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Since the second week of June, six crop circle formations have been discovered in western North Caro

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posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 09:57 PM
Since the second week of June, six crop circle formations have been discovered in western North Carolina, along with a series of ‘randomly-downed’ formations

2 formations at Green Mountain, Yancey County, North Carolina

Leicester, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Jupiter, Madison County, North Carolina

Mars Hill, Madison County, North Carolina

Burnsville, Yancey County, North Carolina

See the amazing photo's here

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 03:35 AM
I don't know what to think. They look man-made though.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 04:08 AM
These photos arent amazing. They're crud. Nothing is esoteric about them. They are not crop circles.

Can you honestly sit in your desk chair and tell me that these are authentic crop circles?

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 04:17 AM
But still, the crops were flattened and burnt.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
But still, the crops were flattened and burnt.

Just because crops are 'flattened and burnt' doesn't denote that it's the work of aliens.

I mean you have to ask yourself, why would aliens interdimensonal travel just to flatten and burn some crops in North Carolina?

You have to go with Law of Parsimony here.

Which has the least assumptions attached to it?

1.) Some people started making crop circles one night in an attempt to gain some type of strange publicity (in which they have enjoyed success)

2.) Aliens hyper-dimensionally travelled from space in order to land in North Carolina and flatten and burn some crops on some farmers land in order to communicate with humans.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 07:23 AM
The 5th photo makes no sense to me. Photoshop?

I think Wilson is pulling our leg.


[edit on 17-7-2005 by Roper]

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 02:28 PM
Looks like lodged crop to me. I can show you this first hand in a little while. Some crops around here will surely do it.

Its all natural.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:09 PM

Which has the least assumptions attached to it?

1.) Some people started making crop circles one night in an attempt to gain some type of strange publicity (in which they have enjoyed success)

2.) Aliens hyper-dimensionally travelled from space in order to land in North Carolina and flatten and burn some crops on some farmers land in order to communicate with humans.

Personally I do not think that circles have a direct 'beings from another place' explaination but your logic here is a bit flawed. There is every possibility that #2 is entirely correct. If you meet someone who you know speaks a different language than you do what do you do? You still speak your language and hope there is some common words somewhere.

Maybe you show them a picture? Gesture with your hands? Really the idea that circles are some form of communication is very possible.

It only really makes sense if you think the race making the circles is really different than humans in terms of how they think. They may be self-aware, they may be intelligent, but so different that it makes sense to them to try and get our attention this way.

From another angle...

The creators of the circles understand us all too well. They realize that we can only come to the realization of our part in the Universe slowly. So they make some circles, and then watch as humans duplicate them. Circles do tend to open people's minds towards new ideas, maybe that is the whole point. No words or concepts as such, just the Monolith effect.

Again, I think the creators of the circles are much closer to home, but that is simply my feeling and I know that there are a number of equal possibilities.

These 'formations' look like the work of someone learning how to make circles, along with perhaps some more natural events.


posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:14 PM
Great work gathering the specimens. They seem so much simpler compared to the UK Circles, I wonder why?


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 01:56 PM
I find the witness account of "a blinding light" very interesting. A friend of mine saw one made right in front of her, and described a column of light making the formation.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 02:02 PM

They seem so much simpler compared to the UK Circles, I wonder why?[q/utoe]
Because the hoaxers in N. Carolina are less skilled than the hoaxers in britain?

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 02:02 PM
Who's to say this is supposed to be communication? If it is ET in nature, who's to say it's not just the effects of the "exhaust" on the crops from landing? I mean, if someone you don't know parks their car in front of your house, do you go out and check the oil drips to see what kind of pattern it may be making and what kind of message they were trying to send through that pattern?

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 02:08 PM
What i want to know is when the last formation was made. the 9th one. I can give a rundown if any military jets were scrambled during that time. I remember a few weeks ago the jets started running late into the night. I heard jet noise til 1 am, which is not normal for Oceana Air station. That or they could be trying to prove how useful they are so they don't get closed. If these formations are from Aliens, they are walking a thin line being so close to a major naval air station.


