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Are Aliens us from the future?

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posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 04:31 AM
BETTER YET, read The Interupted Journey the true story of Betty and Barney Hill. And get their account more directly and fully.


Originally posted by Kal

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
Show me some proof that aliens are real then i will comment on this . Aliens are like Ghosts figments of the imagination.

now this is funny.. really.. imagination huh.. lol, i think you should read Gazrok's thread about Betty and Barney hill

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 05:17 AM
I don't know if this has been said before, but maybe these time traveling future us's are from the way distant future and they finally are capable of time travel so they are coming back now and helping the government and scientists develop technology nowadays so that things will advance faster in the future. They can reach the point they were at technology wise when they came back, say 2500, alot earlier at oh i dont know 2200. And that way back in their time of 2500 they will be super super advanced. Just a thought.

[edit on 7/23/2005 by xxblackoctoberxx]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 05:18 AM
I would not be surprised if you were on drugs or have a mental illness when you posted this!

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by coffeeaddict
I would not be surprised if you were on drugs or have a mental illness when you posted this!

WHO ME!!!??

Because its 3:30 a.m. here and I am really tired.

[edit on 7/23/2005 by xxblackoctoberxx]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 05:28 AM
Tell us Coffeeaddict, do you have anything to say re the subject matter itself?


posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 04:12 PM
You cant prove aliens exist by proof i mean show me an alien for real (not some fuzzy film clip or poor quality photos) and i cant prove they dont exist so it is stalemate.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 11:03 AM
Well instead of going into the now wouldnt it be better to take like a city's worth of people and drop them inabout 1000 years after the creatioon of the universe fully protected from all the radiation adn stuff but no instead come here sorta pointless.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 01:17 PM
Well then maybe it's for a different reason. Maybe this time in history is significant, with all the end of the world is coming, nuclear war, etc.. Maybe they come from a broken future and they are coming back to prevent it or help us out when it finally comes.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Right, this is my take on this theory, stop me if I get a little far fetched and way off base please...

Some time in the not too distant future the earth and mankind suffer a terrible disaster that leaves the earths surface almost uninhabitable.(the disaster could be asteroid impact, all out nuclear war or some other "end of time"scenario)
The humans that are left have to retreat under the earths surface due to the disaster. Years may be spent under the surface waiting and hoping that soon they can resurface and start again. By this time decades and possibly centuries start to go by with no end in sight.(maybey the earths atmosphere has been severely damaged and is not recovering very well?)
Now all these years hidden underground start to take a toll on the human body, it is dark most of the time so evolution true to its word starts to adapt our bodies, our eyes start to grow larger to take in more of the ambient light, after a long time they may develop into REALLY large eyes similar to the greys.
The tunnels the humans now live in are very small and have low roofs causing the humans to stoop a lot, evolution again kicks in over the centuries and humans now are born a lot smaller to be accomodated in their new environment.
Due to lack of stimulus for the human senses our hidden senses start to surface, telepathy, e.s.p etc
With the humans never being able to go out in the sun safely anymore(due to solar radiation being too strong for the weakened atmosphere) their skin tone gets paler and paler until it almost becomes GREY.
Now living in tunnels and underground caverns etc there is no areas for any recreation such as sports and entertainment so the only thing to keep these humans ammused is to read, and write and basically educate themselves as a means of passing the time. Over the years evolution again starts adjusting the human body to fit its environment, the brain starts to evolve and grows bigger and bigger to acomodate all the information that it is being given constantly, now a bigger brain possibly means a more intelligent and advanced race.
A more intelligent and advanced race might have the solution so that they can now come out from the subterrain world they have been living in now for possibly a thousand or so years with the solution to once again being able to live on the surface.
These humans that step out have large brains, large eyes, small bodies, pale skin and mental powers previously unknown to the humans that first decended into the underworld. If they met the earlier humans, this "new" version would look positively "ALIEN"
Now this much advanced version of the humans have the ability and knowledge to create time travel, now a lot of the history has been distorted and lost by the passage of time, like all sensible beings these new humans know that to know where their future is going the must know where their past came from. So like all curious beings they send "archaeologists" back to study and fill in the gaps from their past.
Thus our modern day "grey" and UFO phenomenon explained as humans from the future.

Another little spin on this theory is that due to small communites in the sub world leads to a lot of inbreeding resulting in fertility problems in the future, this could explain the supposed experiments etc that have been carried out on abductees.

Well thats my suggestion for this topic, I hope some of you find it interesting. Any comments and thoughts about it are greatly appreciated.


posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 05:38 AM
Can't buy that Oakley. In a scenario like yours I believe we would regress and not progress. More likely to be big teeth than big brains.

My reply to the original post is also negative. Look around you at the World we live in. The Multi-Nationals have taken over the world under the guise of the "Global Village" at the expense of governments who just want power without responsibility.

This has led to the present day situation of Global warming which I believe is now unstoppable no matter what we do. It is exactly like defrosting your freezer it goes pretty slow for a short time but once it starts to thaw it defrosts pretty rapidly.

It might take ten or even a hundred years but we've not looked after Mother Earth like we aught to have and she is preparing to shake us off like a dog with fleas.

So as I don't see any long term future for the human race, I can't see any possibility of future time travellers coming back to save us from ourselves.

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 05:45 AM
The Anunaki! They were the first, then they left, and then it was us.... LINK. Im the second post:::

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 05:47 AM
Really? Im not allone then! yay! 3:55am

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 05:55 AM
Bulldog 52, there is no proof to GOD exist, but ppl beliv in him, becose ppl seyd he contact him and jesus was his son, do we have proof for that,
ist more ppl how seen an ufo than had seen an angel or god, and one thing
you dont bevlie in Aliens so we are alon the univserse?? dont think so

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:45 PM
I thought the question originally posted was about we earthlings traveling in time.Where did the alien discussion come from?Do they exist?Of course they do.They came to earth thousands of years ago in search of intelligent life.As soon as they find some,they'll leave.I have aked before and I will ask again.Is the truth the truth because it is,or because we believe it to be the truth.When we ask a question think a moment of wht the answer would be if we were to change one of the constants of any equation.What would the answer be then?

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