posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 03:00 PM
A study of the gas in meteorites suggests that Mars was bitter cold for much of the past 4 billion years. During this period Mars didn't have any
extended wet periods in which life could have lived. The only opportunity for life would be the first 500 million years of it's existence.
A new study of gas in meteorites suggests Mars was bitterly cold for pretty much all of the past 4 billion years, putting the freeze on hopes that
the Red Planet had any extended wet periods during which life could have flourished.
Several rocks that were once near the surface of Mars, and have in the past few million years been kicked up by impacts that sent them to Earth, have
been freezing cold for most of the past 4 billion years, the study concludes.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
I think its sad that scientists say that life more than likely couldn't have lived on Mars in the past 4 billion years. It does say however that it
doesn't rule out the possibility of life on Mars, but that biology's best chance for life would be the first 500 million years of it's 4.5 billion
year existence
[edit on 7/21/2005 by 9890]