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(2) Questions Islam and 911 & Inside Job Theories

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posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:31 PM
(1) Supposedly some of the people labeled by the US government as being hijackers on 911 have been reported to be alive and that they did come forward and just the American Press has chose not to mention it.

Can anyone give me PROOF that this is the case? I do not believe it, because I know how quickly 'pictures' can be found from Security Camera systems if the time window is known. A quick search that morning could have produced the pictures and then the ID process could have started.

(2) Islam - Most here think I hate it, and that would be incorrect, I do not follow it but I have met some Muslims that DO have a good head on their shoulders and they are not worried about getting 70 virgins in paradise, but more about being good citizens and paying their mortgage. But this is not what I see from the Muslim press and our press also for that matter.

Please, provide links to where the majority of Muslims condemn these acts of terror......

As a side note, to the Muslim readers, somewhere in the Koran it supposedly says that Mecca will never be destroyed and that if it was that Allah would be proven a false God. I do not think it says that, and I can not find it in my searchs so I think that is propaganda. I would like to know what the readers of the Koran think about that statement.

Thank you in advance folks.

[edit on 20-7-2005 by edsinger]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
(1) Supposedly some of the people labeled by the US government as being hijackers on 911 have been reported to be alive and that they did come forward and just the American Press has chose not to mention it.

Can anyone give me PROOF that this is the case? I do not believe it, because I know how quickly 'pictures' can be found from Security Camera systems if the time window is known. A quick search that morning could have produced the pictures and then the ID process could have started.

I will find more links for you but this one should do.

Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
Tracking the 19 Hijackers What are they up to now? At least 9 of them survived 9/11

[edit on 7/20/2005 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:40 PM
Thank you,

FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged on Thursday that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt.

That says a lot, but that does not mean that it was an inside job, surely the ID's could be screwed up. Hell we have an ID theft problem that is huge.

At least now I know that even Mueller knows that some of the ID's were wrong. Interesting, so is Atta still alive somewhere? Is that what the 'inside job' thinkers think?


posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:45 PM
Lord Jesus Christ !!!!
I knew Edsinger would wake up to this tawdry Governmental crapola one day
Well done - son

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:48 PM
Hey man, just to prove that this is an inside job based on a few lame attempts to accuse people who are still alive..

There are alot more areas to cover other than this part.. Altho this is saying alot for the people who think 911 was an inside job..

1) Norad standing dwon
2) Why where there drills the day and time of 9/11. (This is interesting cause this is the same thing that happened recently with the London bombings.)
3) The one part everyone seems to be consintrating on is WTC 7 and why it collapsed and nothing was wrong with it.
4) Where does all this money go for what has happened, what is the outcome and what/who will be gaining from this.

This is a short list of things, I could proably write a book on how much stuff you can look at but for now this can do..

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:53 PM
I do not think it was an inside job...period

I think a plane hit the pentagon, I think that radical terrorists bombed the WTC

I just think the Government screwed up identifying the lessor conspirators on the attack is all....That is VERY easy to do you know, especially when people are screaming to know who. They surly have the pictures of the asswhipes that boarded the planes, its just the names of 'who' they are were wrong for at least some of them.


posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:56 PM
Actually you know the truth, Edsinger - you just pretend to be something you are not
Come over

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:57 PM
Dont you think its at least somewhat odd they put the names and such of these "asswipes" on the news less than 24 after the attacks?

It is quote good work on the FBI side UNless it was prefabricated.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:59 PM
No I do not by into the "inside" job deal at all.

I am a realist, sure our government is not perfect, but they could not keep aliens secret no more than they could an inside job. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

I have to admit, its fun seeing the conspiracy nuts run wild, it took no more than a few hours for the attacks in London to be claimed to be an inside job, heck ATS even beat the Clerics in declaring such horsepucky.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:01 PM
Mohammed Atta's passport was found at Ground Zero, miraculously, unsinged and intact. Imagine the fortuitous path that it took out of the exploding jetliner to turn up as evidence.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
Dont you think its at least somewhat odd they put the names and such of these "asswipes" on the news less than 24 after the attacks?

It is quote good work on the FBI side UNless it was prefabricated.

Look, if I know what flight hit, all I have to do is grab 15-30 minutes of digital video and look at the passengers on said flight when they go through the line. It is not hard and you have software that can match names with facial features.

Was this a sterotype of the Arabs? Not at all, the Feds had the cell phone conversations from PASSENGERS saying that Arabs had taken over the plane. They did not hide the names form the flight manifests, it would be easy to grab the names and then the faces and then make a phone call to langley and run them.......not that big a deal.

I am surprised it took 24 hours to be honest.......

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Mohammed Atta's passport was found at Ground Zero, miraculously, unsinged and intact. Imagine the fortuitous path that it took out of the exploding jetliner to turn up as evidence.

I have seen Styrofoam cups sticking in trees, not even bent. So what is your point?

PS, does someone know the answer to the Koran question?


posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
No I do not by into the "inside" job deal at all.

I am a realist, sure our government is not perfect, but they could not keep aliens secret no more than they could an inside job. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

I have to admit, its fun seeing the conspiracy nuts run wild, it took no more than a few hours for the attacks in London to be claimed to be an inside job, heck ATS even beat the Clerics in declaring such horsepucky.

You're not a realist Ed Just for a moment you saw a little chink in your armor - the possibility that the supposed terrorists were alive
Buy it for Christ's sake
you can move on
911 was so much an inside job as our own 7/7
Just kind of get your head round it
You can simultaneously keep and drop your patriot head
There's a whole community waiting to accept you
And we aint no-bit liberals

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:14 PM

FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged on Thursday that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt.

