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Whats wrong with me?

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posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:02 PM
As there are many types of people on here, I gathered at least one maybe able to help me, here goes,

I affect electrical equipment, I can actually prove this, Im not going to go into it very far here, but I have another thread on it,

I keep breaking things!!

I am not just repeating what I have said in that thread as I have some other things to add.

This is the 'ability' that I find is the most weird, I can make myself ill, just by thinking about it- any type of illness, severe headaches, vomitting, stuff like that. I would really like to know if this actually a known condition or its just me. Its getting scary as I think if I think about dying too juch, then well you can guess what I fear.

The last thing probably isnt paranormal, and it wont go down well here, but I think that I have a disturbing evil side. The recent terror attacks were diturbing yes, but I did not feel anything for those who dies, I wanted to but I couldnt. I regulary have dreams about me standing in a battle scarred field, surrounded by bodies just smiling. All the while this is going on I can feel actual heat on my face and hear chanting, Mabus, Mabus, Mabus.
At first I thought it was me just being paranoid and weird from too much ATS time. I have never believed any of that Anti-Christ crap, but I received a strange e-mail containing three words, One day Mabus. It weirded me out, and I think it was someone messing with me, it probably was. I hope it was.

I have also always loved the idea of the entire Earth in my grasp, everything mine. As a small kid, I believed that everything WOULD be mine one day, I was 100 percent certain, utterly no doubts.

Sorry for the long post, I wont to hear some feedabck on my illness disorder as I want to know what it is, I dont believe the last bit (sounds weird but whatever) though I have always been incredibly power hungry.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:35 PM
Well, I have a few opinions on this.

1-About the medical issue.

There is a condition where people claim to have illnesses etc but its only influenced by the mind. Example, I have parkinsons because my hand shakes.

Although with this, I do not think you influence it physically IE you said you make yourself vomit.

Perhaps you have an ulcer from worrying? I know if I watch a medical show on tv or such I will have a feeling of pain where the person on tv has pain, IE stab wound, I feel pain in that area.

Its not some paranormal thing (IMO) its just a connection with your mind.

2-About the "evil" side.

It sounds almost like desensatization to violence. With acts of terror showing non stop on tv (suicide bombings etc) I too dont react emotionally like I used to. The dream I cannot explain.

3- The mabus connection.

At first I thought you were fabricating a "im the antichrist" story. Mabus is the term Nostradamus used for the 3rd antichrist.

I really dont know where you are going with this, and I have no apparant explanation for it except that if you were the antichrist you would not question it.

My 2 cents on the take.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Dulcimer

I really dont know where you are going with this, and I have no apparant explanation for it except that if you were the antichrist you would not question it.

See - I really don't agree with this (sorry - this isn't speaking to the original post, but hope you don't mind me offering this up). It seems a lot of people have this notion that the antichrist will come as the devil incarnate - that he'll know his mission and just be a low-down evil little shyte from day one. There is nothing scripturally that points to this idea. In fact, I think there may be verses that point the opposite.

This is my theory. When the antichrist suffers the fatal head wound and "comes back" at the end of three days, I believe that moment is when he becomes completely filled with Satan's spirit. And I don't believe we have any instance of that occurring in recorded history (of course, spiritual documents are being referred to here). I think that there have been individuals possessed by demonic spirits - but never one possessed by Satan's spirit.

My question is whether a clone could be involved in the "resurrection". This would make some things make sense to me because there are some "unknowns" concerning a clone.

A clone would not be made in God's image - they would be made in a man's image (i.e. interpeting the "in God's image" as being a spiritual being versus a non-spiritual being - a creature of free will versus the angels who are not). I'm not sure clones will have souls at all or even spirits. And maybe this could explain why, for the first time in history, Satan could actually take over a human's body.

These are my speculations based on years of just wondering. Take them or leave them.

And good luck on your quest for discovery in your own situation, Zanzibar!

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 04:18 PM
Thanks for the replys, I dont believe the Mabus connection, I think its bullcrap, utter and complete turd. Desesitiztion (sp!) could be it, infact it probably is, the amount of vids ive seen of kids being blown away by soldiers, being napalmed in Vietnam, I think ive grown to immune to it. I dont like to see myslef as evil, it scares me.

This ill thing, its not worrying, I enjoy those medical programs, even my Dad does and hes had a major operation. The weird thing is that I can just think about being sick, go to bed and low and behold ill puke in the morning, same with anything else I think of, I just dont try to think of (my own) death just in case.

If some one could do a google on the subject for me as my browser wont open Google for some bizarre reason, its insane ive tried everything.

Does anyone else out there have the same thing?

EDIT- If I am the antichrist (Im obviously not?) then, well I dont know. Things would sure change. But Im not, its a horrible (yet kind of happy, tingly) thought.

