posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:55 AM
Like ATS site, been floating around it, but now I´m a member.
I think for me, the biggest issue is to track if and how natural phenomenon may be affected, by CT, or microwave energy, in every country.
For example, if you search 'Chemtrails' on, they now have video evidence, mounting on a regular basis from Europe, the States and
In addition, it appears that some natural phenomenon is occuring in many parts of the world, but the message isn't being transmitted by global
By posting into a Natural Phenomenon, users may begin build up a to see patters emerge, or when a wildlife disaster occurs, we could follow and track
it state to state, and nation to nation.
Other offshoots or threads could be crop circle appearences, cattle mutilation, etc.
At the very least, ATS would be building up a collection or library of most recent events from around the world.
I know you have the earthfile Forum, but this is collating stories from around the world, in a central place of NAtural phoenomenon.
Maybe you already have something like it, but you did ask for ideas!!
Great site though, keep upthe good work