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Whats this life thing all about?

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posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 04:47 PM
In another thread someone asked what the purpose of it all was, why the battles had to be fought and does God win in the end.

Here is my cut on it.

God is a being who wants to have other beings to spend time with. God created humans in some way for company. You see this in Genesis where God would talk with Adam.

Now you only want beings that follow you because they love you and choose you, not becuase you programmed them, or because they practice "cupboard love".

Think of cats and dogs, cats will follow the food, he who makes them happy is their master. Dogs are loyal to someone till death, (sometimes).

So how do you weed out those who love you for who you are and those who say they love you but really are just in it for the benefits?

You make a place like earth where people's lives are to choose one or the other.

Now those who don't choose God are against God and will form forces to oppose those who are loyal to God. Natural isn't it,

Lucifer the Arc angel (supreme angel) lost his love for God and instead loved himself. He persuaded 1/3 of the angels to rebel and got kicked out of heaven to earth. So he and his angels are the forces that seek to turn people's love for God into hate.

However this actually works for the best, as those who TRUELY love God will suffer, but in accepting the suffering are weeded out from those who just want to use him for their own ends.

Jesus had the same problems when he was on earth. People would follow him, not because of who he said he was (I am the Truth and the Light, no one comes to the Father except through Me) but for the healings, food, and excitment. So he regularly had to weed them out with some strong teaching.

Anyway on a larger level this is what happens here on earth, people divide themselves through their choices into the wheat and the chaff. At this stage on earth the two are not necesarlly, Churched / Non churched.

This is a time when the "weeds are gowing up with the corn," so there are non true followers, in the true followers camp. But a time will come of great persecution when those who are not true will be weeded out. God uses persecution to find out who is really for him.

Anyway eventually those against God will fight those for God, but seeing one side has the ultimate being on their side the followers of God will succeed. But even in death the followers succeed, because death is merely the door to eternal life.

But the whole point of life is in the choice you make to follow God, and to keep making that choice no matter how hard it gets. Everthing else is incidental.

So the actual battles, what happens, etc are not of much importance, God is weeding out his people, those who folow and accept him. He can enjoy these peoples company and give them a real life after they die because they have shown that they truely love him during their lives.

Thats why satan hates revelation, in the end he loses, and he will. just as you thresh wheat you beat it until the grain falls out and you burn the rest which is of no use. Sure the grain (christians) get beaten, but they survive while the rest gets burned.

Christians are the grain in this world. But this is not a denomination thing, but an individual thing. People individually accept God, the church you belong to is not the factor, as it can have those in it who do not follow God with the right motives.

Originally posted by Gazrok
Doesn't it seem rather silly to stage a punishment thousands of years in the future, for something your creation (which, as a perfect being, cannot be flawed) will do something you don't like? Especially when that is part of their being??? Sorry, I don't buy it. However, according to scripture, even you Christians buy the farm, you simply then get brought back to be with Jesus...but you still must endure the hell on Earth phase....

Personally, when I read Revelations, it sounds like a comet or asteroid hitting the Earth. Read it again with this in mind, and see if you agree....

[Edited on 22-8-2003 by Netchicken]

[Edited on 22-8-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 04:54 PM
Wow. I wish I was a moderator just so I could applaud that post.

IT's exactly how I see is making the choice between with-god or without. But Netchicken put it complletely better. Well done sir, you should drink a beer just for posting that.

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 05:28 PM

I really enjoyed Netchicken's post too, and no doubt there will be a return to this topic to venture forth with some kind of Eden-based Satanic response when this has been thought through... particularly with regard to why temptation and sin were themselves part of God's plan.

When God created Mods, he gave them the power to award Applause to mortals, and to some of them the wisdom inherently required to perform that duty.

He also made it abundantly clear to the Mods that they could not applaud each other. That was consummate Divine Wisdom.

Did you notice that at all?

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 05:39 PM
link're right MA...I feel I should hang my head

But never the less, I personally applaud that post for it's clarity and truth....for what my applause is worth

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 05:58 PM
Good post for christians.
I'm not really one of them.
This kind of bothered me:

Christians are the grain in this world. But this is not a denomination thing, but an individual thing. People individually accept God, the church you belong to is not the factor, as it can have those in it who do not follow God with the right motives

What about Muslims? Do they not worsip the same "god"? How about Jews?Are millions of Buddhists destined to what you call "hell"?

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 06:23 PM
No Fry2, I think NEtchicken meant that it doesn't matter wether you are christiam, muslim, buddha, or whatever. You worship a "God", you have your own beliefs and you personally find God.

Of course, I could be wrong. Have to see what netchicken says..

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 08:07 PM
Fry2 here is a response to that from the perspective of the Church....

1954 baltimore catechasim

page 141....

" Can they be saved who remain outside the catholic church because they do not know it is the true church "

Those who do not know it is the true church, can be saved by making uses by the grace god gives you. God condemns no man except for grave sin. Therefore
he will not condemn those who through no fault of their own are unaware of his commands to belong to the true church, provided they sevre him (faithfully) according to their own (conscience). Have a sincere desire to do his will in all things, and therefore implicitly wish to become members of his church. They are members of the church in desire ""

It (is) possible for one that has never even heard of jesus christ to be saved. In order for such a one to be saved, it is required that he or she observe the natural law; with help of god, everyone having the use of reason can do that.

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