[edit on 14-7-2005 by Zanzibar]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 04:22 PM
There are other people that are sensitive to electrical equipment. My grandfather could not were a digital watch. They just simply wouldn't work right. they would go all haywire and their battery would die faster then a normal watch would. About a week is all it would last. He also used to tell me about smelling electricity near power lines.

As for the antichrist, could be you just need to relax. Even when on the seat of power, one must be wary of the fall. It is better to create the ruler then be the ruler.


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Azathoth

As for the antichrist, could be you just need to relax. Even when on the seat of power, one must be wary of the fall. It is better to create the ruler then be the ruler.


I dont need to relax, im always chilled out. I do have the odd worry (like this for example) but apart form that, and homework, im pretty relaxed. Not a worry in the world, probably just me being power hungry and having screwed up dreams, I do that.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 04:57 PM
Smoke some pot... Itll get all the worries out of your mind.. Your probably a hypocondriack my ant has the same problem... Unfortunatley she went hysco and killed herself... Dreams are created from your conshensce or however you spell it... basically your thought come to yo in your sleep... Your brain then creates images to produce thee thoughts VIA your imagination... more then likely seeing how your a "writer" you have a pretty goosd imagination... seeing how you fear this stuff, i imagine your thinking about it on an abnormal basis and its being impulsed into your mind... as you lay down to sleep you probably try to clear your thoughts to fall asleep... Though the fear enters your mind and you fall asleep thinking about being the anti-christ... then you dream what you belive... like i said smoke some pot and take a tylenol PM and sleep just fine.....


Oh and the electrical stuff i read something about it i cant remember wher but it said something about the iron or something like that in your bones being overlly magnetic and they attracted more static electricitty causing surges of static electricity flowing threw your body at certain times when released because of electric currents...

[edit on 14-7-2005 by inspiringyouth]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:06 PM
My brother also has a strange effect on electrical equiptment. I think alot of it is to do with chance. I very rarley turn on light when it decides to go 'ping' but on the other hand by brother is always at it. He always manages to make the fuses in things go etc. but there was also one time when i was watching a programme on tv about ghosts and the like and was a little freaked out and put my hand round the corner to turn on the light while still watching the tv and the light totaly blew up. the actual bulb flew out of its holder and landed on the floor. so could this be a result of my energy and fear. who knows

If i read about a specic illnes i will pick and choose the simptoms to convince myself i have it. but i usualy forget about it after a day and i never have them again. i beleive that is all in my head and i know it is so now i just dont bother with it.

on the electrical side i beleive it is a pure chance. but i geuss we will never know!

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:21 PM
inspiringyouth thanks for the reply, ill pass on the pot though!! I know it sounds like I worry all the time about this, I dont, in fact before I posted, a couple of weeks ago, I loved the idea and actually wanted to follow it through somehow, but I knew I couldnt, this annoyed me and I started thinking about what would happen if I did it. Serious repurcussions. Im not exactly scared of being down right evil, if I am I have to deal with it and hide it somehow. I think about other things before going to bed........anyway back to the topic at hand.

The illness thing isnt a small time thing, I can make myself ill for a week if I wanted to, and I have out of curiosity- to see if I could do it. I could, the whole thing, being sick, waking up covered in sweat and the odd hallucination. I am now wondering if theres a chemical in the brain, like a natural reactant that can make people ill.

My electrical 'ability' is bloody annoying though, I want to be an elctrician some day, yet at college I blown my work 7 times when it wasnt connected to anything, tripped a safety switch on a wall about 5 metres from me. Got a small shock from my circuit as well, not good- it frickin hurt!

I have heard of people thinking they have illness but dont, I think I have and do.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:27 PM
I have a question for you, what if you think the opposite? What if you think about being healed? Can you bring yourself out of the illness?

Would be interesting to know.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:27 PM
WoW well like if you think about being evil whether fearing it or not you can still dreamit.. Im kinda in your shoes i would love the idea of rulin the world and being satans best bud and im not a weirdo goth or anything it just sounds cool...
Like i said you dont have to fear it to dream about it i dont fear 6 chics and me all banging im my bed but i sure have dreamed it (and it was awsome)...

The electrical thing i would suggest learning to harness it... like i dont know get one of those lighters that you push down on and it shokcks you or a gameboy and try and force yourself to send electric curents to make it shock you or to turn on the gameboy... Once you can make yourself use it you can usally control not using it alot bettter...

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:27 PM
People who effect electrical equipment are called S L I D E R S

Google that up, it will take you to MANY threads here on ATS with people who have the same issue.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
I have a question for you, what if you think the opposite? What if you think about being healed? Can you bring yourself out of the illness?

Would be interesting to know.

Never tried that actually, I just seem to get better when I want to, subconsiouslly though, I dont remeber thinking about getting better, just thinking- its enough now and I get right in about a day or two. So yes, I probably can do this. Just never thought about it.

