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New Coca-Cola Commercial and Rock Sellouts

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posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:23 PM
Anyone see that commercial with them neo-hippies sitting around on the roof "I'd like to teach the world to chill". I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!

"Chilltop" is the lamest commercial of this decade! G.Love now a Grand Sell-out!

It's apart of the unwritten rules of Rock etiquette "Don't endorse any products. Only Endorse causes and non-profit Organizations", Licensing your music out to for commericial usage is not against the unwritten rule.
Acting as a second career is NOT selling out (Lead Guiterist for Biohazard on Oz, nor Gwen Stefani on "The Aviator", nor Gavin Rossdale on "Costintine")

G.Love has adapted the classic tune with an upbeat rhythm and edgier, contemporary lyrics that lay out the 'chillosophy' of taking downtime on your own terms
from PR Newswire.

"Chillosophy" PLEASE!!!

Coca-Cola has caffine in it, Caffine doesn't make people chill.

On simular note.. others that have sold out.
Lillix - Doing an Eye care commericial
MTV VJ Carson Daily - Some pizza Commercial and a Pepsi Commerical
P. Diddy - Doing the Pepsi Commericial with fellow corporate sell outs
Survivor - Doing a Starbucks Commericial
Michael Buble - Doing a Starbucks Commericial

I admire Green Day, Moby, among many others that did not sell out!

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:34 PM
I don’t understand the “sellout” label. Who are they betraying by accepting a multi million dollar paycheck for endorsing a product?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:37 PM
That's a good question. They are betraying, the purpose. Which was to break out of conformity and social rules. Which has been Rock N' Roll's beginning. From the very birth of Rock N' Roll to guys with long hair.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
That's a good question. They are betraying, the purpose. Which was to break out of conformity and social rules. Which has been Rock N' Roll's beginning. From the very birth of Rock N' Roll to guys with long hair.

You're a candidate for punk rock
. I listed to a lot of punk (Although I am a conservative and most of it is liberal) and it's VERY refreshing not to have the songs I listen to constantly played on the radio until I'm sick of it, or the band I like appearing in "Teen Magazine" or endorsing some crappy project. It's nice to know that most of them are doing it for the love of the music, thus the reason why they aren't all millionairs. And it's also really nice to not have every other person saying that they're their favorite band as well. Oh, and I love being left out of the stupid "MTV Beach" inspired trendy music conversations. "Did you see sugar cult's new video?" "Chyeah, Christina was totally hot in that video". "But what's with Aaron wearing those green airwalks?" "Pfft, I don't know, let's go buy some!". Yeah, I made up every bit of that. I've never even seen a Sugarcult video. The only problem is that recently (Within the past 5 years...) punk has been turning into mainstreem again, but thankfully I think it's dying out. Don't get confused between pop-punk and real punk, though. Pop punk are bands like Good Charolette, Blink 182, Sugar Cold, etc. etc. Those bands practically exist to sell out. Plus, just about every mainstreem rock band has sold out in one way or another.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 04:01 PM
There are some Bands out there that support Punk Voter, Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice,, World Wildlife Fund, Breast Cancer Awareness, St. Jude's Hospital among many other Non-Profit and Not-for-Profit organizations.
That is the RIGHT thing to do. (Even though I disagree with some of the organizations they support). They do that to encourage their fan base to support the same cause they support.

But encouraging their fan base to buy a product they endorse is indeed selling out.

The Biggest Sell out is any musician that endorses a political canidate!
That is because the root of Rock N' Roll is going against the system! Not Supporting it! The System as in POLITICIANS.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 01:16 PM
Yeah, Godzilla, that's what I was talking about. There is a problem, though, with bands like NOFX and their whole anti-Bush campaign thing. Those promos and such they run are 520's, and they get payed to rally against Bush, or so I've heard. It's terrible. I think it's kinda dumb for a band to push their political agenda, unless it's positive and not ragging on anyone else. I go to concerts and listen to music for fun, not to be blasted by some hate propaganda.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 03:18 PM
I remember this song/ad format from the first time. 1970's.
It was a bunch of 'model style' / super cute Hippies singing the song.
(They were all covered in flowers and holding candles. Totally over the top stupid).

It was AWFUL! (if I am not mistaken this ad jingle was an actual song that was bought and adapted for Coke. I'd look this up somewhere, but I don't care enough, and the whole thing is just sickening).

The old hippie version of this ad was sickening;
The new version is just as sickening.

