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I Don't Agree with YOU...

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posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Yes, you...the member sitting right there at the computer.

And why should I? Or even still...why should YOU agree with ME?
You shouldn't.

You don't have to agree with me. Certainly not because of the little staff title on my profile. We don't have to agree or see eye to eye on any topic and you know what? It's okay that we don't agree and here's why...

The staff members here do an exceptional job. We all discuss site issues and keep checks and balances with each other, but at the same time...were also members too. We are people. We have opinions. We care about things. We have passions.

That being said, we don't use our staff powers to punish or warn people for opposing views or for not agreeing with us. Yes, it's something we hear time-and-again and I just wanted to address it for newer members. Sometimes people are scared to say something contrary to a staff member. Honestly, we don't know it all and I don't think any of us has the ego to think that we do.

In fact, personally speaking...there are members I don't always agree with AND I have offered counter-arguments to them on certain things, yet I know they will tell you there have never been and malice as a result of our disagreements.

I am going to single two members out here (and I hope they don't mind) because they come to mind as examples - Bout Time and EastCoastKid. Both are great debaters, well written and both tend to disagree with me on matters of politics (usually making me think far beyond my abilities), yet I respect them both for various reasons. I know they would both say that while we may disagree on certain things...they have never been punished as a result of that disagreement. It just doesn't work that way.

So, love us or hate us...just remember that we do what we do as staff, but we're also people with opinions, views, family, friends, and lives. No different from anyone else. We're certainly not judges of what is supposed to be correct or truth.

Have a comment? Serve it up!

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 02:55 PM
Pretty much what I said in a post in yet another "Mod" thread over the weekend.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 02:58 PM
I for one have never been one to worry about someone's title since as you said, it is just that, a title. I have also "locked horns" with a mod, or 2 or 3

In most cases, we agree to disagree, example, my friend Nygdan, we have exchanged a few joke u2u when on the off-chance when we actually agree on a subject.
Over all, the mods and staff will work with members.
I have only come across one mod that I had a problem with. One day, I hope that they will respond to my u2u so that we can iron out the differences.

As Zedd say, the staff and mods have their own opinions and are as free to express them here just like all members!
Thanks for the rem,inder there Zedd

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:03 PM
Thanks for the reminder.

Debating is a good thing to do, just as long as it doesn't get out of hand. It's actually one of the best ways to find an answer.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:45 PM
Well said Zedd. You make it hard to disagree with you at times though.

That being said, if a mod were to use his/her power in that manner, they won't be a mod for long. We police ourselves as well. It's all for the good of the site.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
Yes, you...the member sitting right there at the computer.

Yeah well, my dad can beat your dad up!

Interesting post, glad someone said it at last - however I doubt it'll stop people bitching.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:22 PM
"That being said, we don't use our staff powers to punish or warn people for opposing views or for not agreeing with us. Yes, it's something we hear time-and-again and I just wanted to address it for newer members. Sometimes people are scared to say something contrary to a staff member. Honestly, we don't know it all and I don't think any of us has the ego to think that we do. "

AAAAhahaha! Gimme a break. What is this...crying moderator's day at ATS?
Let me get this straight. You're saying (or typing rather) with a straight face that Moderators at ATS have OVERCOME hundreds of thousands of years of human conditioning as it concerns power and authority???
That moderators here have achieved a perfect level of Buddhahood so that their own ego NEVER enters into their actions on this website? In fact, as you yourself said..."you hear it time and again"...

Hold on...I might have just pissed myself laughing.

and remember kiddies:
The single act of obediance is the cornerstone of authority - R.A.W

Thats why I'm here. And I LOVE ATS...I could never ever dream of leaving.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Voice_of Doom

Hold on...I might have just pissed myself laughing.

*Valhall hands VOD a Depends*


posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:33 PM

AAAAhahaha! Gimme a break. What is this...crying moderator's day at ATS?
Let me get this straight. You're saying (or typing rather) with a straight face that Moderators at ATS have OVERCOME hundreds of thousands of years of human conditioning as it concerns power and authority???
That moderators here have achieved a perfect level of Buddhahood so that their own ego NEVER enters into their actions on this website? In fact, as you yourself said..."you hear it time and again"...

Crying Mod day? Dude, we're reaching out to the membership, if you wish to just "bitch", please, use the "suggestions" button. This is getting tiresome.

Hold on...I might have just pissed myself laughing.

and remember kiddies:
The single act of obediance is the cornerstone of authority - R.A.W

Thats why I'm here. And I LOVE ATS...I could never ever dream of leaving.

