posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:50 AM
The most powerful handgun available today is probably the Magnum Research revolver which fires a .500 S&W magnum cartridge with a bullet mass from
300 to 440 grains, depending on how badly you want to hurt your hand.
You can also get single shot breech-loading pistols like the Thompson Contender which fire .223 and (IIRC) the Winchester .30-.30 rifle rounds.
In any case, these guns are absolutely worthless unless you want to (1)have continuing opportunities to visit your nephew the orthopaedic surgeon, (2)
have bragging rights for the biggest handgun around, or (3) want to hunt grizzly bears with a handgun -- all of which are silly enterprises indeed.
But why not just google with "large caliber handguns" as a search argument? You do have google, don't you?
[edit on 20-7-2005 by Off_The_Street]