posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 12:59 AM
Contra eh?
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B,A,B,A, Start?
It's sick that I remember that.
Or even worse. Mike Tyson: 007 373 5963
Yeah I know... not normal.
But I guess when you grow up playing these games so often it actually becomes part of your life. I suppose it's something akin to a 50 year old
telling me that they never forgot how to jump rope or play hopscotch...
I don't care if the next gen games will plug into your brain and make you think you're flying. NOTHING will ever beat the playability and replay
value of the original NES. Ever.
Oh and here's that blasted U-Force picture that wouldn't show up right:
See the markers in the corners? It had a motion sensor type thing. Depending on where you had your hand it would do different things. Fun for
Punchout and throwing high and low punches left and right handed.
Entertaining... but so pointless it became an instant classic.
[edit on 7-18-2005 by Djarums]