not human?
what leads you to say such a thing?
its so funny to me how the first thing that comes out alot of peoples mouthes is, "the cia would grab him up and study him, and blah blah blah".
shutup. thats so stupid. ask yourself these questions first
1)why would someone who could levitate pose any type of threat to the u.s, that would make any govt agency want to investigate.
2)what makes you think such a phenomenon is new to them? it may not be.
ill admit that such a thing is remarkable, but its not like its the first time its ever been talked about or documented about in history. like i said,
from qigong masters, to tibetan lamas, levitation and the supernatural things you witness criss and blaine do have been talked about for hundreds of
if any govt agency or secret agency was interested in this stuff, dont you think they would be doing the research and have done their research into
the phenomenon a long time ago. seeing as though this is nothing new. hell. it would be even better to go to someone not so well known by the public
to do their research. that way they dont talk, and there are no problems.
assuming criss and blaine have not been approached already. never know. do you think they would go against any govt agency. if they told them never to
speak of their conversations with them, or whatever possibly could have went down. im sure they would know their role and shut their mouth.
also like i said. most people consider those two to just be entertainment and really dont bother to question the validity of whats going on, and just
brush it off as fun tv, when in actuality it could very well be real. who knows. criss himself said that some of it is very real and some is just
entertainment, illusions. he said it on the special when he walked up the wall. which could only be done two ways.
1)he somehow attached to the wall and by some means nulled the effect of gravity upon his body.
2)it was a camera trick and everyone was payed
in that one trick. gravity would be his biggest issue, even if he could stick to a wall by whatever means. which by the way is nothin new, because
there have been documented so called "eletric people", who seemingly could magnetically attract themselves to objects without any problem and in
some cases negated the weight of the object and gravity and where able to lift heavy things as if light as a feather. you also have taiji
practicioners who have been claimed to have the high sticky palm power, which at this stage allows them to literally stick to any object and move it.
maybe some subatomic magnetic attraction. i dont know, but the ability to stick to objects, even non metal objects, is not new at all. i can post
links later.
anyways, i was ranting. anyways, i have no reason to believe criss and blaine are aliens and have superpowers that we cant reach. this world is far
from being understood and the very mind and body you inhabit is still not understood.
there is no denying the paranormal. its not supposed to exist by some peoples standards, but it does and is a very large part of us, and the universe.
hell. its probably scrutinized by so many, because of the name its been given. i bet you wouldnt get so much slack about alot of topics, if you just
put some cool big scientific name behind it
im sure nothing gets by the eye of the govt, or any unknown agency that wants to keep a hook embedded into human beings, as to not let us become to
knowledgable or powerful for our own good, or their own good. so all that conspiracy, the govt would snatch you up and the whole world would know
about you, and run test on you crap is whack.
when someone is on camera dodging bullets and bending 8 inch thick steel bars with their bare hands, then it may raise some brows, but i dont think
its any threat to anyone, if you can levitate, and do some fance teleportation card tricks.
i guess the fact still remains, that if they can do that, then im sure they could do more
[edit on 13-10-2005 by jimmy1200]