posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 01:56 AM
Let me start by saying that I know this topic has been approached many times before. I am aware of this. I just want to tell a bit of my story and
see if anyone has an opinion or has similar experiences. I'm not lying about any of this either; making up stories is pointless.
First, deja vu is not something new to me. I probably experience deja vu about 5 times a week, which is almost once every day, with maybe one
or two days in between. No exaggeration. It hasn't always been like this though. I don't know how often the average person experiences deja vu,
but this is definitely a higher concentration of deja vu than I'm used to. It's something that's been developing recently, more or less over the
last month. I started having a little more deja vu than usual, like maybe twice a week or so, which I didn't really notice at first. Then
the span of time between my deja vu's gradually started growing smaller and smaller, maybe 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes more than once a day.
So anyways, that's a lot of deja vu. Any thoughts?
Second, a wierd "super deja vu" experience I had.
A long while back (less than a year ago, I don't remember exactly, but still a long time) I had a really out there deja vu. I'll try to
explain this the best I can.
I was leaving my house to walk over to my friend's house. As I walked out the front door of the house and shut it behind, I entered a state of deja
vu that was unlike anything I had ever experienced. My sister and her friend were sitting by the open garage talking to each other. As soon as I
walked out that door I instantly knew everything they were saying, had said before I walked out the door, and were going to say in the next few
seconds. It was a completely out of this world feeling. If I wasn't so "in the moment" I probably could have quoted them word for word at the
very same time they were speaking. This wasn't like normal deja vu in the regular sense where I'm thinking "I've seen this before." It was more
like "I know this..."
The whole time this was happening, I was walking down the driveway... just walking and looking at everything around me in this weird "super deja
vu" mode. It lasted about a whole 10 seconds at the most, but it was absolutely mind blowing. It was like I knew everything that was going to
happen while it was happening.
Thoughts? I'm not making this up, or claiming that I have any kind of super powers or anything like that. I just want to know what anyone thinks.
I enjoy sharing these types of things.
I've also been wondering if there are any type of experiments that I can do with deja vu. If anyone has any good suggestions, I'd be glad to follow
through and post results. I know that no one really knows for sure what deja vu is (although there are many who really believe they do), but what are
some theories?
[edit on 19-7-2005 by CloudlessKnight]