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Reenactment of the Nicolas Berg Beheading…BY KIDS

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posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 03:54 PM
Reenactment of the Nicolas Berg Beheading…BY KIDS.

The next generation of terrorists, already in training.

The video is not graphic:

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 04:07 PM
Im confused, is this done by mini terrorist scum? Because if it is that is truly sad, even the kids getting dragged into it. I was reading an article today about a 15 year old bomber who didnt get to detonate. Literally brainwashed.

These children will have blown themselves to kingdom come soon enough. Sick.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 04:12 PM
When I was a boy, we played "cowboys-n-Injuns"...course we Cowboys always won, but I guess this is their interpetation of "Muslims-n-Infidels"

LOL, aw will be kids.


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 09:15 PM
The scum that killed Nick berg where US agnets. Please have to even seen the video ? Its worse then a b grade horror flick.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 09:20 PM
sand man
There's no solid proof of that, only anecdotal evidence.

I don't think this is necessarily just kids being kids, I think it's more along the lines of parents encouraging kids to act in a certain way. I would have a hard time believing they weren't put up to that, yaknow? When I was kid, my mom didn't have any idea of what I was going to be when I grew up. These kids have parents who are raising them for a purpose. It's a little different, no?

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 09:24 PM
I can remember when I was younger, a local television station cancelled the show Power Rangers because a group of young kids were reenacting the popular show and one child had got pretty beat up.

Terrorism and war has been the most widely covered issue on television for quite some time now, and to a child who doesn't realize the severity of the issue, it may seem exciting.

I don't mean for this to turn into another "televion rots your brain" kind of thread, only suggesting the possibilty of a relation between the two.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
sand man
There's no solid proof of that, only anecdotal evidence.

Sorta like the anecdotal evidence the US starts wars over ? Please just off the top of my head

Muslims NEVER EVER touch there face with there rigths hands (I have read all books of faith), Yet one of the militants clearly keeps touching his face with rigth hand ?

The weapons that the militants were holding is a modified AK-47, Israeli-made Halil. ?

One had new sneakers ? all that running around in the dirt would make them dirty ?

All militants filmed on the video footage are too fat for the Iraqi standards, especially for militants, these guys dont eat fast food ?

the time stamps on the video jumps all over the place ?

They hack at the neck like its there fisrt time?, In muslim culture this job is done with a sharp blade and
with precision.

If your throat was cut while the heart is pumping there would be copious amounts of blood to spurt all over the place.

Its hard to believe that al-Qaeda terrorists would be supplying their victims a US regulation outfit

Nick never resisted the killing ?

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 11:17 PM
I know all about it, since I followed that story from day 1. But stating it as fact is beyond pale, since there is no way to make a positive determination.

It's circumstantial evidence, anecdotal, and to state for a fact that Nick Berg was killed by US Agents flies in the face of good sense. He may have been killed by US Agents is a much more appropriate statement. He may have been killed by several other groups as well. Still doesn't make it fact, or on topic.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 11:38 PM
This whole place runs on circumstantial evidence why is this topic any diffrent ?

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 12:14 AM
Circumstantial evidence is fine as long as you qualify it as such.

One thing that frustrates efforts at finding truth is when things of a different nature are disguised as truth. Speculation is fine, as long as you don't lead others to believe it's truth.

Do what you will, but saying something is true when it isn't necessarily so, that's a misrepresentation. It's just as wrong to say Nick Berg was killed by Muslim Extremists IMO, because there's substantial evidence pointing away from that conclusion.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

One thing that frustrates efforts at finding truth is when things of a different nature are disguised as truth. Speculation is fine, as long as you don't lead others to believe it's truth.

Tell me about it. So lets shut down all religions this mintue cause there all guity. They lead people to believe there faith is the correct one. On nothing more then circumstantial evidence thats 2000 years old. Cause there not a single shroud that proves jesus every walked this earth !. but yet everybody believes without a doubt he walked this earth, why ? faith. The biggest mistake you can commit is to think your really free when your really not.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Sand_man
Muslims NEVER EVER touch there face with there rigths hands, Yet one
of the militants clearly keeps touching his face with rigth hand ?