That says a lot, but that does not mean that it was an inside job, surely the ID's could be screwed up. Hell we have an ID theft problem that is huge.

Then you should have asked for evidence of an inside job instead.

And in that case, you can simply look through these threads.

At least now I know that even Mueller knows that some of the ID's were wrong. Interesting, so is Atta still alive somewhere? Is that what the 'inside job' thinkers think?

Atta is not someone that has come forward. However, the FBI has admitted to having no paper trail on Bin Laden/al Qaeda in regards to 9/11. At one point they said they did, and that there was a paper trail linking the two, but they were just to later come back saying they had lied, basically.

Mueller: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect of the Sept. 11 plot."

I do not think it was an inside job...period

I think a plane hit the pentagon, I think that radical terrorists bombed the WTC

I just think the Government screwed up identifying the lessor conspirators on the attack is all....That is VERY easy to do you know, especially when people are screaming to know who. They surly have the pictures of the asswhipes that boarded the planes, its just the names of 'who' they are were wrong for at least some of them.

And just out of curiousity, what do you base this on? What the government tells you? Because, you realize that if 9/11 was an inside job, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't bother to tell you about it. That would sort of defeat the whole point.

It seems what's more like it, is that you're not really relying on anything, but what you like to think, ie, you don't really care to argue over it anyway, you'd just rather accept it at face value and move along like all the other sheep in the US, and world for that matter.

I am a realist, sure our government is not perfect, but they could not keep aliens secret no more than they could an inside job. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

This is great, lmao. The reasoning here is, the government couldn't possibly have done this themselves, because if they did, people would find out about it, and yet we're here arguing that they did do this, and we did find out about it!

Maybe you can base your reasoning on why we're such nut-jobs with something a little more objective and less self-defeating?

[edit on 20-7-2005 by bsbray11]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

Please, provide links to where the majority of Muslims condemn these acts of terror......

A search on "Muslims condemn terror attacks" returned 600,000 results. Here are the first few:

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

Look, if I know what flight hit, all I have to do is grab 15-30 minutes of digital video and look at the passengers on said flight when they go through the line. It is not hard and you have software that can match names with facial features.

How does one aquire this said 30 min video of passengers on 911.. Hell for that matter how can the rest of us see it..

Cause in all the videos I have on 9/11 I have never heard about a 30 min video that shows these guys on it.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:35 PM
Had they not collapsed 3 skyscrapers(WTC1, 2, and 7) perfectly like controlled demolitions they may have gotten away with the whole operation. Definate overkill yet a majority still follow and believe the Gov 911 Official Report....Educated people that have good jobs even.

Ask any Controlled Demolition engineer how they would collapse a 110 story building and I bet they would tell you not all at one time but in 2 parts. As for the melting steel theory,,,many buildings structured like the WTC towers have burned for 2 days straight and never collapsed.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:39 PM
Ya take that one fire in spain from that highrise that burned for like a day or something...

I cant remember the details but it was just in the last few months.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
I am a realist, sure our government is not perfect, but they could not keep aliens secret no more than they could an inside job. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

Well, 50 years on from JFK and the official government line is that it was a 'magic bullet' that hit 7 people, made numerous right turns and was found in perfect condition on Kennedy's hospital trolly.

The fact the government is holding 9/11 so closely to it's chest, ignoring, refusing and blocking full investigation yet using the events as a pretext to thier entire war movement should tell you something.

Just like JFK, it can be proved beyond doubt what happened was NOT what the govnerment said but ultimatly, unless they say it themselves, come clean and stop their trillion dollar investment in the middle east there will always be people that believe it was a 'magic bullet' or it was '19 arab hijackers'.

Have you read the Northwoods document? They've thought of using Terrorism on Americans and blaming their enemy before.

Read 'Crossing the Rubicon' - it will answer ALL your questions and it will prove without doubt in your mind that the govenrment was responsable and involved and it will do it without referencing one photograph or blurry video but using hard evidence that cannot be viewed differently depending on which 'expert' is analysing it.

If you truely want to know the truth, read that book if only to have that level of knowledge in your brain for defending your own opposing beliefs. I can tell you now that you will have a hard time defending/believing the governments official story after reading that book.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 09:09 PM

Ya take that one fire in spain from that highrise that burned for like a day or something...

I cant remember the details but it was just in the last few months.

That was the Windsor Tower.

The fires that were in the WTC towers were puny in terms of skyscraper fires. There's no evidence that they ever approached the amazingly-high temperatures the government claimed, that would be needed in order to sufficiently damage the building.

Rather, there's no evidence they were ever much beyond 600 degrees Celsius, which is hardly enough to even make steel glow a dull red. Did we see any steel glowing a dull red, or any color other than a cool gray or black? No. Steel heated to the temps the government claimed would be a very clearly visible, bright orange. On top of that, the type of fires at the WTC complex hardly ever approach the max temps of hydrocarbon fires of about 800 degrees Celsius. So even if those fires had been burning in perfect conditions, how would they have went beyond 800 degrees? The fires' smoke also went black, indicating a poor burn and uncombusted hydrocarbons, which serves to further take heat away from the fire.

In short, saying those pitiful fires brought down any amount of the structure of such huge steel skyscrapers is bs. Saying they could take out a whole steel skyscraper of such size is even more bs. And saying they could do it twice in a row takes the cake. If such puny fires could so cleanly take out a skyscraper, the Windsor Tower would have fallen for sure, as would many other buildings. Hell, the WTC towers themselves would've fallen back in 1975 if it were so damned easy.

Compare the first two, to the second two. Now which one of these pictures does not belong? If you said the fourth one, you are correct!

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