posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 05:31 PM
I just really want to thank you for putting all these out there. I really do not like it when people say "I have no reason to believe that 9/11 was
basically Bush's Reichstag Fire, because there is lack of evidence.." But if you look at all the stories, all the blamming and all the lies of which
mainstream tells you than compare them with official science and nature of things, nothing adds up.
Watch Martial Law 9/11 and than tell me their is NO evidence. The Bush administration has no argument and no defence so they force feed you lies and
propiganda so the facts are confused and the justice of tyranny is distorted. WAKE UP! YES WE DID IT. ASK YOURSELF WHY??? ASK THEM WHY??? There is no
point of questioning what the media tells you now, it is all black dressed up in white. It just so happens that the tyrant which ordered this done is
now being able to pick whom runs our nations laws for the next..generation. WTF PEOPLE!!!