Whenever it comes on, I put the sound off.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 08:15 PM
What I absolutely hate is when they have food commercials where the announcer tries to talk so as to make you hungry. The cheez-it commercials are the WORST. He has this...way of talking I don't even know how to describe it, but I think it's trying to make you hungry for cheez-its, and it just makes me wanna hurl. At the end he goes "Cheez-it. Get your own box", and I kill myself everytime I see it.

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 10:43 PM
As far as I know, none of the perps you mentioned ever swore an oath of poverty, or promised to only play venues of less than 50 people. . .

No, I have not respect for them; but then I wasn't exactly data-mining his GQ interviews to try and reconstruct P. Diddy's personal code of ethics BEFORE he became a Pespiwhore.

They are Celebritneys. They are plastic people. They get paid more for being good-looking than for actually having talent. Their talent is to appear likeable.

Can Jessica Simpson really sing? Come on, There's a little old lady in my church choir who makes the angels swoon every time she belts out "the old rugged cross." But nobody is paying to see Grandma rolling around in rose petals ON THE COVER OF THE ROLLING STONE, either.

YOU are the sell-out, whenever you focus on Famous people, instead of real people, like the humans and pets in your own family. They are FAR more important than any virtual-reality constructs on the boob tube.

So go read a book. go hang out in a coffee house or a diner or a pool hall. Meet some humans that don't fart tinsel whenever a microphone is shoved in thier face.

You know what, celebrities are most like the ALIENS people are always freaking out over on this website. They ARE aliens, because they FEED on your attention. They covet your gaze. If you quit looking for them, then they fade away into non-existence.

"The TV was actually turned on by her. And vice versa"

-Jethro Tull.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
So go read a book. go hang out in a coffee house or a diner or a pool hall. Meet some humans that don't fart tinsel whenever a microphone is shoved in thier face.

See, what I don't get is why everyone thinks books are so much better than T.V. I mean, I read, and I don't feel any "better" after reading than I do after watching T.V. You're still sitting alone, staring at something, letting the ideas of some writer merge into your thoughts... The only difference is that with T.V, you have to think slightly less.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 12:45 PM
and porn doesn't count.

Reading uses both hemispheres because it involves language (left hemisphere in most humans) and using words to construct mental pictures (right hemisphere for most of us.)

In the process of reading, you actually have to imagine the stuff.

On TV, all you have to do is recognize things, and laugh along with the soundtrack.

But I know what you mean.

If you want to read something that might bend your head a bit, try

Plutarch's "Lives of illustrious Men"
Cicero's "Rhetoric"
"the Federalist Papers"

stuff like that, maybe.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 10:59 PM
green day sold out by making a comeback and giving into to todays style and changing theres to sell records. bands like tool and NIN didnt sell out

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 01:10 PM
You've been answered, kinglizard, mostly anyway. It's one thing to get rich and be successfull. It's another to do it while staying loyal to your roots. The perfect example is Vin Diesel, and his movie about baby sitting. Now, he was offered money to make that movie, and he made lots of money on it. There's no denying he sold out.

Originally posted by phantompatriot
green day sold out by making a comeback and giving into to todays style and changing theres to sell records. bands like tool and NIN didnt sell out

Yes and no. "Time of your life" was a HUGE change for them, but it wasn't death. It just represented a more mature side of them. It takes guts to put out a song like that on an album like Nimrod, and continue with your fanbase. You can see it in Warning, Shenanigans, and especially in American Idiot. They're older, more mature, and a lot of that is reflected in their songs, but they've stayed very true to themselves, whether you think Dookie is the best thing ever or not. They've just refined their technique a bit, and have given a bit more direction to their music.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 03:45 PM
Here are the unwritten rules for Rock and Punk. Now written!

From the know it all website Wikipedia:

Selling out is a common slang phrase. Broadly speaking, it refers to the compromising of one's integrity in exchange for money or other personal gain. It is commonly associated with attempts to increase mass appeal or acceptability to mainstream society. A person who does this is labelled a sellout.

It should be noted that many people see nothing wrong with tailoring a product to the tastes of its audience, or with taking practical and financial considerations into account when making art. And, in regard to theater shows, musicals, etc, a "sell out" show is simply a show so successful that all tickets are sold out, and is considered a big compliment. Selling out may be then gaining success at the cost of credibility.

