posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 08:53 AM
Originally posted by infinite
well i found their lodge in canterbury and im paying them a visit soon do you think they would mind answering afew questions?
No problem. Not only will they answer your questions but they should point to or give you some literature about themselves.
Freemasonry in the UK is not nearly as hush-hush as you believe. You probably only think that it is because you have never actively sought out any
information from them. A lot of people expect freemasonry to come to them and tell them about itself, but why should it? It's just like anything else
in this world - if you want to learn about it go talk to somebody who takes part in it.
MA wasn't using wordplay when he referred to Masonry as being a "society with some secrets" rather than a "secret society". When you look around
you can find plenty of UK societies that are far less open to question than masonry. In fact, in recent years, freemasons in the UK have been held
under so much scrutiny that it was recently judged that their Human Rights have been frequently breached, yet still, masonry has borne this affront
with a quiet dignity.
You also stated that freemasonry in the UK doesn't hold that many events. You couldn't be further from the truth.
Freemasonry is one of the most active charitable societies in the UK, supporting literally 1000s of charities and engaging in all sorts of fund
raising activities. The reason that you don't hear about this, is because they don't boast about their work, as they believe that charity should be
undertaken without receiving reward or recognition.
Anyway, good luck with your visit to your local lodge. I'm sure you will find it worthwhile.
Where you take it from there is up to you.