posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 07:39 PM
Yeah, that makes no sense. The XB-70 was a research program from 1961 onwards. A good deal of the research was related to the US SST program, which
we ended up cancelling anyway. There already was a legitimate military Mach 3 aircraft under development for operational use, the Blackbird series.
Why would the Soviets want to design an aircraft to shoot down a research aircraft? If that's the case, where was their Mach 6 interceptor designed
to shoot down the X-15? There are a number of inaccuracies still being propagated through the media and the defense establishment, but that doesn't
mean they're right. The U-2 proved vulnerable to SAMs. The US developed an aircraft to be immune to existing SAM systems. Logic would dictate the
Soviets would have to develop something to counter that, and it was the MiG-25P.