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Poll: The Truth of 9-11

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posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 03:10 AM
Nice poll

my vote is a big fat C !

Anyone with a critic mind who has seen the avalanche in inconsistensies and anomalies about 9/11 would have to conclude that

edit: just to mention i've voted for you to

[edit on 12-7-2005 by XyZeR]

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 03:28 AM
I'll say B for me... A and C, not sure.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 04:05 AM
You're doing a brilliant job her mate, well done. Previously I've been too worried or self-aware to say anything regarding this on the forums for fear of being flamed, but now I know that many others feel the same way.

I'm gonna go for a big fat C.

I've voted you for way above, keep it up!


posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 04:37 AM
Move on over and make room for another person on the C side of this.
I'm not certain as to why the American government would perpetrate a crime such as this, but the masses of (usually circumstantial) evidence leaves me in no doubt that they did.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 09:18 AM
Put me down for C due to circumstantial evidence.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 09:25 AM
put me down for C

for many reasons... primarily occams razor...
better chance to win the lottery twice than have the two main "rivals" in this issue be connected by previous business and CIA connections...
(bin laden family investing in Bushes first oil business, then later with Osama being our CIA contact in Afghanistan during the Russian occupation...)
these two familys go way back, and Osama was the good guy with the bushes for quite some time...
it all would be easy to stage, rather than the whim of coincidence...

*also, RAND had a webpage up for all of 20 minutes after the attack, that talked about a plan to fight the next big war AGAINST TERROR. and that we were vunerable via hijacked planes used as flying bombs... it was a proposal to the DOD to start a department of "HOMELAND SECURITY"...
but would require citizens to give up many rights in order to secure the homeland...
BTW... the date on the article was febuary of the previous year...(can anyone say NORTHWOODS DOCUMENT)

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 09:34 AM
Those voting C you do realize it says the "Bush administration" and not just the "government" don't you?
Do you honestly think a president who can't even pronounce Nuclear can plan and carry out the greatest attack on US soil in the span of 8 months???
Get real. Not even the smartest Presidents could do that. Planning for something like that would take 3 years at least. So unless every single person in the Bush admin as well as the Clinton/Gore admin has god-like foresight, it would have been impossible for them to carry out such an attack.
The poll is flawed. I went over C already
As far as A....
Is the "official" story even complete yet? And was it really a surprise? Which leads me to B....
Why is there only one B? There should be B-1: The Bush admin knew and let it happen, or B-2: The Bush admin caught win of such an attack but didn't know time, place, scale, etc.

Put me down for AB-2.
There is no evidence to suggest the hijackers were secret government agents whatsoever and there's plenty of evidence that extremists are willing to be...extreme. There's absolutely no evidence missiles appeared out of no where, and no evidence the hijacked planes dissapeared. There's no evidence the flight recorders were tampered with. There's no evidence the passengers were actors (meaning their cell phone calls were real - unless of course you still want to continue to attribute god like powers to the Bush admin). So...were 4 planes hijacked by extremists and flown into buildings and crashed? Yes.
Did the Bush admin know? I'm positive, not everyone knew. I'm almost sure that a select few knew something was being planned. They probably had an idea of how, but date and time? I don't know about that. Did they tell their higher ups? Probably. Did their higher ups ignore them? Possibly? But because threats are recieved all the time and there probably wasn't enough info, not because of some grand scheme by the NWO to take over the world or whatever.
"But...but the Bush admin..."
Please, they didn't gain a thing from the attacks except temporary popularity. Which is gone now due to the Iraq war. From the attacks themselves they gained nothing.
"But oil and profits blah blah blah"
All that's from the Iraq war which I'm sure would have happened sooner or later whether 9/11 took place or not.
"But he gained all that power from the Patriot Act"
lol, he's out of office in a couple years. What's he going to do with that "power" then?

