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man in the future what will happen?

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posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 03:15 PM
If we as a race evolved naturally from now on without aid of technology (well excluding drugs i meant dna manipulation and things) what would we be like in 100 000 years i think we would have adapted our respatory system to cope with more co2 in the atmosphere and we would have a lot less energy because of less oxygen

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 11:59 PM
Humans are hostile dumb founded creatures we won't be alive in 100,000 years. We will be lucky to be around for another 2000 years. We are slowly killing are planet and soon enought it will turn on us. So i believe we will al be dead.

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 12:15 AM
Wow what insiteful bs, well as humans progress we will eventually become immortal - so whatever natural events occur we will have the technology to cope with it.

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by horten229v3
Wow what insiteful bs, well as humans progress we will eventually become immortal - so whatever natural events occur we will have the technology to cope with it.

yup when we've sucessfully destroyed our own planet i think we'll move to another to do the same we will be a fully mobile civilization that only moves to destroy

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 02:44 AM
We'll have lost our little toes, but our little fingers will have enlongated to equal the rest of our fingers.

The appendix will be history.

Racial characteristics will be blended into non-existance: Homo Universalis!

And as proof of humanities adaptability as a species; I do believe that we will see the deveopment of a "fourth brain", adding to the already extant medulla, cerebellum and cerebral cortex. This "Fourth Brain" will develop as a result of, and as a means to more fully interact with the ever increasing presence of electromagnetic fields generated by our reliance upon information technologies.

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
We'll have lost our little toes, but our little fingers will have enlongated to equal the rest of our fingers.

The appendix will be history.

Racial characteristics will be blended into non-existance: Homo Universalis!

And as proof of humanities adaptability as a species; I do believe that we will see the deveopment of a "fourth brain", adding to the already extant medulla, cerebellum and cerebral cortex. This "Fourth Brain" will develop as a result of, and as a means to more fully interact with the ever increasing presence of electromagnetic fields generated by our reliance upon information technologies.

interesting i have heard that EM Fields can shut off parts of the brain so it would be foolish to ignore this

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 06:46 AM
:O We will become like the aliens from Independence day, movign from planet to planet using resources, then we will come across a planet that will destroy us :O
Anythings possible. Once humans have mastered the art of creating artificial enviroments were pretty safe from the side affects of destroying the planets natural environment. Once we 'destroy' the environment, it becomes a new environment made of alien 'systems'. That would kill us out ofcourse unelss we mastered the above....

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 09:15 AM
i think we will have a organ that gets rid of all the crap we eat so no matter how much chocolate we eat our bodies handle it so we can stay the perfect weight not only that i think in the future (well in the uk anyway) we will evolve better livers and harts so we can go out binge drinking all we want

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 10:20 PM
Here is a discussion i started on nano tech :'

and one on nwo :'

lots of discussion about the future in there.

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 11:22 PM
i belive in the next few years our world will have major catostrofic changes like the movie "THE DAY AFTER TOMAROW" and it could lead to world distruction. the earth is already having earthquakes and tsunamis all over and volcanic activity. i think the government and nasa should work on verrrry large space stations and check out the mars and do physical research on the glass tubes and see what they come up with cause i dont think the world will last to long

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 10:37 AM
hopefully the future will be ripe with fruition on all fronts regarding humanity and worldism. a super military will be in place to police any and all insurgency among world affairs, the politics will be brought into one central information data base, with nano computing routine system analysis for every major facet of globalized industrial incorperations. mans hardships will be put at ease as we settle down with our technological supremacy and run the planet from the ease of our super structured under ground geo domes (think eva). the reformated top world will also be akin to superstructured mass transportational compartments with a new idealism of expressive natural assistance to all agricultural and livestock cultivation (given we even have the need for these things seeing as how nano-tech could even bring forth new and exciting methods for flourishing instant nutrition). we will have cleaned up the world.

[edit on 27-7-2005 by sturod84]

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 11:53 AM

Mankind stopped evolving in 1964. Now we are DEvolving and going back to our more primitive roots. The evidence is all around you. It's not really mankinds fault, unless you consider overpopulation a fault. I tend to look at it as if mans procreative ability evolved faster than his cognitive ability.

Read about the Malthusian theory and you see the why of my reasoning.

The reason we are advancing technologicaly is because some people are evolving cognitivlly but in general humans exhibit more stupid, brutish and violent tendencys rather than truly civilized behavior like compassion.

Of course these are broad generalizations but your topic is very broad in nature.

If overpopulation continues, natural forces such as plagues, wars and starvation will thin out the weak and stupid eventually allowing evolution to continue for a while. IMOP if we don't break this cycle the planet will run out of resources and mankind as a species will be toast. It's happened to other species, why would nature single mankind out for preferential treatrment?

Sorry about the doom and gloom but we will never reach the stars; we don't even have a base on the moon. But we sure as hell have enough nukes and biological/chemical wepons to insure our doom. What do you truely think will happen first? Stars or Toast.

Is it time to put the xbox down and get to work? Nah......

edit: Why do i think we started to DEvolve in 1964; because thats when General Motors started putting Planned obsolesence in the chevy so it would break down. If they had of built a car that would last and be repaired by even a duffus I might be more optimistic.

Have a nice day!!

[edit on 27-7-2005 by whaaa]

[edit on 27-7-2005 by whaaa]

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