So what? A 'REAL' muslim doesn't kill unborn children, and yet at least
12 of the women killed in the WTC were pregnant. A 'REAL' muslim
doesn't murder other muslims, and yet the insurgents are blowing
up and shooting muslims every day in Iraq. MUSLIM CHILDREN were
specifically targeted this past week. Terrorists hang out the muslim
banner when it suits them. If one is touching his face with his
right hand, it's just one more thing in a very long line of not acting
like a real muslim.

The weapons that the militants were holding is a modified
AK-47, Israeli-made Halil. ?

AK-47. Sure. They are all over the middle east. Russian made.
If it's modified I'm very sure the terrorists were capable of digging
them up and modifiying them all by themselves. Instead of reading
books on how to plant wheat or how to dig a well, they read books
on how to make bombs and they spend their time securing weapons.

One had new sneakers ? all that running around in the
dirt would make them dirty ?

Hey, people need new clothes. It happens. Ever see the footage
of UBL and his terrorists in Afghanastan? They all had shiney watches,
new shiney cars, clean equipment (walkie talkies and cell phones).
So a guy had clean sneakers. It doesn't mean anything.

All militants filmed on the video footage are too fat for the
Iraqi standards, especially for militants, these guys dont eat fast food ?

Now that Saddam is gone the people are finally NOT STARVING. He was
stealing the Oil for Food money. That has stopped. People are paid
higher salaries than ever before. Food is plentiful. Insurgents come
from other countries too ... who's to say what a 'proper' weight for a
terrorist is?

the time stamps on the video jumps all over the place?

So blame the 'driver' of the video. It's a hack job.

They hack at the neck like its there fisrt time?

Could be their first time.

In muslim culture this job is done with a sharp blade and
with precision.

YIKES! Sounds like everyone is trained in taking off heads ....
'Muslim Culture' and 'slitting throats'. It just flowed together.
Like it's a natural part of their culture much as drinking milk is
part of American culture. That's a spooky insinuation. Or did
I miss what you were saying?

Nick never resisted the killing ?

He doesn't seem to at all, does he? Was he drugged? Was he
in a state of denial or disbelief?? Who knows. There are many
possible explainations here. We will never know the truth for sure.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 07:57 AM
And if the islamics dont get em, we get em to join the army

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:00 AM
Uhhh... in whose warped imagination is this picture a 'reenactment of the Berg beheading'? Who made that up? The picture is called muzzle kids. There is NO indication that it has anything to do with a beheading. NONE of the pictures are of kids reenacting a beheading.

skippy is just using the Berg beheading (like his mentor, Bush, uses 9/11) to get the emotions going high. And, sadly, I see he was successful. It's just Muslim-hating sensationalism brought to you by your neighborhood bush-dwelling instigator. And the conversation about Muslims is off and running, I see.

This is on the same site.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:09 AM
Anyone who is shocked by these behaviors have not watched Hollywood movies made about Chinese Emperors who demanded the head of their enemy be returned to them in a box ... this sort of thing has been being re-enacted for thousands of years.

In Japanese martial arts classes such as Kendo and Iago one is trained precisely how to lop of peoples heads, arms, legs, and so on. Not quite so specifically, since they do not use real swords, and there is a point scoring system, but the purpose is made quite clear by the sensei.

We grow up with cap guns simulating pistols, and water guns simulating machine guns.

It is certainly surprising, and insulting to our current sense of American culture, as in a sense of "the nerve of these people how could they possibly film this" and because of this we are suitably shocked if our children attempt to act out what they see on TV, which is what children do.

We live in a day and age where TV reports EVERYTHING, which is really more of the problem than the children are. The better question is should we be airing these cuts, and should we let our kids watch them.

