In 1993 I purchased a run down mansion, and it was built in 1887. I happened to be only the 3rd owner. I bought it from a widow woman whos husband
died in the house.
He had done alot of wacky and amazing things to the property. Such as covering the outside bottom skirting of the house in dinosaur bones and
crystals. His name was Lavon.
VERY soon after moving in and starting renovations of my own I learned my house was haunted. After some meditation and research I decided it MUST be
Lavon who was hanging around.
I started to talk to him....(he never spoke back
) But I would say things like, "well Lavon this old flooring has got to go, what do you think
of me refinishing it back to the origonal wood floor?" "Hey Lavon Oprahs on TV lets see what she is up to today" "Gee Lavon its a darn shame you
cant mow the lawn for me being a ghost and all"
I had a new baby, and after I started 'talking' to Lavon, whenever I was carrying the baby through the house what ever room I was heading to's door
would open for me! Seriously this was seen by anybody who was visiting.
They would ask me if it scared me and I said "no Lavon and I are buddies, I get his AOK on any renovations I think about"
He was a VERY NICE ghost to have around! Always opening doors, but only when my arms were full. He didnt open the fron door, but the other doors would
always creek open when I had the baby in my arms.
After a couple of years of renovating I opened the house and called it '
The River Goddess Bed & Breakfast Inn'. I then started renting rooms to guests.
A couple of times people staying in the area told me they were considering staying at my place but there was a scarey man looking out of the top floor
window out at them so they chose to stay elsewhere.
I believe Lavon would scare off folks who were not so nice, or of darkness....I think he did his window show as protection of me and mine.
I never did SEE any man in the window, only a couple of people in 10 years tols me they SAW this.....and I was glad for it really, figuring that Lavon
was keeping away bad elemants.
He was a nice ghost. I liked him. He was welcome in the home.