Im no weirdo goth either, the whole concept of world tion just seems good. Too right about the chics, dont fear em, bring em on!!!!

I would try to harness it but I wouldnt know where to start. Maybe rivers idea.

EDIT- I would do a search, but as I said my Google wont work. Though I do think I know what they are (maybe me as well) Things such as lamp posts go out when they walk under them and stuff. Interesting subject.

[edit on 14-7-2005 by Zanzibar]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:37 PM
Controlling it would be much like controlling AP in my case im guessing... ive never had electrical problems but ive learned to AP pretty well... Like i said get an electrical object.. Lightbulb, gameboy, buzzer, ect.. hold it at its power source and just sit concentrate... Think about what you want to happen if you get a certain feeling when doing it think of that feeling and try to create that emotion to expell ecess energy... or just meditate if youve never meditated b4 its just deep thinking... you do not need candles... You just need to relax get in the bathtub or sit on the crapper (toilet)... pull out a porno and relax... just relax and let your mind flow on its own.. youll sort out many problems... try diffrent methods.. rub a balloon on your head the touch a lightbulb... Think of what you want think hard and it will happen do this until it comes easier and eaisier...

The health issue i would just suggest if you ever think of dying smoke some pot or take a sleeping pill... or without using drugs get on a PC and look up jokes or watch TV its a common symtom many people have it it is hypochondriach i have something very much like it.. and yes it is a chemical i wanted to say this earlier but i had to get off the PC and do the dishes.. There is a chemical i cant remember th exact name but it is much like adrenaline and it s pumped from your brain through the body it can cause panic attacks and your brain can also set you in a "sickness" mode...

And seeing how if you think of bad health and it happens i would suggest trying to use your thoughts and point them at other issues making an arm grow or your testies.. Focus on something the illness elphantitus might not be that bad... or as someone said earlier you may be able to heal your self.. you may also be a victim of circumstance...

Another theory i have of your health related problems is that you are possiblly phscic seeing as you think of this b4 it happens maybe you are only predicting it soon to come or go?!?!

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:48 PM
Exactly what Therivergoddess said, people like this are called sliders, they commonly turn off street lights while walking under them, blah blah blah... Ive got a mild case of this myself.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 04:51 AM
Thanks for help people, now that youve brung up the psychic thing up, I got thinking, now this is going to sound like I am maing this up, I am not.

Whenever a mate rings me, I know its them before I even pick up the phone (not mobiles, landline) I even know which friend it is. Could be coincedance, but I do it every time without fail.

Whenever I dont do my homework/coursework I go to school feeling like crap as I utterly hate DTs, theyre so boring. Say I havnt done my work for English, the teacher wont be there. This doesnt happen everytime, but does happen often enough for me to notice. I normally think that I want my teacher to be off sick or something. I have stopped doing it so much know because I despise my Spanish teacher, wished she wasnt there- she wasnt, she had fallen down the stairs walking towards my lesson. Could have been coincedance, could have been something different.

The reason that I am adding this info so late is that I wrote my original post at about midnight last night so I was a bit out of it.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 12:39 PM
And inspiringyouth scores again... I to think i got a little phsycic gifts up my sleeves i have some fairly common almos t everynight predictions.. dejavoo... preminitions... you dream it it happens.. To you my friend zanzibar i suggest practicing your skills with electricity, and next time you start thinking your gonna get sick go to webMD type in the illness find out the symptoms write them down memorize them go to the doctor tell him "how you feel" and get some perscribed meds to help you... Good luck with the teachers... Be carefu l to not misuse your abillities though consequences for such acts have been seen in the past.. always remember what comes around goes around...

[edit on 15-7-2005 by inspiringyouth]

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 03:11 PM
Google isn't the only search engine, try Dogpile

Search on "CNN Debbie the Slider" and you'll get a bonafide CNN story about the phenomenon.... I can't tell you how nice it was to see mainstream media confirmation of this....

People who effect electrical equipment are called S L I D E R S

Google that up, it will take you to MANY threads here on ATS with people who have the same issue.

Indeed, we are. Fun trick, practice actually willing streetlights to go off or trick at parties....

EDIT: Nevermind, did the work for you...

[edit on 15-7-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 03:22 PM
I think you ve been abducted by aliens cuz I read a story of someone, and I think you have the same.


posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 03:33 PM
I usually don't go with my opinion, but attempting to help and have little information to go on.

I think you're hyper-conscious or super-conscious of not the physical world, but of all the other 'stuff' going on. Electricity being an energy, thoughts, dreams, pressing evils, etc. Whereas you or others may think you're out-of-tune, I think you're actually more in tune than most and are thrown into a reality you're not familiar with. I'd be interested in learning more if you'd like to U2U me. I'd like to know what you think or what you've done to set-off what I'm thinking is a spiritual awakening. If not, call my opinion bunk and move on.

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