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Any abtuctees in our ranks?

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posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 09:48 PM
I always read in UFO books that the amount of abtuctees by UFO's is really high in the US compared to say the UK. So with this in mind and the large amount of members here, as any of you been for a ride in a silver machine?

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Well Mcphisto, I've never been abducted, but I did have a close encounter about four years ago at 2:00Am in the morning. My brother and myself were traveling on a back road outside of where I live in Ohio, when we experienced something that caught both of our attentions. We came over a hill and noticed a triangular craft hovering over top of a farmer's field. Immediately we stopped the car, the craft had a bright light shining down on the field which we only saw for about five seconds and it apparently noticed we were there at this point. Then slowly it traveled towards us, maybe about 100ft above our car. We both panicked and drove off as fast as possible. I started watching the sky after we took off to see what was going on and I noticed about four or five fighter jets witch appeared to have a perimeter set up around the area of the craft. I don't believe this was an ET craft but government. It was definitely something the public doesn't know about.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:12 PM
I have some really weird memories and experiences that i accepted for years as just normal, one of them made me realize it was more than dreams. Its very difficult to accept though. I'm the type of person that always looks for the logical explanation.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Kantwab
Well Mcphisto, I've never been abducted, but I did have a close encounter about four years ago at 2:00Am in the morning. My brother and myself were traveling on a back road outside of where I live in Ohio, when we experienced something that caught both of our attentions. We came over a hill and noticed a triangular craft hovering over top of a farmer's field. Immediately we stopped the car, the craft had a bright light shining down on the field which we only saw for about five seconds and it apparently noticed we were there at this point. Then slowly it traveled towards us, maybe about 100ft above our car. We both panicked and drove off as fast as possible. I started watching the sky after we took off to see what was going on and I noticed about four or five fighter jets witch appeared to have a perimeter set up around the area of the craft. I don't believe this was an ET craft but government. It was definitely something the public doesn't know about.

thats an awesome sighting!
rock on

i woulda freaked out 2 ! LOL!

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 01:45 AM
I wrote in here about me if you want to see what i said look for my other post. There is a high rate of people being taking in the usa because this is the hubb of their operations and it was decided a long time ago after we defeated germany that it would be the base of operation's. Like i said i have been in this whole mess since i was seven but it started when i was three when they came to me and began to prepare me for the age of seven
This world is in the very last stage of takeover and i will do what ever it takes to fight them since i have part of them in my blood or should i say their marker and by the way most of those that were taken in the early days have this marker and it is in the bloodline that is why it goes from early on in the family history. From one family member to another. They started coming to my grandmother then to my mother then to me. This marker is called laten factor five and you can look it up on the web. i am not sure if i spelled it right but it should be close. anyhow get ready. There is a lady named sherry shiner who thinks they eat human flesh but she is wrong they feed off energy of the human soul. mostly they make you scared and then they use mind drain with their enormous eyes and feed. When they were cast out from the throne of the GOD they were fed with a life force that came from him. as they were cast to this earth they could not eat pure energy. The only life form that has this type of pure energy are human's. They can short of feed off cattle but this does not sustain them for very long. They need to invoke fear at it's purest form to get it. It is highly charged with what they need for their survivel. Like i said i was one of those that they would use when people were taken and they needed to keep them calm so that they could activate their implant's. But when i was a young boy i was hit in the head and it deactivated the implant in mine. So ever since i was a boy i have been telling all those that would listen how to fight them and what was coming. Long before all the web site's that have been poping up. Fight fight never give in Richie

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 01:51 AM
Kantwab you must be super human to see 5 jets at 2 am while fleeing for your life in the dark.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 02:16 AM
That joke made me laugh lol lol.Good one. but i have seen the one's he described

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by goose
I have some really weird memories and experiences that i accepted for years as just normal, one of them made me realize it was more than dreams. Its very difficult to accept though. I'm the type of person that always looks for the logical explanation.

and what's not logical about an abduction?

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 04:56 AM
Well, are you joking? I am going to assume you are not and answer you. For one reason aliens are not supposed to be here, there is no accepted evidence by scientist or well anyone except those of us who have seen the evidence, unfortunately they don't stick around and are very camera shy.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
Kantwab you must be super human to see 5 jets at 2 am while fleeing for your life in the dark.

Well ist not apticulary hard really. They make lots of noise, have little blinky lights and are normally grey, which stands out from the blacky blue of the night sky. Ive seen plenty of jets at night.

Never been abducted though, I hope............

EDIT- It could be something in the water over there in the US, you never know

[edit on 15-7-2005 by Zanzibar]

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 11:04 PM
It's not too difficult to look up in the sky when your not driving Ninja....I know what I saw, and I wasn't alone!

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