posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 10:21 AM
Most abductees experience "missing time." This is basically looking at the clock one minute and it saying 2:00, and the next minute it says 4:30.
If you are abducted in the night, it is common to have blood on your pillow in the morning from a nosebleed. At night in your bedroom, the signs of
an abduction are: hearing a buzzing noise, seeing the silhouette of a person, or seeing a bright light out your windows. It is also common to hear a
neighbor's dog barking before an abduction. Some people describe "the Oz effect:" being completely alone on a road that normally has a lot of
traffic, people are mysteriously absent from your favorite coffee shop, and so on. Scars that appear without reason may be from an alien abduction.
Some even describe having implants in their shoulder or other place on their body, that may serve as a tracking device and may monitor your body
(heart rate is an example).
Hope I could help!