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Is there for anyone of us ONE TRUE LOVE SOMWHERE IN THE WORLD?

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posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 12:22 PM
Oh great and sovereign Ruler of Planet Mongo,

Somewhere along the lines, you interpeted my words as though I intended them to be argueing something they are not.

It's as though you want me to argue a point of view I don't support, which I respectfully decline to do so.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Klepto

.. with all due respect, Jesus is not mine or any other non Christian individuals "true love".

Thanks for agreeing with me.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 05:30 PM
I was given a gift that was and is too big for me.

They say life is made up of five or six moments that change everything. In the case of meeting him, it was/is true. In that moment, the entire universe faded away and somehow I knew I had met someone that I would be entangled with for the rest of my life, even if it wasn't a shared experience.

I met him over 11 years ago. We are no longer in contact. We grew to be close friends, intensely close. We were never more than friends, though the matter of latent romance was discussed on two different occasions throughout the duration of our six year friendship.

We haven't been in touch for years now, though after he moved away from the city we both lived in, we had a chance encounter a year after he had moved. He came back to visit and was in town for one night ... ONE NIGHT and we ran into each other, incidentally.

All he had to do was walk in the door and I was ruined.

All of my buried whims and affections were unearthed at once, exposed to the white hot light of day all over again.

Of course my naivety and preponderance to hope annihilated all sense of pragmatism. I was incandescently in love and totally disarmed. For years and years and years my ardor knew no reprieve, wasn't beholden to logic, pain, distance ... anything. It was as a deluge, wave after wave conquering my borders, submerging all resolve.

I used to think that I would find another. I used to think that this was actually a normal encounter, that others would inspire me and move me to the heights and depths that he did. No, at least not here on earth.

I love God above all.

As far as corporeal, earthly love is concerned - he knows no parallel.

So yeah, at least for me -

I'm not whimsical, suffering from the throes of blind passion nor am I at the behest of youthful delusions of grandeur ... I am older now. I have grown. I understand now. There was no way, even in multiple universes that "we" are/were ever meant to be.

And yet ...

And I say this not in some decided, bent devotion to him or an idea of him.

I say this because saying anything less couldn't be any more of a lie.

I have fallen in love once and only once. I don't know if this could possibly ever happen again.

I was young, too young. And the gift was big, too big.
edit on 18-12-2011 by followtheevidence because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

OMG...ET...You got banned. When did this happen.

OK back on topic.....I can only say that there probably is, and there probably is not...But from afar and in completion we all get what we want, and what we deserve..

So the answer is both yes and no, and it all depends on what you mean by "love" I have seen more then enough to know that not everybody is on the same page concerning that word and its definition.

It really seems to be different strokes for different folks, and a whole lot of headaches and heartaches, and in the end we are only experiencing ourselves and getting to know ourselves better, trough others as a way to know thyself. And everything that constitutes as our life, is our mirror into our souls and what we are, what we were, and what we are becoming.

Some say it's all a learning experience.
...... I say...meh.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by yavis
do you think that somehow somwhere in the world anyone of us has a true love. And how big is the chance that we will meet each other?


In order to find true love one must first love truly. Then, everyone becomes your true love.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by Machine
You can look around until you're blue in the face but no man or woman will give you that which you seek. Only a relationship with the Son of God can fill that hole.

Know Jesus, Know Peace.
No Jesus, No Peace.

in response to "HUH?"

The original poster wanted to know if there is only 1 true love for each of us.

Machine says everyones' true love is Jesus.

That being so, and 1 +1 = what it does, then

In order for everyone to truly love Jesus, no one can have sex with anyone, but Jesus. For, they would be cheating on the Son of God, who is whom everon's true love is.

Therefore, no other man but Jesus will have sex with any other woman, because every womans true love is Jesus.

If you don't comprehend this point of view, here is what I feel:
It truly isn't worth arguing in the first place.

Sex does not equal love.

To love Jesus is to love everyone.

For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.

Just sayin...

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I think the OP is talkin about love between a man and woman.

Love of Jesus is amazing but love between a man and a woman is bliss...

I believe if you can find that person you can't live without... and they feel the same about you...

Its possible to find your "soul mate"...

Though i haven't found her yet

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by IAMIAM

I think the OP is talkin about love between a man and woman.

Love of Jesus is amazing but love between a man and a woman is bliss...

