reply to post by dragonrider
By David Adam
August 16, 2003
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United States military scientists are developing a weapon that kills by delivering an enormous burst of high-energy gamma rays, it has been
The bomb, which produces little fallout, blurs the distinction between conventional and nuclear weapons, and experts have already warned it could
spark a new arms race.
The science behind the gamma ray bomb is still in its infancy, and technical problems mean it could be decades before the devices are developed. But
the Pentagon is taking the project seriously.
The plans are getting under way at a time when the US is seeking ways to expand its arsenal of unconventional weapons.
In May Congress approved further research on a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons - bunker busters designed to drill into underground
shelters, and so-called mini-nukes with explosive yields of less than five kilotonnes.
According to New Scientist magazine, the gamma ray bombs are already included in the US Department of Defence's militarily critical technologies list
- a wish list of possible weapons technology the US considers essential to maintaining its superior firepower.
The bombs would not have the awesome destructive power of nuclear weapons, but the energy emitted from a gamma ray bomb would be thousands of times
greater than from conventional chemical explosives.
"Such extraordinary energy density has the potential to revolutionise all aspects of warfare," the magazine quotes the Defence Department as
The device would not produce energy by triggering nuclear fission or a fusion reaction, like nuclear weapons. Instead it would rely on the gamma rays
produced when the high-energy nuclei of some radioactive elements decay.
Four years ago scientists at the University of Texas in Dallas showed it was possible to trigger this effect artificially. The possibility that this
decay process, which usually takes place very slowly, could be accelerated and used in a weapon grabbed the attention of the Pentagon.
Scientists at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico are studying whether this can be achieved. The weapons would allow military
commanders to increase firepower without being forced to push the nuclear button.
Experts have warned that if the US scientists succeed in building a gamma ray bomb it could force other countries to start nuclear programs or, worse,
encourage those who already have nuclear weapons to use them.
Just one gram of the explosive would store more energy than 50 kilograms of conventional TNT. It would be as expensive as enriched uranium, but less
would be needed for a bomb. Unlike uranium, it does not need a critical mass of material to maintain the nuclear reaction.
It would produce little radioactive fallout compared with an atomic explosion, but could cause long-term health problems for anyone inhaling the
The Guardian
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