LOL!!! thank you all for your comments
I truely appreciate them
Quest and Yarcofin, Yeah i can understand what ur sayin, Ive been livin in missouri for so long that its VERY rare to see a centipede, and since i was
so used to the shape, then i came to chicago, and all the sudden there is a Centipede / Spider like creature, and i already have arachniphobia and not
knowing if it was posionious or not. it really freaked the hell out of me since i wasnt used to it what so ever.
Nventual, I used to not be afraid of ANY bug when i was a boy, may it be a spider or a horsefly or a flying cochroach. Im not quite sure what changed
me though :S but I know that i really dislike the thought of something invading my territory un announced. but then again, i could argue that It was
here first, and I am the invader. THEN again if u go on to thinking like that then ALL humans are invaders of Territory of Animals, bugs, and plant
life alike.
astrocreep and Quest, I hear that man, Horse flies are CRAZY!!!! I cant stand the mofos. I am VERY proud to say ive never gotten bit or stung by one.
right when i hear that buzz, my body instinctivly moves as fast as it can to get out of the way, and THEN search for the buzzing noise. And
Astrocreep ( awsome name by the way, White Zombie i persume?) It is quite unfortunate to be somewhat tramatuized like that. I couldnt even imagion
being in that position.
Patriot 36, Yeah those horseflies int he south are MAMMOTH!, and Rock on with the 2 by 4, though u should have gotten a crow bar, but i still feel it
would have done little effect. but Keep on Swingin!!
and Humster, I hear ya those flying cockroaches are no joke :| freaked me out and made me almost pee on myself when i saw a fly at my face. I was like
"Oooo Evil roach", then it spread its wings and im like "ROACH CAN FLY??!?!?! IT FLIES AT ME?1?!!! NO!! and Smacked that crazy thing as hard as i
could and it still flew away :S
Thank you all for Giving your opinions. I truely appreciate it