It has long been my opinion that the vast majority of UFO sightings are NOT alien/extraterrestrial UFOs, but rather USAF X Craft, operating out of
numerous underground bases, based on technology first invented by Nikola Tesla in the 1880s.
As this technology was first heavily refined in the 1950s (the height of the UFO craze) a heavy disinformation ploy was launched in order to divert
attention from Research and Development by the USAF on such projects as Project Winterhaven (launched by Thomas Townsend Brown as a project to
construct an MHD propelled discoid fighter craft capable of mach 3+ speeds and orbital flight).
In addition this new national paranoia could be directed and focused on the then percieved threat of communism, and for other uses, much as HAARP is
used today (only much less efficiently).
So why has much been made of gov attempts to silence those about information regarding UFOs?
Very simple: reverse psychology.... if you say something does not exist and you need not investigate it, that only raises peoples suspicions... if you
deny someone information about a subject, you increase the peoples curiosity about it 100X....
Thus was born Majestic 12... MJ12 was a fictional group of real people, who performed fictional activities, chronicled in the falsified (but very well
done) Majestic 12 documents that were later leaked to the public (again, to give credence to the early lie that the government was covering up UFOs).
Honestly, if these documents were truly Above Top Secret, do you think they would have ever seen the light of day?
Released in 1987, controversy still surrounds the Majestic 12 documents. Many point to them as evidence of the US military having recovered an alien
spacecraft and bodies in the vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 ... others insist that they are a very clever hoax ... view the documents
"Majestic Twelve"-better known as "MJ-12"-first achieved international fame in the world of UFOlogy in mid-1987. It was then that UFOlogist
William L. Moore and two associates made public three (purportedly) "Top Secret" documents which indicated that President Harry Truman had created a
super-secret MJ-12 group forty years earlier to deal with extraterrestrial (ET) visitors. Truman's (alleged) action was prompted by an alleged
crashed-ET craft that had been covertly recovered near Roswell in mid-1947.
One of the original MJ-12 documents released by Moore and his two partners (UFO lecturer Stanton Friedman and TV producer Jaime Shandera) purported to
be a memo from President Truman to Defense Secretary James Forrestal, dated September 24, 1947, which authorized the creation of the MJ-12 group. My
investigation revealed that the Truman signature was a pasted-on photocopy of a genuine signature-including accidental scratch marks-from a memo that
Truman wrote to Vannevar Bush on October 1, 1947 (see "New evidence of MJ-12 hoax," SI 14[2], Winter 1990).