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london boming staged(more mason tricks)

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posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by INFOAGENT_X
dismantling is not controlled demolition . . .

but telling me a top company like this would not know how to use explosives is plan crazy.

the word any do you know what that word means

Actually dismantling is demolition.

Here is a definition and a wiki article about it.

dem·o·li·tion (dĕm'ə-lĭsh'ən, dē'mə-)
1)The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives.
2)demolitions Explosives, especially when designed or used as weapons.

For most buildings, such as houses, that are only two or three storeys high, demolition is a rather simple process: the building is simply pulled down by excavators or bulldozers (see photo below, left). Larger buildings need the use of a wrecking ball that is swung into the sides of the buildings. Wrecking balls are especially effective against masonry. This process is quite slow, but it puts the operator of the demolition equipment at a safe distance from any falling debris. In recent years this technique has fallen out of favour because of its slowness.

Here is the website of a contractor in the UK who does use explosives.

Notice that they make the distinction between traditional demolition and explosive demolition.

Kingstar appears to be a traditional demolition contractor, so no it's not surprising that they don't use explosives.

Check here,

Kingstar - provides concrete and stone structure demolition using diamond drilling, concrete bursting and crunching, wall and floor sawing.

Traditional demolition. If they did explosive demolition they would clearly state it in their business listing.

Such as these companies in the same business listing.

Controlled Demolition Group Ltd - explosives engineering contractor, operating throughout Europe and world-wide. - the explosive demolition industry's worldwide source for news and information on building implosions, blowdowns, and all other types of structural blasting projects.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by INFOAGENT_X
dismantling is not controlled demolition are you telling me they know nothing about explosives. look if i was to say i know 100% i would be a fool. (much like bush and blair) the info is being looked into by others and i would advise the people to investigate this point. but there are many loop holes in the story told to us by a dummy(blair). but telling me a top company like this would not know how to use explosives is plan crazy.

the word any do you know what that word means

What the hell are you on about? look here:


Directory > Business and Economy > Business to Business > Construction > Sitework > Demolition

Kingstar - provides concrete and stone structure demolition using diamond drilling, concrete bursting and crunching, wall and floor sawing.

Are you saying that they don't know their own business? Demolition does not automatically mean explosives, thats just a conclusion that ill-informed people jump too.

I really don't know why some of us bother you can't stand to look at the facts becasue they get in the way of your stupid childish theory, like someone else said to me, why don't you go and sit in the corner with your tin-foil hat on for god's sake becasue there is no getting through to some of you.

EDIT: sorry leftbehind, you beat me to it!

[edit on 17-7-2005 by AgentSmith]

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Another sloppy job. Bravo! I almost wouldnt be insulted if the "jobs" were done perfectly well, but this...smells of everything else that stunk before..

This is truly pathetic. Malkut, nice fiction you linked to. For a better read go here

Hey crackheads,

Terror in London (6) - Tehran Sermon: The US and Israel are the Father and Mother of Al-Qaeda; The Preacher Condemns London Attacks and the Crowd Cheers "Death to England"

The following are excerpts from a Friday sermon at Tehran University by Ayatollah Mohammad Amami-Kashani, which aired on Iranian TV Channel 1 on July 8, 2005

Kashani: Regarding the bombing incidents in London, the Islamic Republic and the foreign ministry have expressed their position and condemned them. The entire Iranian people condemns this. Massacring women, children, old and young is entirely inappropriate for a human being, and cannot be accepted by anyone with a conscience. Iran has expressed its people's solidarity with the survivors of these incidents in London.

You speak of terror and Al-Qaeda. Have you forgotten who the mother and father of Al-Qaeda are? America is its father, and Israel its mother. It is the illegitimate child of these powers. You yourselves have brought it about...

Crowd:Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Khamenei is the leader. Death to those who reject the rule of the jurisprudent. Death to America. Death to England. Death to the hypocrites (Mojahedin-e Khalq) and Saddam. Death to Israel.

Kashani: You yourselves have brought it about, and you have done so in the name of Islam. Thus, the child, whose father is the arrogance of the White House, and whose mother is the executioners of Israel, and who you have named "Islam" – is known to all. The reason he was named this way is clear, as is your true nature. You brought (Al-Qaeda) about in order to bring calamity to our lives, but, thank God, it has brought calamity to yours.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 02:55 PM
Another way to find out if the government is bombing these places is to get a journalist or an undercover Iraqi in a Terrorist base and joke about how terrorist's didn't really bomb them.
? If they don't end up dead =(

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 03:18 PM
leftbehind plase dont play with my words

i said controlled demolition

andser this why no one has claimed responsibility?

how come the fake claim for responsibility came out of texas and they never went after this person this person if blair was pulling out of the war on terror why would they do this knowing it would only keep him in .

sad so hard for sheep to see

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by INFOAGENT_X
sad so hard for sheep to see

Hey little lamb, I hear your bell tinkling, get back to the herd.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by INFOAGENT_X
leftbehind plase dont play with my words

i said controlled demolition

andser this why no one has claimed responsibility?

how come the fake claim for responsibility came out of texas and they never went after this person this person if blair was pulling out of the war on terror why would they do this knowing it would only keep him in .

sad so hard for sheep to see

I wan't playing with your words I left in controlled demolition.

