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posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 05:05 PM

The psychopropulsor and a little voice in your mind. for English version

A French Canadian man named Dr. Jean-Luc Rivest has invented the very first device ever used to develop and fine-tune the Human mind's ability to experience "Pseudo-Psychic" phenomena.

The empirical proof that the device called "psychopropulsor" functions as
intended, -is yet to be explained in a patent application now underway.

The principles are extremely complex, yet the application is surprisingly simple and very subtle. The device is simply worn on the body and the user is trained to expect a small informational indication that something nearby is about to happen which requires more personal scrutiny.

What it is that's about to occur is unknown and unspecified, and the information imparted is non-specific and sometimes imperceptible unless one expects a yes or no decision, and has been trained to interact with the device. (There are no buttons on it)

The device can render it's user some astounding personal assistance in achieving personal success in any positive challenging endeavour. It turns out that the science behind such a powerful technology is highly secret in some government circles, yet the basic science of it all is so complex that fewer than 100 individuals on Earth are aware of it's importance.

Does it work?, we will see when the devices are mass built and distributed. For now there is only general discussion and arguments about it's potential to develop future Human PSI abilities related to Singularity and transhumanism.

What do our expert scientists and sceptics think?

[edit on 5/5/2006 by MIB in Canada]

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 05:23 PM
link as a link for others (and yes it has got a starry background

I have seen a lot of weird things, I believe truely in life after death, other dimensions and in the power of the human mind, and yet I still consider myself a rational educated individual, just one who is ignorant of matters that cannot be fully explained at this moment in our history.
I have never seen anything to convince me that any of the above can be measured let alone controlled by anything put together in a box.
Please can you elaborate on the science behind this? If not I will await the mass production and testing of this before speculating on this.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 05:41 PM
Isnt this technology working on the fundermental principle than mankind processes a somewhat suppressed psi ability ? However I cant wait to see if this tech actually works
twill be interesting, and scary at the same time.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:04 PM
GOV'T INVOLVEMENT = NOT GOOD! lol cuz im a crazy conspiracist..j/k i dont care

but this should be then ur subconcious mind will be finally heard..and stuff...

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by skyblueff0
so then ur subconcious mind will be finally heard..and stuff...

Big Brother at a whole different level

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 10:25 PM
The scientist in me is skeptical. Is that a good answer for you?

I don't know what to think, the first thing that came to mind was the Traveler from Star Trek TNG. Just because something has a patent doesn't mean it's functioning, etc etc. It's interesting, I give you that, but it was also interesting on TNG like a decade ago.

When it's on the market or used by the military, I'll believe it.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Strodyn as a link for others (and yes it has got a starry background

I have seen a lot of weird things, I believe truely in life after death, other dimensions and in the power of the human mind, and yet I still consider myself a rational educated individual, just one who is ignorant of matters that cannot be fully explained at this moment in our history.
I have never seen anything to convince me that any of the above can be measured let alone controlled by anything put together in a box.
Please can you elaborate on the science behind this? If not I will await the mass production and testing of this before speculating on this.

[edit on 9/23/2005 by MIB in Canada]

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 12:22 AM

The impirical proof that the device called "psychopropulsor" functions as
intended, -is yet to be explained in a patent application now underway.

What is there to say? until there is something imperical, its just snake oil.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Quest

The impirical proof that the device called "psychopropulsor" functions as
intended, -is yet to be explained in a patent application now underway.

What is there to say? until there is something imperical, its just snake oil.

I guess we are both talking about Empirical proof, and according to normal scientific procedures, I am suppose to use control groups and a clinical study to prove my theorem.(that's what we are doing now)

No, It's not snake oil, but it's meant to look like it because it's much too boring and lengthy to explain all the science and first order logic we used to base our theorem upon.

IT's better to give this project a mysterious but complex look . That's why we tell people it's a "pseudo-psychic" device. Once a person begins to understand "too much" about how it works, we suspect they will begin to treat the device like any other ordinary electronic communication device, and fail to pay attention when it interacts.

The point is: Is it possible that the internet can also become a psychic force capable of communicating through artificial intelligence to anyone who has the correct stochastically corrolated noise cycle for a single timeline.


posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Strodyn as a link for others (and yes it has got a starry background

I have seen a lot of weird things, I believe truely in life after death, other dimensions and in the power of the human mind, and yet I still consider myself a rational educated individual, just one who is ignorant of matters that cannot be fully explained at this moment in our history.

We call these realities "Linear Symmetric Determinantal Hypersurfaces"

I have never seen anything to convince me that any of the above can be measured let alone controlled by anything put together in a box.

LOOK UP "p300" Brain waveform recognition in google.

There are now machines which can detect when your mind becomes cognizant of any predetermined issue.

We believe this is one of the most important facts which we can focus on to acheive the interface we wish to build

Please can you elaborate on the science behind this?
If not I will await the mass production and testing of this before speculating on this.

More to come in a live webcast multimedia presentation soon to come!!

I'll let you all in on it when I get ready to do it.


posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by racos
Isnt this technology working on the fundermental principle than mankind processes a somewhat suppressed psi ability ? However I cant wait to see if this tech actually works
twill be interesting, and scary at the same time.

You are absolutely correct, and eventually a person need not wear the device any more because the body becomes more in tune with Gaïa and the bioinfomatics of natural entropy. Timepeices, watches and calenders begin to fade as an important issue of life.

A person experiences more freedom and happiness during holidays, yet they remain completely in the loop of global concsiousness and benefits are experienced from subtle guidance.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by skyblueff0
GOV'T INVOLVEMENT = NOT GOOD! lol cuz im a crazy conspiracist..j/k i dont care

but this should be then ur subconcious mind will be finally heard..and stuff...

Yes, there appears to be some sort of Psychic Mafia playing with this also but I am not in this group.

You got the implications right however Skyblueff0

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by T_Jesus
The scientist in me is skeptical. Is that a good answer for you?

I don't know what to think, the first thing that came to mind was the Traveler from Star Trek TNG. Just because something has a patent doesn't mean it's functioning, etc etc. It's interesting, I give you that, but it was also interesting on TNG like a decade ago.

When it's on the market or used by the military, I'll believe it.

It IS being used by military NOW but some people oppose it.

I'm happy you are skeptical because, I need to be sure of myself so when the Ipod cast is ready I'll put it up on the ATS site OK?


posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:46 PM
Jan 2012 is here and so is the Singularity if we wish it. Are we catching on to what is going on yet or are you too busy occupying... if so we forgive you... we definately need a change of scenery every now and then.
Thrive you wayseer!

MIB in Canada

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by MIB in Canada

over five years later.. odd post.. care to elaborate any more?


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