The History of Sell Outs

What is Selling out...
- Endorsing a Product; like a Soft Drink (P. Diddy, Carson Daly, MTV)
- Endorsing a Product to your Fan base; Lillix (The Eye Care Commericial)
- Endorsing a Politician (Jessica Simpson, Ricky Martin, Britney Spears)

What isn't selling out...
- Endsoring a NON-Profit or Not-For-Profit Organization.
- Encouraging your fan base to support a Non or Not for Profit Organization.
- Allowing those Non-Profit organizations to set up informational booths in the venue.
- Acting; If it be a popular film, to become a classic. A Silly Sci-Fi. An Action Adventure, A TV Series. or even Pornos. That's not selling out.
- Licensing out their music. Sometimes a cool product needs to go with a cool jam. That isn't selling out because they aren't directly saying "Buy this", If you're driving along the coast at 90 mph, there are certain songs you'd want playing. Anything from surfer music to Classical to Trash metal to R&B. It enhances the moment.
- Quiting because they suck and very small fan base. That isn't selling out, that quitting the entertainment business.

Recent BIG Sell-Outs..
- Destiny's Child for doing a McDonalds Commericial. They will be shamed for all eons!

Any other recent BIG sell-outs.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 03:47 PM
The King of ALL Sell-Outs!

Sean Combs!

[edit on 2-8-2005 by Godzilla1985]

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 01:30 PM
I've always had an issue with conversations like this. I see both sides of the sell-out argument. Who decides if someone else is a "sell-out"? My feeling is its not selling out if you can look yourself in the mirror every morning.

Some of the artists mentioned earlier (Tool, NIN, and most of the real punk world) don't do the endorsement thing and others do. My question is this:
Is it selling out if your whole goal when becoming an artist is to be rich and famous and after you show some popularity you're offered a ginourmous amount of cash to say "hey I drink Nozz-A-La!". Or are you selling out if you pimp for a product (or person/organization) you actually like/believe in?

I'm in a band 'cause its fun. But if I didn't get paid to play, I wouldn't put nearly as much time into it. Now, I'm not in the league of the artists mentioned above, but it is the same. Is my band a sell-out because we allow the local beer distributer (for a national brand beer) to help us out with promotions and give aways to draw a crowd, since its a beer we would drink anyway. Or are we sell outs because we promote the shop where I got pierced in exchange for some give aways and promotion to draw a crowd?

Is G. Love selling out, because you don't like artists pimping corporations. Has his style/ability changed because Coke paid him probably enough money to buy 10 big macs a day til he retires.

I think the sell-out label is attached to artists because at some point in their career some old fans don't feel as special anymore because now the artist has more fans. Instead of being the big fish in a little pond the old fan is now a little fish in a big pond and doesn't like the feeling.

sorry for the rant...

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by tonedef
My question is this:
Is it selling out if your whole goal when becoming an artist is to be rich and famous and after you show some popularity you're offered a ginourmous amount of cash to say "hey I drink Nozz-A-La!". Or are you selling out if you pimp for a product (or person/organization) you actually like/believe in?

Yes and no. If you're an artist to be rich and famous, then a. you're probably not worthwhile, b. you can't sell out because you've got nothing, no "soul," and c. go away.

That isn't to say they shouldn't make money, or even tons of it. If you're a famous artist, and you really, really, really think Sprite is the be all end all, then go for it. I know that when I get rich and famous, I'll endorse milk because it's the be all end all. Your local band can accept the beer money because you need money, to be a band, to keep playing, to make it worthwhile so you don't get another job (it is a job). If you're Metallica and you come out starring in an add for a car, you've sold out. If you're Metallica and you take money from companies so they can advertise at your venue, you haven't sold out. If you're an upstart band, and you do anything for money (as long as it isn't too illegal, or murdering other non-sellouts) you haven't sold out.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 06:11 AM
Dunno what you're on about but Right On, Man!

Everybody sells his or her ideals for money, otherwise the world would stop spinning and we'd all fall off!

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 07:40 AM
Godzilla1985 - I'm not entirely sure whether I agree with your definition of sell out. I prefer this one...

"If you work in the music business and you make money, you're a sell out" - South Park

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer

Yes and no. If you're an artist to be rich and famous, then a. you're probably not worthwhile, b. you can't sell out because you've got nothing, no "soul," and c. go away.


I agree with most of what you said, except for what I quoted above. What artist didn't get into the game for money or fame. Find me one person who didn't pick up the guitar in jr/sr high for money and fame. Now to a jr/sr high kid the money and fame isn't the world tour to 50,000+ person arenas. Its free beer at the party their playing and maybe finally getting to hook up with that hot chick who digs guys in bands.

If your not into your art for some degree of money or fame. You wouldn't take the band out of the garage, or your paintings would only be hanging in your family room.

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