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 02:13 PM
Yes, they look very much human-made.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 03:23 PM
They look man made to me too.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 03:41 PM
They are made by sad little troublemakers with no lives who just like to ruin the farmers crop, destroying upto a whole seasons crop. Its blatant in your face vandalism, yet it is socially acceptable. Its a crime, think of the farmers losing all their hard earned money.

If the farmer lets them do it in a dying field or something, its different, then its art. Because they have been allowed to do it.

[edit on 25-7-2005 by intrepid]

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
There is every possibility that #2 is entirely correct.

Right, there is a possiblity for everything. There is a possibility that you can jump off the Empire State Building, a large gust of wind can lift you up, float you to the bottom, and enable you to land on your feet. Sure, that can happen. But will it? I don't want to try. Which is exactly my point, Law of Parsimony must come into effect:

The theory with the least assumptions is likely the correct theory.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
If you meet someone who you know speaks a different language than you do what do you do?
You still speak your language and hope there is some common words somewhere.

If you realize that someone can't speak your language, you don't keep trying to speak in your native tongue. That's like slamming your head into a brickwall over, and over again. You know it's not going to work, so why try?

What you do is you try to learn their language. Simple as that. I've been living in Europe in for a year now and I've been in situations where I've been isolated with a group of people that can hardly utter the words 'Hello'. I surely don't speak to them in English. Why? What's the point?

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
Maybe you show them a picture? Gesture with your hands?

Exactly, but the most efficient way to communicate is not by scrawling messages in Farmer Bills Corn Crops. That's like me spraypainting my neighbors house just to let them know that they dropped something on the way to their mailbox.

If you want to communicate, You gesture; not make nonsense designs in grass.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
Really the idea that circles are some form of communication is very possible.

It's possible, but the string of questions and assumptions that come with it are headaching. I can say that...some form of mushrooms are some intersellar alien that has arrived on earth in order to tell man something based on its abnormally strong mylein sheath. Or I could just say that based on redundant research this is why their mylein sheaths are abnormally strong...

There's nothing wrong with believing in alternative theories on phenomena. I mean, that's why we're all on this website. But believing in something with absolutely no proof is like not believing at all.

I mean we have caught, caught pranksters making these elaborate crop circles. But have we caught any aliens stalking in the corn fields? Or any UFOs hovering with their paint brush and canvas?

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
It only really makes sense if you think the race making the circles is really different than humans

Woah. See that assumption is totally unfounded. First we have to prove the existance of other life in this universe, so far we are 0% succesful. Now if we find this life, we have to discern if they're human. But another alien race? Making circles in grass? We are assuming all this. Assumptions are 'what ifs'.

'What ifs' lie in the domain of fantasy my friend.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
in terms of how they think. They may be self-aware, they may be intelligent, but so different that it makes sense to them to try and get our attention this way.

Once again, way too many 'what ifs'/assumptions.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
The creators of the circles understand us all too well.

Exactly, probably because they are...dare I say human!
They understand that people will speculate over these things for years to come because people want to believe. They are exploiting this. And it's sad.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
They realize that we can only come to the realization of our part in the Universe slowly.

You are assuming that 'they' are Aliens. We have no proof that aliens exist. We have no proof that these non-existant aliens make circles in crops.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
So they make some circles, and then watch as humans duplicate them.

So aliens came down to earth to create circles in order for humans to duplicate them. Hold up, let me get a new bag for these piles of assumptions.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
Circles do tend to open people's minds towards new ideas,

Yes back when we were in the neolithic age. Now we have internet, cell phones and technology.

Here's a test you can do, give a 12 year old a choice between an Xbox and a Circle. I'll bet money I know what they are going to choose...

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
maybe that is the whole point. No words or concepts as such, just the Monolith effect.

Thats a big maybe attached to a long strings of what ifs and assumptions. If Arthur C. Clarke never existed, no one would even know the concepte of the 'Monolith'. It's a fictional theory, just like all humans are trapped inside a machine world called 'The Matrix'.

