posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 10:56 PM
BTW: You're talking about not underestimating Al-Qaida, but how about we don't put too much credit into them as well? Sure, they're a criminal
organization, big deal? They had their entire operation in Afghanistan crushed in a matter of months. Don't seem to strong to me.
Either way, even they wouldn't do this. If they did, like I said, the response towards the world, from the U.S., would be unprecedented. You all seem
to be putting to much faith in AQ and not enough in the U.S. If the U.S. was nuked with FORTY nukes, the response would be simply incredible. Every
nation that had even a thread of connection to a terrorist organization would be simply bombed to hell. Nuked even. They have forty? We have
thousands. Begin the destruction. Simple as that.
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. We gave 'em two atomic bombs up the arse. They killed 3,000. We killed hundreds of thousands.
Now multiple that by about 10,000 and you'll have the U.S. response to forty nuclear detonations on its' soil. Anything other than that will not
happen. With Bush, that kind of destruction would be the end of any nation that has ever dealt with anyone involved. It's really that simple.
Politics, foreign relations, and the like would be out the window. Think about it.