Absolutely! The second commandment after Adam and Eve screwed up the first one was, go forth and multiply.

With Child birth being so damn hard on a woman, that love, even the sex which comes from it had to be awesome!

Could you imagine a woman wanting to take that chance without the passions of love and the joy of sex?

We would never have made it out of the jungles.

The secret to keeping them when you find them is continuing to love them passionately, and to keep the sex joyful.

Originally posted by Akragon
I believe if you can find that person you can't live without... and they feel the same about you...

Its possible to find your "soul mate"...

Though i haven't found her yet

Guess what, she is looking for you too.

May you find each other.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I truely hope so my friend...

my thanks, and happy holidays

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 05:40 AM
Yes. I've been looking my whole life.

And there are many signs that you can use to help you tell if you have found "The One". A few examples:

The fact that you're both wanting to change and learn. You may not want to learn about the exact same things, but you both have the qualities that make it easy, natural for the other to learn what they need to.

The types of lifestyle that suit you.

If there is an undconditional trust between the two of you.

If the WAY that the two of you get to know each other seems to come naturally regardless of what society does to get in the way. ( Or even help for that matter even though one of you may not see it as it happens. Only after the fact )

Out of all those signs though, there are a few that stand out. If you're having to get to know each other in a limited way, and you share every sign that I just pointed out, and you spend a lot of time apart, and that time apart is punctuated by a strange pain inside both of you, chances are very good, if not 100%, that you have found "The One" for you.

If anybody reading this can relate to what I'm saying, trust me, you're going to want to do everything in your power to make sure you get together. Maybe you both already are, but one of you may have to make some major changes. More than likely the man, but it will be well worth it in the long run. Change is what you both want anyway. And I can't stress enough how important trust is in all of this. Without it, nothing can happen and that may be a big leap of faith on the part of one or both of you. But it's something that has to be there.

This is maybe the biggest thing that keeps people who were made to be together, apart. Most people assume that when they meet The One everything about it is going to come so naturally that there will be no work involved. Some things will come naturally, this is the main reason you can tell in the first place, but some things require work and time. The current situations you both are in will determine how much work and time is involved. But it has to be done and it WILL be done.

If these two sogs aren't relevant to the topic of The One and how frustrating it can be when you find them but can't be with them right away, I don't know if there are any songs that can sum it up.

edit on 7-2-2012 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by followtheevidence

Your post is beautiful, and the way you have described it is heart touching.

You have discovered your "one true love", and fate was cruel it seems.

I have no words of comfort for you, but know that in your faith, you have a solid loving family.


posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 07:38 AM
There are no soul mates, true love, other halves, nothing.

This isn't Disney.

There is real love. It means sharing a life with someone but keeping your own. It means that you know what their faults are, and you accept them, or work through the problems.
Real love means that you stay even if there is a time you don't like them very much, till the rollar coaster swings back up.
Real love is that you can't stand their family, but you go and behave at family functions anyways.
Real love is that you do what it takes to make the relationship work.

What real love isn't: is setting the relationship up for failure because you expect that person to make you happy. That you expect that person to be perfect, thinking that it will always be easy without the hard work.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Machine

Please go back to the bible thumping site that keeps sending people over here.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by yavis

I think we have a lot of potential true loves and soulmates. If you find just one of them, then you're a lucky person. I think there's something though, that kind of forces us together at some point, whether you call it fate, karma, etc.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
There are no soul mates, true love, other halves, nothing.

This isn't Disney.

There is real love. It means sharing a life with someone but keeping your own. It means that you know what their faults are, and you accept them, or work through the problems.
Real love means that you stay even if there is a time you don't like them very much, till the rollar coaster swings back up.
Real love is that you can't stand their family, but you go and behave at family functions anyways.
Real love is that you do what it takes to make the relationship work.

What real love isn't: is setting the relationship up for failure because you expect that person to make you happy. That you expect that person to be perfect, thinking that it will always be easy without the hard work.

I wish my life were as simple as yours. I'm not calling YOU simple, just your outlook on love.

You're right though, this isn't Disney. This is the real world and we have to deal with it on it's own terms. We can't go into something with pie in the sky dreams and expect it to fit in with reality.

There can be times in a relationship when the bad times do too much damage to be repaired. Sometimes other family members are the reason for it or at least contributed to it without even realizing it. Sometimes this can happen to what you thought all along was a solid love.

