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Lost City of Atlantis found

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posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 12:36 PM
Eh. If Atlantis was anywhere it would be right here. On the sunken Azores plateau, where there used to be a nice protected southern port with access to the wide fertile plains. Of course, if it existed at all it would now be destroyed and buried under hundreds of feet of silt and other debris. Good luck finding it.

P.S. -- You can clearly see where a big secondary chunk of the meteorite hit, just to the east. The crater is there, along with ejecta lines.
edit on 6-11-2015 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 12:39 PM
I like the multiple atlanti theory.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: micpsi

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: micpsi

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: hellfire3
with geologists unable to agree if it is natural or man made.

Which geologists that have studied it claim it is man made?

None of them.


That means nothing. It would be professional suicide if they did have the honesty to recognise the Bimini road as not natural. But some people are so naive that they think that scientists, geologists, etc care only about the truth. Instead, they care more about their careers. So they are highly motivated to reject any evidence that does not fit the scientific paradigm.

So, aren't you going to start explaining Robert Schoch's position at Boston University, held now for over 30 years?

We're waiting.


For every Schoch, there are dozens of researchers who damaged their academic careers through studying and advocating non-conventional theories that contradicted the prevailing paradigm in their field. It is the exception like Schoch that proves the rule. So try an argument next time that does not blow up in your face.

We're waiting.

So, you can't explain it then?

Okay, how about listing some of these people with damaged academic careers.


posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: bulrush
a reply to: Phage

The "Bimini road" is not composed of squares.

Yes it is. A square is technically a special type of rectangle. The same applies for 3d objects: cube vs rectangular prism or cuboid. List of names for 3d solids.

A square is a specail case of rectangle, but a rectangle is not a special case of square.



posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Harte

A square is a specail case of rectangle, but a rectangle is not a special case of square. Fail.

I never said a rectangle is a special case of square. Reading fail.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: bulrush
a reply to: Harte

A square is a specail case of rectangle, but a rectangle is not a special case of square. Fail.

I never said a rectangle is a special case of square. Reading fail.

But you did claim that the irregular rectangles of the Bimini "road" were squares, didn't you.


posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: bulrush
a reply to: Harte

A square is a specail case of rectangle, but a rectangle is not a special case of square. Fail.

I never said a rectangle is a special case of square. Reading fail.

But you did claim that the irregular rectangles of the Bimini "road" were squares, didn't you.

Uh, what happened? You don't see that this is claiming that rectangles are square?

Thinking fail.

edit on 11/7/2015 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:04 PM
Did China turn Christian already

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:04 PM
Did China turn Christian already

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