Alot of conspiricies like to revolve around Bush and his gang as if they're the center of it all. Why?
These people like to say "open your eyes" but they have their eyes closed! Stop focusing on Bush and look at the bigger picture. If there is a conspiricy, it's much bigger than Bush and gang. People are blinded by this because of irrational hate. If the Sun represents conspiricy an ant would represent Bush.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Those voting C you do realize it says the "Bush administration" and not just the "government" don't you?
Do you honestly think a president who can't even pronounce Nuclear can plan and carry out the greatest attack on US soil in the span of 8 months???

You said it yourself. Bush Administration. Not just Bush. Can you say... intelligence and other select agencies? With a Mr. Dick Cheney at the helm on 9/11.
Not to say Bush wasn't involved in his own special way, but the CIA likely did most of the planning. Those are the sorts of things the CIA was designed for.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
You said it yourself. Bush Administration. Not just Bush. Can you say... intelligence and other select agencies? With a Mr. Dick Cheney at the helm on 9/11.
Not to say Bush wasn't involved in his own special way, but the CIA likely did most of the planning. Those are the sorts of things the CIA was designed for.

Maybe you don't understand how our government agencies work. Only the heads of these agencies are put in place by the President/Senate. That's his administration. Everyone else has been there for years (unless of course they're new hires). The government has close to 3,000,000 employees. You didn't think all 3 mil are part of the Bush admin did you?

Bush and some of the Bush admin had only been in place of 8 months. Even by 9/11 I don't think the Bush admin was even complete yet.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 10:26 AM
and has been for many, many years. They'll never get the blood off their hands.

There was talk staging attacks on the U.S. in order to blame Cuba and get the support of citizens for an invasion - Operation Northwoods. As I recall, it was presented to President Kennedy in 1962.

Its time to start dissecting the all the occurences in which the U.S. has had a hand around the world since WWII (you can go back further, but its been really blatant since then). Is the world better for its interference? Not so sure.

I have no trouble believing that the government was all over 9/11 like a sweaty shirt.. But its not just dubya who's guilty...he's the mouthpiece and a pretty dumb one at that. But I ask you this...Who's been around or close to the White House for more than 30 years? Bush Sr., Cheney, Rumsfeld... You don't have to dig so very deep if the courage to know the truth is there.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird

Originally posted by bsbray11
You said it yourself. Bush Administration. Not just Bush. Can you say... intelligence and other select agencies? With a Mr. Dick Cheney at the helm on 9/11.
Not to say Bush wasn't involved in his own special way, but the CIA likely did most of the planning. Those are the sorts of things the CIA was designed for.

Maybe you don't understand how our government agencies work. Only the heads of these agencies are put in place by the President/Senate. That's his administration. Everyone else has been there for years (unless of course they're new hires). The government has close to 3,000,000 employees. You didn't think all 3 mil are part of the Bush admin did you?

Bush and some of the Bush admin had only been in place of 8 months. Even by 9/11 I don't think the Bush admin was even complete yet.

I think you lack a little in the history department. As AlwaysLearning said, it's been corrupt for years. This is nothing new. Ever heard of Teapot Dome? Watergate? Iran-Contra? Ruby Ridge? Waco? Nothing new. And all the last ones involved intelligence agencies, too. I'm even giving the bigger cover-ups the benefit of a doubt here. As a matter of fact, Rumself and Cheney were both members of both the Nixon and Ford administrations in the 70s, but somehow I doubt you knew that. :-/ Bush himself is just in it because of the family and thereby business connections (which are in themselves shady at best).

To think that the government would not be capable of doing this is simply naive. It's not like the government is one body functioning as a whole, and either everyone knows or no one does. Like I said, naive. And no, not 3 million people. That's ridiculous. It wouldn't have been covered up well if 3 million people knew, as there would've been whistleblowers everywhere and you know that as well as I. You're just going for discrediting me now, rather amateurishly I should say.

