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HELP! Need Answers! Invasion?!

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posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 09:44 PM
I couldnt manage to tell this to my friend or family when I got home about 45 min. ago but I am so freakin scared and I need help. Okay, me and my friend were leaving from Target. We were walking to the car when I noticed a tiny section in the sky (NOTE: it was dark outside) was flashing dark orange behind the clouds or something. I thought it was just some weird lightning but you couldnt see any really orange lightning(which I never seen before but I know this wasnt it) since it was kind of scattered in different parts of the tiny section. It was really silent and little bit away from it were 3 shining white things which I took as planes (this just started as we were driving, I was looking out the passenger seat window, my friend was driving.) but then I knew they weren't because they were moving faster than normal planes do and one seemed to stop to wait for the other 2 lights. I kept on watching them and my friend asked me a few times why I was so interested at whats going on, I just said nothing and tried to ignore it. When I got home I was starting to go into my house but then I saw it... much lower where I could make out the shape. The UFO was flying strait ahead of me and it like as high as a skyscraper (just guessing) it was sort of triangular but not like a triangle, it was like this. /__\ There were some bright white lights on the bottum and a redish light also on the bottum but in the middle. I stood there in shock and didnt think of anything else. It was moving pretty slow too. (not really slow) and was like taking it's time. Soon it was gone, then I saw another, this time higher but still visible. It was smaller and more circular shaped. (no it didnt look like those gay ufos on cartoons with the cirlce and "light bulb" shaped thing in the middle. (although I couldnt see the top really, only about 1/3 of it.) This one moved a bit faster too. I stood there for a few minutes thinking, in fear and shock. Then I went to check the weather about all today online just to make sure I wasnt seeing things or going nutz. Never said anything about "lightning" (which I know isn't what I saw, but just to make sure) I'm scared, I admit, but I'm wondering what the hell is going on. I'm going to go outside and take the camcorder with me just in case for a little bit. I'm going to check the news tmrw too see if anything is going on... or if they just vanished or something. Well I'm off, I guess, although I'm probably going to piss my pants.

[edit on 20-7-2005 by And1balla2829]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 10:03 PM
Well, where are you? Maybe some other ATSers could look outside and see if there is anything...and if you do manage to get anything on video be sure to put it up somehow for us here at ATS to see it!

Edited for minor spelling error...

[edit on 7/20/2005 by hatchedcross]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 10:09 PM
Try taking a nomal camera as well maybe.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 10:27 PM
Okay will do. BTW I live in Cudahy, Wisconsin (thats where I saw the UFOs and in Oak Creek/South Milwaukee is where I saw the sudden scattered orange flashes. If anybody lives in my area (Cudahy) get your camera or camcorder and see if you can find anything. I'll be out in a sec. L8er.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:04 PM
I read some articles yesterday on how sightings of triangularly shaped UFOs is on the rise. Now in the picture(s) that accompanied this article it seems almost exactly like what you are describing. Triangle with flattended edges..

I'm going to do a search and see if i can find this article for you, if i do ill post it.

Alright, here is the article i read -- now the lights etc you described don't really match the picture but it might be worth a read.

this is the article i read yesterday

this one has the same images and is on MSNBC with a different article

and this is the last one from ufoevidence, it might be worth checking some pictures etc from that site, see if anything looks similar or any reports/encounters are similar

I'm not really sure what to do if there is an invasion, but I guess I don't think there is much we can do. Sometimes the most logical course of action, is no action.

Anyway, hope this helps at least a little.


[edit on 20-7-2005 by ekul08]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by ekul08
I read some articles yesterday on how sightings of triangularly shaped UFOs is on the rise. Now in the picture(s) that accompanied this article it seems almost exactly like what you are describing. Triangle with flattended edges..

I'm going to do a search and see if i can find this article for you, if i do ill post it.


I'm not alone. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. I'm very interested to learn more about these.
BTW I havent seen anything... I was out for about 10 minutes though. I'm startin to get spooked. Still tremble when I think of it too much. :S I'l l be going out again pretty soon with my friend. I was just talking to him online, easier then telling about this in person... its harder for some reason... he's going to help check this out. I'll have the camcorder and he'll have the camera. It be easier having company too with my while I'm doing this
I'll report any findings. He'll be coming soon.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:16 PM
Oh i just edited my post before you replied and by the time i'd written it you had

Anyway, it seems like a good idea to have somebody else with you if you can. Not only can it put you at ease, at least a little but somebody else can hold the cameras as you said and its always great to have another witness.

If you do shoot it try to remember to get not only it in the shot, but other buildings, trees landmarks etc so people can analyse its size, distance, speed etc and also accurately pinpoint where it took place and where the UFO was at the time.

And lastly, its ok to be spooked, just remember -- if they'd wanted to do something by now, they most likely already would have.

Good luck

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:30 PM
Good luck trying to take a picture. Don't worry about an invasion. People see these these things all the time, this is no different. Relax!

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:41 PM
It kind of looked like this, strange thing is, that was in Illinois... close to where I live.
I'm going to do some more research and see if I can find what I saw.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:54 PM
This is what I found and perfectly matches what I saw too
* Sightings take place near cities and on Interstate highways.
* They are seen at low altitude in plain sight of eyewitnesses.
* They fly at extremely low speed or hover in plain sight of eyewitnesses.
* The vehicles sometime fly with easily noticeable bright lights — either blinding white lights, or “bright disco lights” that usually flash combinations of red, green or blue."

Although not the disco lights lol just the blinding white lights with some red here and there. It was hard to look at too. But red was in the bottum center I know. "

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by And1balla2829
This is what I found and perfectly matches what I saw too
* Sightings take place near cities and on Interstate highways.
* They are seen at low altitude in plain sight of eyewitnesses.
* They fly at extremely low speed or hover in plain sight of eyewitnesses.
* The vehicles sometime fly with easily noticeable bright lights — either blinding white lights, or “bright disco lights” that usually flash combinations of red, green or blue."

Although not the disco lights lol just the blinding white lights with some red here and there. It was hard to look at too. But red was in the bottum center I know. "

ive seen red/blue lights in the sky sling shot around heaps of times...thught it was a police chopper at first but no chopper moves that quick....

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by And1balla2829
This is what I found and perfectly matches what I saw too
* Sightings take place near cities and on Interstate highways.
* They are seen at low altitude in plain sight of eyewitnesses.
* They fly at extremely low speed or hover in plain sight of eyewitnesses.
* The vehicles sometime fly with easily noticeable bright lights — either blinding white lights, or “bright disco lights” that usually flash combinations of red, green or blue."

Although not the disco lights lol just the blinding white lights with some red here and there. It was hard to look at too. But red was in the bottum center I know. "

ive seen red/blue lights in the sky sling shot around heaps of times...thught it was a police chopper at first but no chopper moves that quick....

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 12:04 AM
i seen somthing similar are my way home tonight, although i dissmissed it as lighting b/c where i live there are alot of storms today, but it wasnt orange as u said, i saw like a blue/red haze, ill see if anyone else i know has seen it

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