30 PM
sorry guys i have looked for ages now and haven't came near to the webpage i saw i was just surfing one night and by chance copied and pasted that article and saved the badge for to put on abovetopsecret
i thought i had nothing better to do than type in secret nazi ufo badge in google but that has been no help i will keep trying though


posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 02:33 PM
i also zoomed in on the badge around the ufo to see if there was any evidence of tampering but to be honest i'm no photoshop expert so kinda didn't know what i was lookin for lol
im sure i read in a few posts ago there was a few guys on here who were very good in spotting forgeries hope these guys can give there opinions



posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 02:50 PM
Lol, I'm almost 100% positive the UFO prtion of the badge is fake. Look at the flag on the UFO it almost looks like the British flag!

I think this has been tampered with.

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 03:06 PM
looks like a fake.

one more thing.... "Ehrenabzeichen f�r fliegende Suppesch�ssel"???
ummmm Suppesch�ssel?!?! I live in a german speaking part of the world, German term for flying saucer is "fliegende untertasse". I have never ever heard of a term "Suppesch�ssel". My guess is, its one of those very-bad-internet-translator-engine terms.

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 02:34 AM
Suppessch�ssel means soup bowl. And the UFO on the badge looks like an illu�stration I saw on the "Vril" project in a book on the subject, plus the Video "Hitlers UFOs"

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 02:42 AM
I know it means soup bowl, I meant I've never heard somebody use that term in connection with UFOs, as far as I know its always "fliegende untertasse".

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 03:04 AM
I thought you were unclear on the meaning, sorry. I also have never heard of that term being used in German to describe UFOs. Fliegende Untertasse seems to be the most common words used. But another interesting fact or tale is the Luftwaffe had nothing to do with the so called UFO projects, as the legend goes, it was an exclusive SS project.

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 03:07 AM
This was a really nice one..

Please inspect the following linked photo.

This is of "An EXTREMELY RARE, authentic, LUFTWAFFE tank assault badge ( circa 1944 ), guaranteed to be pre-May, 1945, manufacture"

Remove the tank and paste in a UFO:

I am not denying that the Nazis had a UFO corps; I am simply doubting the veracity of the photograph.

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