If they wanted to do it, they certainly could, and I don't think anyone here can deny that. At any rate, the CIA alone could do it if you think al Qaeda could.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 11:09 AM

If they wanted to do it, they certainly could, and I don't think anyone here can deny that. At any rate, the CIA alone could do it if you think al Qaeda could.

Oh dear?

If a load of extremists with little money and boxcutters can just about pull off suicide bombings think what the CIA with unlimited resources could do.


posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 12:59 PM
I don't think you understood what I was saying bsbray. What I said have nothing to do with whether the government could or couldn't do anything. I was simply explaining the that the government doesn't equal Bush administration.
Government > Bush admin.
Millions > Dozens.

Originally posted by bsbray11
I think you lack a little in the history department.

No...wait....that isn't funny. Where's the 'crying' smiley?
You have no idea. I study history. Me and history go together don't ATS and conspiricies.

As AlwaysLearning said, it's been corrupt for years. This is nothing new. Ever heard of Teapot Dome? Watergate? Iran-Contra? Ruby Ridge? Waco? Nothing new. And all the last ones involved intelligence agencies, too. I'm even giving the bigger cover-ups the benefit of a doubt here.

The Bush administration wasn't in office for all those things.
That's where you're getting mixed up. I'm talking about the Bush admin, you're talking about the federal government.
Who said they weren't corrupt btw?

As a matter of fact, Rumself and Cheney were both members of both the Nixon and Ford administrations in the 70s, but somehow I doubt you knew that. :-/

What are you a little kid just finding out this info? This is common knowledge.
How can I not know that?
YOU probably don't even know what positions they held.

To think that the government would not be capable of doing this is simply naive.

Not once did I say the government wasn't capable of doing something like that. Not once.
However, just because one is capable of doing something doesn't mean they have to/will/are doing it.

It's not like the government is one body functioning as a whole, and either everyone knows or no one does. Like I said, naive.

That didn't even make sense. It's very evident you don't know how the government runs. You're misinterpeting my statements. And you call ME naive?
Is this some sort of sick joke?

And no, not 3 million people. That's ridiculous. It wouldn't have been covered up well if 3 million people knew, as there would've been whistleblowers everywhere and you know that as well as I.

Dude, that's what I'm saying.
There are over 3 million people in the federal government (not including contractors and military). YOU'RE the one saying those 3 million+ planned and carried out the attacks if you're blaming the government.

You're just going for discrediting me now, rather amateurishly I should say.

Did you even read my post?
I'll post it again...

"Only the heads of these agencies are put in place by the President/Senate. That's his administration. Everyone else has been there for years (unless of course they're new hires). The government has close to 3,000,000 employees. You didn't think all 3 mil are part of the Bush admin did you?"

Please explain how that is discrediting you in an "amateurish" way?
I explained the difference between the Bush admin and the federal government as a whole. As evident by your previous post, you didn't know that info so I provided. In no way did I discredit anything.

If they wanted to do it, they certainly could, and I don't think anyone here can deny that. At any rate, the CIA alone could do it if you think al Qaeda could.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:22 PM
Latest tally (last member surveyed - ThatsJustWeird):

A. Accept the Official Story: cownosecat, deltaboy, Boatphone, djohnsto77, WestPoint23, microcosm, rhelt100, ThatsJustWeird (after reading the post twice, I concluded it amounts to "Accept the official story")

B. Had Prior Knowledge: xmotex, infinite, Umbrax, Curio, Seekerof, Zaphod58, evanfitz, Hal9000, Tinkleflower (confirmed via U2U after some confusion), Ponderosa

C. Inside Job: syntaxer, NoJustice, Hunting Veritas, Sauron, Lordling, lost, DiRtYDeViL, PsychevolvedApe, mrmulder, thematrix, dh, AdamJ, PurityOfPeace, AlwaysLearning, whaaa, Seoul On Ice, wecomeinpeace, Misfit, StarBreather, maidenwolf, GrOuNd_ZeRo, TheShroudOfMemphis, Lanotom, ANOK, billybob, bsbray11, XyZeR, tandino, ilandrah, ShadowHasNoSource, LazarusTheLong