While I don't buy the U.S. Agent conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy theory busting website so the poster certainly has a right to claim whatever they so choose.

The extremists carrying out these attacks, from my understanding, are really not just Iraqi's they comprise of Iraqi's and non Iraqi's. Just like Bin Laden was originally attracted to Afghanistan because that is where the "action" is, so are these roving band of terrorists attracted by the "action" in Iraq. Just like a new American soldier might have at some point, a first kill with a machine gun or hand to hand combat, thusly so an Iraqi terrorist could conceivably have a first kill with such a weapon.

Is it shocking that a culture might have certain extreme punishments such as this? Yes. Is it shocking how they carry it out? Well consider that only 500 years ago we were using guillotines. Human society has designed far worse mechanisms of tortue and death than a head lopping off. Does that rationalize it? Of course not, these people are not following the Geneva Accords. From evidence such as the prison photograph scandal, I am not convinced the U.S. Troops are following them quite as closely as they should be either.

We live in a time where our dominant weapon is a gun. We are no longer trained with swords. But other cultures, older cultures, and cultures that cannot afford modern weapons must resort to what they have in their shed or their sword dealer.

Truly a horrible thing, but war is horrible, and we all obviously hope it will end as soon as possible.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 08:26 AM
I realized after posting the last one that I had not addressed the issue of their kids as well (the enemy's kids). I don't know what the communists used to teach their kids about how to kill Americans when we were in the cold war, and the nazi's, etc., etc., but to me it's not at all surprising they are "brainwashing" their children into following their footsteps, after all they ARE their children not ours. We seem to have assumed a gregariousness in modern democracies that all of the children in the world should grow up believing we are right.

Well the problem is that they feel quite the opposite, and as long as we allow people like Bin Laden and the other key figureheads to exist and deliver their ideological pizza, their kids will always be going for the slices.

The only way to end this is to eliminate the source of the brainwashing which is the ideological extremists. We need to get BL, and the others. We need to conduct anti-brainwashing campaigns. We really are not doing a very good job of PR world internationally, but it's tricky when you are technically at war. AND, most importantly we need to establish peace in the Middle East, specifically, the Jerusalem situation. Until these are established I would not be surprised at all by reports like this, we ought to be anticipating this sort of thing and preparing for it.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:47 AM
I agree with LA_Maximus; growing up as an American kid I let my imagination run wild, and the battles my friends and I would have were clearly anti-Native American and anti-oriental by today's ultra-PC standards. But those were the "bad guys": the indians, the vietnamese, the japanese, and although not racial sects per se, everyone's favorite bad guys, the Commies and the Nazis. That was just par for the course. We'd switch off--sometimes I'd be the "scalp-toting injun drunk on firewater", sometimes they'd be charlie stalking me with a 2X4 submachine gun and plastic grenades. Whether this is necessarily "kids being kids" or their parents put them up to it for some sort of political agenda, I won't comment because I wasn't there when the picture was taken. Their parents could've "put them up to it" as a joke for the neighbors or something.

I hate getting into stereotypes because there's always exceptions, and I hope that in reading this you'll keep that in mind. But we Americans are generally an extremely self-righteous nation, as grad_student alluded to. We are raised to essentially hate all those who live against what we specifically believe. Think about it: what demographic were you brought up to think was evil? Muslims? Nazis? Commies? You can say the muslims are behind all the terror attacks in the world, you can say Hitler killed 6M jews and was going to take over everything, and you can say the commies are anti-American. Whatever the reasons, they're still the bad-guys that you were raised or taught that you should hate.

I'm not stating the above to make a point about hatred in itself; that's a topic for an entirely different thread. But put yourself in someone else's shoes. The Americans are against the proletariat. The Americans want to destroy the Aryan race. The Americans desecrate Allah with their ways. There isn't any reason that we should be surprised when other nations raise their kids to despise us, because we do the same thing. Why is it alright for us to do it but not them?

BTW, excellent points grad_student and FlyersFan

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