No problem, we can accomodate:

I'm not changing them . Whew.

Edit: I have to ask: why the hostillity?

[edit on 11-7-2005 by intrepid]

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 08:01 PM
I agree with you ZZZ 100%.

And I love you too...

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by ZZZ
I Don't Agree with YOU...

Seeing as this was the title of the thread, I see no point in reading what is obviously a post directed at my derision.......... mean that respectful arguements can occur with the equal expression of perspectives with the inherent goal of arriving at a more in-depth comprehension of the given subject matter....

Rather than....

The assumption that each person has regarding their own infallible yet biased logic which invariably leads to petty bickering and the reason the word 'partisan' is now considered a four letter word......

Darn........I knew I should have read the entire thing before passing judgement.....

Edit: Very good point ZZZ.....

[edit on 11-7-2005 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 09:31 PM
I think my question here is why all the "mod" threads all the sudden? Mods are here to maintain and monitor the board. If anyone thinks they can do a better job, apply for the job. I may not always agree or get along with all mods but guess what, I don't own the site so if I don't like it, I know where the door is. I have seen some heated debates with mods and members but for the most part, they do their jobs. I think their is way too much time and energy be put in mod vs member threads lately and not enough into the multiple forums on the site.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Memorialday1999
I think my question here is why all the "mod" threads all the sudden? Mods are here to maintain and monitor the board. If anyone thinks they can do a better job, apply for the job. I may not always agree or get along with all mods but guess what, I don't own the site so if I don't like it, I know where the door is. I have seen some heated debates with mods and members but for the most part, they do their jobs. I think their is way too much time and energy be put in mod vs member threads lately and not enough into the multiple forums on the site.

mem - they're having another inferiority complex. That one that happens when you get to lord over everybody all the time and feel good about it like 360 days out of the year but about every 10 weeks you think - DAMN! They're having fun! And they don't like me anymore! - Then you post one of these threads - get a few replies and then snap back out of your little funk period and realize - HEY! I'VE GOT 10 MORE WEEKS OF LORDING TO DO!

It's a cycle we have to endure. Just like so many other really weird and tolerable cycles.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Voice_of Doom
AAAAhahaha! Gimme a break. What is this...crying moderator's day at ATS?

No - More like "Moderators Kindly Responding To A Few Members Recent Complaints Day" - If one wishes to use labels as such....

I'm looking over Zedd's post....and nowhere do I see any references to some Zen-like state of perfection or an absence of the very rare misuse of authority....

It should go without saying that if you kind find some facetious or sarcastic comment to add to the conversation, that you really shouldn't be adding it all.....We all are aware of our natural flaws as humans and don't need it shoved in the face of an attempt at mutually understanding one another....

Edit:Unless you're username is Vallhall.....

[edit on 7/11/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
I'm looking over Zedd's post....and nowhere do I see any references to some Zen-like state of perfection....

Duh! You're supposed to infer that on your own! It's in the T&'re supposed to infer it there too!!!

Allright.....I shall revert back to my more or less stoic form.....

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
Duh! You're supposed to infer that on your own! It's in the T&'re supposed to infer it there too!!!

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtains!!

*Crack of a whip* Genuflect!!!

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 10:01 PM
Uh, yes, VoD, we are thousands of years old, we have overcome such human flaws, and we have even worked it out among us that there can be more than one.
On top of that, The top level bunch of Immortals have insured that there is a nice mixture of attitudes and opinions among the rest of us. This way, behind closed doors, we discuss problems, insure that the human bias nature doesn't creep in, and then we all get a huge giggle out of banning hapless posters at random!

Seriosuly, everything else is true except that last little bit. We ban when we have to. We warn when needed.

Also, the only ones who are immortal are the top level guys. The rest of us are Watchers.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 10:06 PM
Thomas Crowne, is right.

Didn't anyone else notice him in Highlander 2 (the really bad one) and the famous line by SimonGray "There can be only one."? Or is it just me that remembers the story of the ATS mods/super mods/etcs lives?

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 10:14 PM
As a former moderator I can vouch when mods say they don't personally warn or even ban people. It's all based on the TOC. Quite simple.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 10:16 PM
*Opens e-pad and records locations of tagged member mood migration schemes.*

Oh, don't mind me. No one else ever does.

*Taps each specimen with a contact to tag relay device.*

Hmm, very interesting...

*Hurries off back to R&S Dept. like a cheetah on hydroxycut*

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