Unclear votes: AgentSmith

Abstaining/Conscientious Objector: HowardRoark

Although the Pancake Theory Coalition does deserve an honorable mention, so far, it looks like an assured landslide victory for the Inside Job Party, and an overwhelming majority for the Criminal Involvement Coalition. However, due to certain inconsistencies in the Electronic Internet Voting system, an independent investigation and possible recount are pending. Should the issue be brought before the Supreme Court, judges will be appointed either by me, my daddy, or by impartial affiliates of the 9-11 Truth Movement.

Someone sent me a rather impolite, anonymous email regarding this poll. I cannot print the lyrical prose of that email in its original form since there are children about, so I will simply translate and paraphrase. The gist of the message was, "What is the significance of this particular poll in regards to the truth of the events of 9-11, you person of dubious intellect and alternative sexual preference?" Well whoever you are, my sweet-tongued thespian friend, the significance of the results of this poll is to prove that, at least in the medium of this forum, the TRUTH is winning over LIES, that more people are aware of the reality of this issue than we had originally thought, and that there is still hope for the human race...that's biggie.

Again, please U2U anyone you know who is interested in the topic, regardless of their opinion on the matter, so that we can get as broad an ATS demographic as possible.

[edit on 2005-7-12 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:22 PM

Squib me up Scotty!

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:25 PM
From the the US declaration of independence.......

"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the concent of the governed, That whever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to abolish it and institute a new goverment, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. " -Thomas Jefferson

If you answered C on the poll and are a US citizen knowing the above...... can you sleep at night without trying to right the wrong?

Look, I don't trust much of anything anymore..........and I know this government has been a disservice to many a citizen over time..........but if I really felt they would go to this extreme to stage an attack of that magnitude on the American people to engage us in middle eastern conflict.............then I couldn't stand by and let this government continue to function in such a manner........

I would have to become politically involved in the process to help institute such changes as spoken by Thomas Jefferson.

as for me I think the answer on this question is A.............

One more thing...........what kind of secret could be kept involving such a high level of corridination such as an attack like 9/11?

Keep this in mind when thinking about conspiracy at this high level.................

"In order to keep a secret among 3 individuals............two of them have to be dead "...........

..........those are wise words from another founding father

Ben Franklin.......

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:29 PM

I also fall between B and C, but closer to C. I think the administration had prior knowledge of an attack and instead of trying to stop it, decided to use the information and add their own participation to make it a reason for war. So, although I don't think they orchestrated it from the beginning, they let it happen and participated in making it a larger 'success' than it would have otherwise been.

For example, I believe all 3 buildings were professionally demolished.

Great poll. Good job!

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:31 PM
Cheers once again for correcting our confusion, WCIP

And...I had to laugh.

"What is the significance of this particular poll in regards to the truth of the events of 9-11, you person of dubious intellect and alternative sexual preference?"

That's just priceless.

I love, love, love your posts (even when I don't agree with 'em!)....even if your avatar still skears me just a bit

Quick question, too - how long are you going to keep counting up votes?

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by futuretense
If you answered C on the poll and are a US citizen knowing the above...... can you sleep at night without trying to right the wrong?

Ahh... You seem to assume we aren't.

I would have to become politically involved in the process to help institute such changes as spoken by Thomas Jefferson.

Exactly! I agree. And I am.

One more thing...........what kind of secret could be kept involving such a high level of corridination such as an attack like 9/11?

Considering how many people are voting C and how much of this is 'common knowledge' (or at least commonly suspected) I'd say it's not a secret.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower
Quick question, too - how long are you going to keep counting up votes?

Until they stop coming in, or until the guilty "pay f'r what dey done."

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