posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 02:04 PM
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMegan. I, in middle school, predicted she would have a kid before we graduated High School. I was right. She was
a whore of whores, she put SPears to shame. She would go to parties and give head for money and more when she got some drinks in her. She thought
she was hot and wore skimpy clothes, she wasn't. She thought she was all that, she wasn't. The only person I know personally that if I had the
chance to send to hell, or Iraq, or the South, whatever other hellholes you can find, I would.
Also, she is working on her third right now, saw her at a store, didn't even know if it was her just said "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMegan" and she snapped!
Thankfully I had already paid for my stuff so I left when she started throwing the candies on the candy rack next to the Conveyor belt. As a friend
says... "She is making a small army to take over Canada."
Other then that? Corrupt Politicians, so all but 2-3 republicans and 10-20 democrats. Getting head isn't wrong, but lieing under oath was. If he
had just admitted it it wouldn't have been that big a deal. But he went the Nixon way and well, we all know the 228 days of news coverage over it.
Need to get third party people in, people who haven't been in power for years and control the universe, people who aren't owned by Big
Business(republicans) or special intrest groups(democrats).