Just because it's controlled doesn't mean it can't be traditional demolition. Kingstar does controlled demolition with cranes and diamond tipped saws, as their website clearly explains. Let's not split hairs here.

The claim out of Texas?

Do you mean this?

It was posted on an Arabic website,, which is registered by Qalaah Qalaah in Abu Dhabi and hosted by a server in Houston, Texas.

But two Israeli groups devoted to exposing the network of jihadist sites claim that it is connected to the London-based Saudi dissident Saad al-Faqih. Mr Faqih, who is based in Willesden, north-west London, and runs the Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (Mira), designated by the US treasury last December as a supporter of al-Qaida. The UK Treasury followed suit by freezing Mr Faqih's assets.

A server is not the source of content on the internet.

This claim allegedly came from north-west london, not Texas.

Originally posted by INFOAGENT_X

sad so hard for sheep to see

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by INFOAGENT_X
leftbehind plase dont play with my words

i said controlled demolition

andser this why no one has claimed responsibility?

how come the fake claim for responsibility came out of texas and they never went after this person this person if blair was pulling out of the war on terror why would they do this knowing it would only keep him in .

sad so hard for sheep to see

They don't want us to pull out, they want to cause disruption. There is a transcript on the BBC webiste of an interview with one of the Islamic extremist groups here in Britain this particular group wants Britian to become an Islamic state.

From what I recall there were several claims, I havn't kept up with them admittedly but maybe someone else would be so kind as to provide the links?

Good thing we're not sheep huh?

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 04:20 PM
Israeli i dont trust what comes from Israeli first off they still have not explains the mossad agents who filmed 911 from liberty island.

second i did not site my soruce on where the claim come from

but to the one you are talking about

and you bring up a good point why have they not gone after these men as well they fakes a claim yet are not in jail.

no one has came forward and taken claim you dont find that odd sheep

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:40 PM

posted by Vincere7
This is truly pathetic. Malkut, nice fiction you linked to. For a better read go here

Thanks, I really appreciate it. Nice to see a guy who so clearly sees the distinction between reality and fiction. You must be living in a happy world! Btw, a great link you gave me. I am guessing it is a must read for you...

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Malkut
Btw, a great link you gave me. I am guessing it is a must read for you...

It was provided to relinquish the audience after your link to fiction drivel.

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 12:38 AM
Vincere 7, I hate to monoplize a thread with nonrelated postings. For that I apologize... But can you tell me what link do you mean? To my knowledge I have not posted any links in this particular thread. Please, satisfy my curiosity...

edited: yup, I have posted a link. Sorry, vincere7. Whether it is fiction drivel, it is up to you... Anyways, feel free to relinquish, reading the site provided by vincere 7...

[edit on 18-7-2005 by Malkut]

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 11:43 PM
i did a little touch to alex jones ten steps just to give people a idea and work towards investigating for ourselfs

let me give you a idea of how the whole thing could have happen
i am taking a 10 step program alex made up but i am changing some parts i will link his site so you can read the rest of his version.

this is the touch version

Ten Step Method To Staging a Terrorist Attack
1) Hire a Crisis Management firm to set up an exercise that parallels the terrorist attack you are going to carry out. Have them run the exercise at the precise locations and at the very same time as the attack. If at any stage of the attack your Arabs get caught, tell the police it was part of an exercise.
2) Hire four Arabs and tell them they're taking part in an important exercise to help defend London from terrorist attacks. Strap them with rucksacks filled with deadly explosives. Tell the Arabs the rucksacks are dummy explosives and wouldn't harm a fly.
3) Tell four Arabs to meet up at London Underground and disperse, each getting on a different train. Make sure Arabs meet in a location where you can get a good mug shot of them all on CCTV which you can later endlessly repeat to drooling masses on television.

4) While four Arabs are in London, plant explosives in their houses in Leeds. Plant some explosives in one of their cars in Luton for the police to later discover. Remember that Qu'ran and flight manual in the hijackers' car? Ha ha, they fell for that one hook, line and sinker. No need to change tactics on this one.
5) Before the bombings take place, make sure you warn any of your buddies who are scheduled to be anywhere near where the bombs go off. If this gets leaked to the press, just deny it.
6) 4th Arab goes out partying in London night before and ends up getting out of bed late. No worries, the 9/11 'hijackers' did the same thing but that didn't cause us a big problem. 4th Arab catches bus to see if other Arabs are waiting for him. 4th arab is held up in traffic because of the train bombing.
stuck at the red light the van pulls up and blows up explosives from a remote in the van. because of heavy grid lock van gets trapped, but no worry if the police check the van you all ready have permits for the equipment in the van being that its a demo company.
If you hired any additional Arabs and they also got wind of the set up, make sure there are GPS locators in the rucksacks so you can have police snipers ready to kill them before they can blow the whistle.
7) After the bombs go off, put out a story for over an hour that the explosions are a simple electrical fault .

