Ultra please don't post ANYTHING regarding Clinton, it's NOT your country & it's OBVIOUS you know NOTHING regarding the voting and administration
records of any of our elected officials. An opinion...sure, you are as entitled to it as any of us. But framing it as anything else shows your lack of
erudition on the subject.
Now Bob is a different story; he's American, but a party partisan to the point of DEMAGOGUE! Did he look to the manipulation by a certain CABAL in
the Republican party to hoist a malleable IDIOT who would advance their OLIGARCHY/Corporate Imperialism like Bush over an esteemed, but maverick,
John McCain? No, he didn't. He BLINDLY cheered the fact that a Republican "won". Did he ( and I'm using Bob as an example though he's a tad more
center, but feel free to insert any Right Winger extremist like Thomas
) stop to question the installation process? No he cheered a Republican
"won". Did he see the obvious, that little Emperor Bush is indeed naked, lacking of moral fiber, a thirst for knowledge, anything even remotely
resembling STATESMANSHIP or accomplishment in business-military-academics? No, he took the orders that Heir Goebbels dictated; to make little George
seem taller by knocking the Giant that is Clinton.
Now for the tired, overused PROPAGANDA:
" - Lewinsky
- He was in fact impeached.
- First President to be disbarred while in office "
Listen, for the 1000th time - It's HIS WIFE'S BUSINESS, NOT OURS! Was this about Insider trading, going AWOL, Tax evasion like Bush has done & I
hope someday will be prosecuted for? No, all about a marital infidelity.
"Pardon Gate" are you freakin' for REAL? Reagan/Bush versus Clinton on the number of CONVICTED FELONS pardoned who worked for them in their
respective administrations: R/B = 32 Clinton = 0
Bush the First even PARDONED HIMSELF for Christ Sake!!!!! As for Mark Rich, Clinton probably should not have listened to the ranking Senate
Republicans who lobbied him for that pardon.
- �File-Gate�
- �Travel-Gate�
- �China-Gate� - All equal to Right Wing wet dream goose chases that were fully examined and the sole casualty? Henry Cisneros.
My history books tell me the Canal was ALWAYS destined to revert to the sovereign PANAMANIAN people; are we reading from a different book?
"Look up related Deaths via a Search Engine" - I'll take that bet!!!!! Do you know how many people have died due to contact with the Bush Crime
Family? Worse than Gambino numbers. Hell, that drugged out Stepford Wife, Laura Bush killed a boyfriend, geez!
"Whitewater" - they say a definition of INSANITY is to do the exact same thing expecting a different outcome each time. $70 MILLION spent on a Right
Wing Extremist Witch Hunt and NOTHING! You should be embarrassed to even trot that crap out in the light of day.
"- Cut military and intelligence " - No such thing; unless you mean cutting the REDUNDANCY & BUREAUCRACY in our military, yeah, he did that. On our
Intelligence Community - Bush 'assumed' office ( yes, he DID make an ASS of U & ME ) and promptly called off ALL Intel investigations into ANYTHING
SAUDI & ANYTHING BIN LADEN FAMILY...what was it, 15 or so of the highjackers from SAUDI ARABIA? And that same Intelligence Community of Clinton's
foiled the Millennium terror plots.
Largest Tax Hike - I'd really hate to see a Right Wingers checkbook, simple question: you deficit spend for 12 years, same thing as living off of
your credit cards; you don't think that you HAVE to PAY that down? Clinton turned that deficit into a surplus AND BALANCED THE FEDERAL BUDGET,
something the Alzheimers Actor or Monkey Boy Alpha didn't even come CLOSE to doing. Hoisting the ridiculous argument of 'do you like paying taxes'
to illicit a pavlovian response from the Right Wing faithful is, well, ridiculous. Do you folks have a shred of economic sense in you, or does the
demagoguery take up all the room? You take away operating income from the government in a time of recession when revenue streams are severely
diminished and you curtail or stop funding of certain programs and state aid. Since the Great Depression and under this Bush administration, the US
has NEVER had so many State governments running at a deficit level.
That's giving your argument credit that the tax cuts trickle down to any other class SOUTH of the richest 5% in the country....which it doesn't.
Listen Right Wingers, if it makes you sleep better over your sins in supporting Bush the Usurper to bash Clinton and be revisionist historians trying
to say the country did not prosper under his leadership and grew from the death clutch that Reagan/Bush had on it, so be it, sweet dreams.
Just don't expect anyone with one eye open to believe that claptrap.