posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 11:55 PM
How do you replenish you energy lost from practicing psiwheel and psiball, and all psionic?
Oh yea, guess what? I actually tricked my friend into doing psiwheel. I told that, the "psiwheel" was actually an illusional trick that I found
online. I told him that he focus and warm up his hand, the heat from his hand would move spin the wheel, and so he rubbed his hands, and focused...and
wham, he manage to slightly turn the psiwheel.
I never told him it was telekinesis, I simply told him it was a simple magic illusion and that anyone can do it,that'd he just have to believe and
focus. To conciously he believe its actually a magic trick, while the fact was he preforming basic telekinesis, I think the trick to me tricking him
was, I manage to make him preform telekinesis w/o making doubt himself or its possiblity
Of course, I showed him at first, or he wouldn't believe me. I also told him the reason why I might of been able to spin the wheel several time, was
because I've practicing it for several weeks now....and w/ that he lost all doubts...
[edit on 23-7-2005 by skyblueff0]