posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Mycroft
My personal opinion is they should go with the chemotherapy, but I'm not raising this kid, they are. Where should the line be drawn between the
rights of the parents and the rights of the state?
Sometimes the actions of a parent is not exactly understood by the general public...The article did not give any information whether there were
religious, or moral circumstances at play as well. How many people believe that there is a possibility of alternative treatments for cancer other
than Chemo?...Which is very devistating to the human body as well, killing not only cancer cells but those that are very benificial too.
Most times Chemo doesn't guarentee survival rates any more positive than the alternative possibilities...
I think that the State, in many instances has begun to think that they are the parent, and have oversteped the boundries that in all good faith they
should follow. Because they have the government backing they do, and the backing of the law, any parent that does not follow the edict of the State
is considered sub par....and subject to loosing their child/children. Once these children are put into the State System...they are lost...and even
sometimes die...tho we may not hear about each and every one...believe me, it does happen...
So my opinion...More power to the family for making a run for the was their choice. As for the State, any State for that matter...Stick
to running the government and quit trying to be Everybody's Parent.
Protect when necessairy...but work with the famlies involved when necessairy as well and DON'T TELL THEM WHAT TO DO, or FORCE THEM TO DO IT.