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
Again, I think the creators of the circles are much closer to home

You said it yourself!

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 05:57 PM

Right, there is a possiblity for everything. There is a possibility that you can jump off the Empire State Building, a large gust of wind can lift you up, float you to the bottom, and enable you to land on your feet. Sure, that can happen. But will it? I don't want to try. Which is exactly my point, Law of Parsimony must come into effect:

First, I was not playing the 'anything can happen so we cannot ever make any judgements' card. Second, your example is not exactly fair, we do understand gravity so we KNOW what will happen if you jump off that fine building. When it comes to Alien Life we are trying to understand but at best we only know some very general things.

My impression is that you do not agree that there is intelligent life in the Universe which is something I consider very illogical considering the size of what we have seen so far.

The theory with the least assumptions is likely the correct theory.

Sure when you are talking about something with a few 'knowns' involved. Right now we are searching to those and so every theory at least needs to run for a while to see if any evidence fits into the pattern.

If you realize that someone can't speak your language, you don't keep trying to speak in your native tongue. That's like slamming your head into a brickwall over, and over again. You know it's not going to work, so why try?

Beats me, but I have seen it time and time again. It may not make sense but it is what most people do. I grew up in a military family that did a fair amount of traveling.

What you do is you try to learn their language. Simple as that. I've been living in Europe in for a year now and I've been in situations where I've been isolated with a group of people that can hardly utter the words 'Hello'. I surely don't speak to them in English. Why? What's the point?

I agree learning the language is the proper way to go, but what if you, or in this case They, cannot? That is part of the point here, if a race is different enough from us they might never be able to learn our way of communication but that does not mean they might not try other things.

If you want to communicate, You gesture; not make nonsense designs in grass.

Yes, that is what we would do, but it is the height of human arrogance to think we understand everything. Why is it so hard to understand that to other Races those symbols may make perfect sense and they simply cannot understand why we do not get it?

Woah. See that assumption is totally unfounded. First we have to prove the existance of other life in this universe, so far we are 0% succesful. Now if we find this life, we have to discern if they're human. But another alien race? Making circles in grass? We are assuming all this. Assumptions are 'what ifs'.

'What ifs' lie in the domain of fantasy my friend.

What ifs are also the beginning of wisdom. Tell me how do we learn about anything these days? We put out some questions, and then we look for data to support or contradict them.

How do you begin to study an unknown?

Thats a big maybe attached to a long strings of what ifs and assumptions. If Arthur C. Clarke never existed, no one would even know the concepte of the 'Monolith'. It's a fictional theory, just like all humans are trapped inside a machine world called 'The Matrix'.

This just shows that you and I are not speaking the same language, interesting since we are both human.

What I meant by the Monolith concept is the idea that presenting a new concept that is outside of the experience of the people who experience it has interesting effects. So to the primative man the Monolith with it's straight edges sparks something new. Nature does not create straight lines and so if you show that to someone who has only known nature it could push them along intellectually. Fictional or not, I think it is probably a correct theory.

Let me sum this up just a bit. Whatever Alien Life exists I think it is fair to say that we can assume 2 things:

1) Their Experiences, Culture, and just about everything else about them will be different than they are for humans.

2) The greater the differences the harder it will be for us to understand and communicate with each other.

From my point of view you are the one who is making unjustified assumptions. Human logic can at best give us a hints of what other life may intend, at least until we meet them face to face.

And is that really so hard to understand? Humans have trouble with other humans most of the time, the difficulty in communicating with people that we share backgrounds and conditions with should be a lot easier than doing the same with Life from another Planet.

Now what is rather funny about this whole conversation is that I do not really think that Life from Elsewhere is involved in the circles. I think it is a form of Life that exists here but is of an entirely different order. So different in fact that the only common point of reference is the natural plants that humans put in straight lines. That is the reference to the Monolith again. They are so different that they possibly never really connected with us. But somehow the combination of plants (natural things) and straight-lines (signs of intelligence) have combined to create a common ground.


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