Now lets look at the pics of the 'UFOs' Some have said that they look very similiar, no they dont. This could be the kids doing what they do best,
messing stuff up. It could be that the craft landed just over 100m away form them. Or they could be lying.
Picture 1
This pictures design pops up again in the next picture, but it si drastically different to any of the others, it does have some little holes in but
also has a very obvious door and maybe a cockpit window on the front. It also has a litle ariel, as does the next picture.
Picture 2
The thing about this picture is, it is almost identical to the above one. Even the occupant looks basically the same. It was obviously drawn by
someone older or more experienced at drawing. The fact that makes me wonder though is why do these pics differ so greatly form the others? Is someone
telling porky pies, I think so! The dipictions of the craft differing so greatly by coincedance is almost impossible, evn more so that two pics look
exactly the same.
Picture 3
As far as I know, this ones pretty unique as well, but does match with the most common picture of the craft, just no holes. Has different landing
gear, but could be a kid with not as good eyesight or something.
Picture 4
This is another interesting one, as like the above pic the craft is situated within some trees, which none of the other pics show may I add. The basic
shape is the same as well.
Picture 5
This picture is the same as the above two, but is a bit more elongated, the drawer appears to be showing the craft either hovering or in flight, but
the picture may not have been completed when the phote was taken.
What we have here is two very different types of craft which does make the story less reliable, but not completely false. If anyone can explain why
the two desigs look so different, feel free.
Another thing I have to add is that one of the children in the links you provided said that the craft had bright red lights on it. Why do none of the
other children mention this? Proably becasue this paticular kid was lying, which goes to show that others could have lied about certain things.
Now then, this post is not ment to completely disprove the story, far from it. I just wanted to show that the kids were easily open to telling little
mistruths or making up their own little bits to the encounter. This does make the story (as I said before) a wee bit more unreliable.