posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 08:25 PM
With the average lifespan of a computer now at just 2 years and the lifespan of a mobile phone even less have you ever wondered what happenens to all
the old computers/mobile phones. worldwide sales of new computers last year was 183,000,000 so what does happen to all the old computers that are
throw away? e-waste as it is known now makes up over 5% of the solid waste worldwide (about the same as plastic packaging) but much more hazardous. e
waste is now growing at an alarming rate because people are upgrading there computers, mobile phones, televisions, audio equipment and printers more
frequently that ever before. mobile phones and computers are causing the biggest problem because they are replaced most often. In Europe e-waste is
increasing at 5% every year. Developing countries are also expected to triple there e-waste production over the next five years. Do any ATS members
have any soloution,s to solve this growing enviromental problem.