posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 12:45 PM
i'm not denying that its possible but lets consider the following:
if the nanos eat the Carbon dioxide, HOW would they eat the CO2? would they eat the carbon and release the Ox? if they release the ox, then we would
possibly benefit but...
what happens when they are full of carbon? would they leave us through the digestion system, making them disposable? i cant imagine that they would do
us much good if they just stayed inside us. if they did leave us, we would need topping up, which means that drug firms would make a mint out of us,
even more so than they are now
also if they were there just to pick up the co2, then what would they use for power? maybe they are two options here.1 if they divide the co2 into
carbon and ox, then maybe the process would generate enough energy to fuel the nanos, or 2 they use our natural bio-electricity as fuel
as for the algae we would have to take into account the possible side effects, as i imagine it would be much harder to control than the nanos.
any way, i like your theory. if you look at it, they are also other tasks that the bots could be tasked with, such as reinforcements for natural
antibodies, improved healing speed for wounds and such.
perhaps human endurance could reach a whole new level