posted on May, 10 2016 @ 02:35 PM
Going from a trusted source, it was stated that the top test speed was 2.83 mach. However, this was on a modified plane, so I'm not sure how heavily
modified it was (or what those mods were). I do know it wasn't on a VTOL modified version. (as that was my first question). My second question was how
did it affect the stealth, and the answer was that the mods still enabled stealth, just with a bit greater profile. Probably modified intakes, but I'm
guessing on that one.
A lot of their project had to do with modification to the plane to fit different mission profiles (to produce variants). Of course, this was prior to
the JSF, so.... (a lot of lessons learned though, did make it into the JSF).
However, since I can't name the source, or how he'd be intimate with such details (except to say he worked on a Raptor project), just have to take it
with a grain of salt. I don't offer anything more or less than just this hearsay.