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Reptoids, Vampires, Dragons, Chupacabra..related???

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posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by SamaraMorgueAnn
OHKAY. Now. I understand what you are saying. The thing I don't understand is how you get a dragon in Chinese Astrology when dragons don't live in China. They're in Africa. Here is the Chinese Astrological Order of animals:

1. Rat
2. Ox
3. Tiger
4. Rabbit
5. Dragon
6. Snake
7. Horse
8. Sheep
9. Monkey
10. Rooster
11. Dog
12. Wild Boar

Out of all the animals...which one doesn't fit?

The answer is obvious...
8. Sheep

And where do you get that, Dragons live in Africa, not China?

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Lucifer
You just aligned those creations (they're all real for if not in the flesh then in the mind as we all Know what your're talking about), so they are related. You see! You just created reality in the minds of all who just read your word, or syntax string! I have known this awhile, that if you impress an idea on another you have written your code onto them as computers. The creations that you aforementioned are manifests for dispersal of personal doubts amplified upon the world for freedom of emotional bondage. I am filled with so much thanx for being that I appreciate conciousness.
Reality isn't what you see, what you believe "They" want to control you with it is what you can convince another it is. If you believe in something do you not want support? Why? Are you sharing something to change for the better or are there other reasons one needs to share with another. If my mind is the centre of my universe, and your minds are the centre of yours, then all of us here in this world ARE in the centre of the universe mutually. I only strayed from the choice topic above because I learned that the conspiracies in some people's realities are created by the one's who want you to live in the lie. Why not ignore the world afar and consider self construction in mindset and being the preemminent reason for sentience?

Do you not understand that we make ALL things possible through our minds? Is it that you would like to kill this creature before we have found out it's significance of life? You do not understand that this creature was born before YOU were. And trying to destroy the thought of it's existence now, is too late. The situation here is to understand what is it here FOR? Who and what is it? Perhaps there ARE other creatures, maybe some that you may like, that are real as well, and you can too do some research on your OWN creatures and find out what THEY are all about.
THANK-YOU. STop knocking the Chupacabra. It is not in your hands to do that.
Then again hahaha, anyone CAN knock it for all it's worth. We still are in need of more evidence to make it a known.
Science is waiting...

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 04:02 AM

[The answer is obvious...
8. Sheep. And where do you get that, Dragons live in Africa, not China?

I dunno EWAM, I just figured it was the correct answer.

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 12:02 PM
How si sheep not related???and why dotn dragons live in china?? also whats up with al those questions?? what are you talking about???

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 05:55 PM
Dude, Eworm every thing in that list is in the Chines zodeack.(or how ever you spell it)

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:01 PM
all related...
all suppresed...
most worship these entities out of fear of the truth...
and most dont even appreciate the choice given to man, that is non existant with these species...


posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:35 PM

all related...
all suppresed...
most worship these entities out of fear of the truth...
Sorry buddy but none of these are related, unless you have proof. They are not all suppressed as vampires do not exist and neither do dragons. There may be some psychos who like to drink blood but it is not a physical need to do so. O and anyone who worships reptoids, vampires, or Dragons is a flaming idiot as none of these have been proven to exist. El Chupacabra on the other hand is very real and very fascinating, but this still does not warrant worship.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:55 PM
fascinating being....i'd love to examine it's origins, puerto rico is an extremely poor area, no doubt...a mutation of sheep and puertoricans

seriously seems this being has a fairly original characteristic, unlike any of the others there has been EVIDENCE

some1 please post some photos...

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 02:09 PM
Big scary reptiles are a powerful archetype in our collective counciousness. When certain chemical imbalances occur in the human brain, visions that access these archetypes result. Big scary reptiles are one possible archetypical manifestation. So are UFOs, Aliens and Bigfoot. I am not trying to say that there are no paranormal events; I am just saying that there is a very real link to known brain chemestry and these types of visions.....That's why I posted that I thought aliens have hidden themselves in plain sight as encoded information in alkaloid molecules. Even if you get abducted and taken for a ride, if someone can show it's all just "drugs" or "hallucination" then it is totally discredited. Even if it really happened. I think we will never face up to the fact that the little buggers hide INSIDE OUR MINDS. This is not to say that we "made them up." I think they are very real and in control. We imagine their technology in terms of nutz-and-bolts, but their technology is infinately beyond that. Maybe they fly UFOs for fun, but they certainly do not need them. They can be anywhere or anywhen they need by way of information enfolded into molecular structure. Sorry for the rant, LOL! Some of you know about this stuff, I'm sure.....

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 02:12 PM
Have you heard of this foul beast....might be related...

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:50 AM
funny i think you could be onto the right track. ive been noticing similarities too. im not convinced chupacubs are furry creatures with big eyes. they could be. or they could be humanoid vampires.

and there's a dragon/reptoid and vampire connection i think.

drak yul - land of the dragon

dracula - a vampire...

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