When something like this does happen, it's a blow to your system. Your whole sense of what you thought was real gets shattered. The pieces of what's left are scattered and you know that you don't even want to pick them up because that will put you right back where you were. On some wild goose chase after fools gold because you couldn't find love.

There are times when something like this happens to a person, they wake up at the same time to someone they've known but haven't really seen before. If you know what I mean. You see in them what you used to be before life started kicking your a** and taking you down. And that makes YOU want to do what you can to keep that from happening to THEM. That's what love does. Brings out the best in you so you can bring out the best in someone else. And chances are....they don't even know what's going on inside you.You see in them a real life version of what YOU wanted to be but just didn't have the strength, or whatever it is that they have, to achieve that. You see a beauty, a kind of purity, inside them that you used to have your own version of. In a way it's like stepping back in time. But again, this isn't Disney, so you shake your head, try to snap out of that "love coma" and go about your life. But just when you think that it wasn't as real as you thought it was, that strange pain creeps back inside you and they're all you ever think about again.

When something like this does happen, it's a blow to your system. Your whole sense of what you thought was real gets shattered. The pieces of what's left are scattered and you know that you have to pick them up and make something out of them because, for all intents and purposes, you have to. YOU have nothing left, while THEY have nothing, or at the least very little, used.

This isn't something you ask for. This is not something a person makes up or makes happen, yet it's the kind of situation where YOU have to do something about it. What happened hurt you. What also happened put you in a position where someone else is going to have to get hurt. It's not easy and there is no quick fix. The person or people who hurt you are going to have to get hurt in retun. You've just become the person who God decided to put Karma in your lap and he said "Here, deal with it. This is what you get for giving up on me." Maybe it's because you spent your whole life looking for "The One", life kicked your a** somehwere down the line and you wound up settling for a person who you thought was "good enough." And for a period of time they were. But for some unforseen reason, that wall came tumbling down and the type of person you were looking for all along was waiting there on the other side.

Bittersweet doesn't even come close to describing this. You can't really describe it all. You just have to deal with it the best you can while driving blind through it because it's something that never happened to you before.

But whatever happens, you know you can't go back to the people, places and things that were destructive and counterproductive to who YOU really were. You can't move forward with that as your motivation though. That's a road that will lead you nowhere. So yeah....if you can make something like that all work out for the good in the end.....I think you have true love, a soul mate if you will, at that point. If for some reason, God forbid, it doesn't happen, you know you're better off alone at that point.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Its not simple at all. in fact I think most people are completely unprepared for how hard marriage or a long term relationship can be.
they think that love will get them through anything, and that it will be all sunshine and rainbows.

But in the real world, you have to wade through everyday pressure and problems that only mount, and then you have to deal with your spouse.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Thanks. It's good to know that I'm on the same page with another "old timer" here.

And you're right, the pressures of everyday life can be hard and it's good to have someone to come home to to help soften those blows. It's nice when you find someone like that and, the person I was reffering to in the above post, thought he found his "cushion" and called it love. But as it turns out he was only living his life as a glass half full.

He's the type of person I guess who wants it all. And my hat is off to the guy because he really is working hard to get out of where he's at and into something that he feels could really be the real thing. With even more work of course.

I guess this discussion all boils down to what your definition of real love or "The One" is. Some people set the bar higher than others and this guy believes that where he set the bar is where she deserves to be. He thinks that highly of her that he feels she's "got it in her" to be at the level he's at. He can't really explain why he feels that way, it's just an instinct he has. And for his sake, I hope he's right. I've known him for a long time and he really does deserve the best life can give him. He's a good guy who's been knocked around a lot.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by Machine

Please go back to the bible thumping site that keeps sending people over here.

...and please, kindly gather all your friends that have been coming to this site. The site is Above Top Secret, not About That Satan...

Soul mate... I married my soul mate, or so I thought. Turned out she thought the neighbour was hers. I did find it a little humerous that he thought his was a corvette and a bottle of booze.
Now I don't think soul mates exist so much any more.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:23 AM
I found my true love.. After divorcing and trying the internet to see whats out there, there he was.
The man I have always wanted. My respect for him and his interllect, his humour and his personality all bound up in 1 hunk of fasinating maleness.
I now believe in fate and that your life has 2 paths.
I will have many many happy years with him.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:44 AM
You'll know when you find it. You'll always know when you lose it. Don't go looking for it but embrace it if you do. ..peace,sugarcookie1

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