posted on Aug, 20 2003 @ 05:06 AM
I was recently speaking with a friend of mine about the state of our country. I began to enter into my trademark 'Dubya bashing routine' when he
said to me simply: Hey, love it or leave it.
Now, i was raised in what i thought was a normal fashion, and up until the time that I was able to think for myself, I thought that the government
was great, and that they looked out for everyone. Obviously i had the wool pulled over my eyes.
And now that I think about it, I wonder what went wrong. How did all of this start? Why has the government chosen to hide so many things from us? the
answer has to be that something changed the way that the people in power looked at us. Could it be that what we know as our government is merely a
puppet for some 'Shadow Government'?
Here's my take. After so many years of being lied to by people whom they thought were trustworthy, the American people have now gone comatose to
what is really going on in the world. I read an article on this web site back at the beginning of the war on Iraq that said the US had used Cluster
bomblets to wage war. Those are some of the worst things to subject a human being to, and yet, if a quasi-retarded man whom won the election in 2000
waves an American flag around, It's okay. Why is that? I am convinced that if in 5 hours, President Bush dropped a Nuclear bomb on the state of
Hawaii, he could explain it away by holding a flag and saying "The Economy is Strong". IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE!!