posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 12:32 AM
Only Valhall can say that she agrees with something MA said, while, in the next sentence, saying something that totally contradicts it, and receive an
insider appreciation point... Most people would see this as a result of either 1)Not reading the preceding statement, or 2)Not being able to
logically detach two contradictory ideas from each other.
Cognitive Dissonance: When someone believes in two contradicting ideas, and feels that the systems of logic that support both are fully functional.
C-D is either a sign of intellectual immaturity or the mark of a pure politician. That is... someone who is whoring out for votes will say that they
'agree' with everything they think the person they are talking to believes in. C-D, in this type of case, indicates a complete disregard for
logical continuity.
Oh, well, I should start writing, "I agree with you fully" when I have no idea what the person i'm responding to is saying, at all. I might get
the IA points I deserve...