posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 11:44 PM
Under water, in caves, under the desert (or even in a desert, there's not many witnesses out there), pretty much anywhere in antarctica, any country
with a lot of unused area, (Canada, Russia, etc), artificial island floating somewhere in the ocean thousands of miles from anything, in a huge forest
(like the amazon, but there's lots of others).
That's assuming they don't use some sort of camouflage, in which case they could be nearly anywhere. If they didn't appear on radio/infrared, or
were not visible to the naked eye, they could just be floating around in the air somewhere (maybe even just over your house!)
quoting Lordbucket: Sometimes the best hiding is done in plain sight.
Darned right, especially if their technology was vastly superior. They could be anywhere. Even if they didn't use such tech, they could be right
under our noses. Maybe they could hide in the sewer system? Think of Saddam Hussein hiding in that teeny bunker within sight of his palace for all
that time, and no one found him. Now take an alien with a 1000 IQ and have it find a hiding spot. You're not likely to find it.