This gives you cover time to make sure the lazy bus Arab is dead and any other hired Arabs who reneged are also dead. Make sure any CCTV footage that doesn't support your official story is either seized or destroyed.
8) A few hours after the bombings, have one of your boys post an 'Al-Qaeda statement' claiming responsibility. Don't worry about the whole 'misreferencing the Qu'ran' thing, these idiots don't have the attention spans to figure it out.
9) After you have made sure that all the Arabs are dead and you are managing the story accordingly, wait for four days until the police piece together the story and find the explosives you planted in Leeds and in the car in Luton. Remember that Qu'ran and flight manual in the hijackers' car? Ha ha, they fell for that one hook, line and sinker. No need to change tactics this time either. The time delay will convince the gullible public that a real investigation is taking place. Create a background of the hired Arabs being militant Muslims. The drooling masses, as was the case with the '9/11 hijackers,' will ignore stories of neighbours saying they were the quiet, educated types who liked children and playing sports.
BBC excerpt: One local resident described him as "a nice lad".
"He liked to play football, he liked to play cricket. I'm shocked."
Another resident said he was just a "normal kid" who played basketball and kicked a ball around.

10) Sit back and enjoy as Blair and his minions grandstand in front of television cameras about staying the course in the war on terror. The pay raise, extra agency funding, and power to strip more freedoms and liberties made the ten easy steps to staging a terrorist attack a worthwhile venture. The dozens of dead people were necessary collateral damage. This is a dirty war, we need to be less moral than the terrorists to defeat them.
And that's how the government staged the bombings in ten easy steps.
untouch version

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 12:02 AM
Your source for this is what, INFOAGENT_X?
How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps

How about give proper credit for ALL your sourcings by properly linking them, whether you personally made changes or additions to the original, k? Its called plagiarism and intellectual theft.

I am definately not seeing the link to prisonplanet in your post above....


[edit on 19-7-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Your source for this is what, INFOAGENT_X?
How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps

How about give proper credit for ALL your sourcings by properly linking them, whether you personally made changes or additions to the original, k? Its called plagiarism and intellectual theft.

I am definately not seeing the link to prisonplanet in your post above....


[edit on 19-7-2005 by Seekerof]

anyway, i found the 'alex jones' in the first sentence and, the same link you posted in the very last paragraph.

it's okay to be wrong.

posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 01:59 AM
The Van,
I fail to see anything amazing about the presence of this mini-van.

Unless, the next wave of terrorist attacks involves jackammers..

If they arrived later, it's possible the van contained some small demo equipment, and an offer of assistance..

oh, and BTW..would the laws of physics prohibit this van from driving on the sidewalk..?

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:07 AM
No need to use fighting words. Anyhow, looking at this story again, this is really no proof of anything. That truck and that picture proves nothing.

On the other hand, if you look and analyze the whole pathetic effort by the gov to keep us in a "terror mode"...this would do it, they would hope.
Masons? I dont know about that either...
This is all to serve as a "reminder" that we need to be afraid, very afraid.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:23 AM
I can beat you all with some info.

Apparently there was no SAS crw team in britian at the time of the bombing which is strange to say the least, especially with the G8 going on..

but this pic below beats everything.

save the pic... zoom in on the 3rd man. We will call him MR baseball cap.

If you please The first bar on the railing/fence. notice it either goes thru is face or infront of him.

Now notice bar no2. it goes behind him

now notice bar no.3 it goes infront

Ive named mr baseball cap... Flexy jihad warrior

i dont mind us doing things for self gain etc, we have done it many times, coups in various countrys for there oil contracts etc.

but when my own gov fakes stuff to do with my fellow brits being killed i dont get a warm fuzzing feeling inside no more.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 12:28 PM
I saw what you meant but on further inspection I noticed the following.
You also have to bear in mind that this is low-res, poor quality CCTV footage and it's awful when trying to use it for anything.

1. The bar going through the man's head - well if you look the artifact carries on along into the other mans head, it looks like the lines you get when you play a video back, just a normal viedo artifact. If it's digital it may be due to the compression, I know there are a at least some members on the board that know a lot more about these things than me so maybe one of them could comment.

2) If he is holding his hands like the man in front of him then it makes sense. At first it looks like it is going infront of the man's coat, until you follow the line up and see it is actually the line of the building. Which the rail IS in front of.
As the picture quality is a bit grey and low res and his coat looks similar in colour to the building it creates this illusion.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 03:20 PM
First of all there is no proof what so ever that Freemasons had anything to do with this incident so claiming such is just hateful slander.

Secondly if you look at the picture logically, you will notice a few important things:

1. There is no fire nor smoke on the bus which means that this picture was probably not taken moments after the explosion.

2. None of the vehicles around the bus which are in view have any windows shattered, nor debris on them, which also proves that this wasnt taken moments after the blast and these vehicles around the bus were not there when the explosion took place because if they were, then they would have suffered damage as well, especially your Kingstar van which is directly next to the blast section.

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