posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 03:53 PM
Do any cultures exist out there that still worship the "pre christ" pantheons of gods? The chinese pantheon was really cool. Shang-Ti rocks, and
Quezcoatl from central/south america was totally whacky.
imagine if that religion was the dominant one today
instead of jesus! what are you doing, people would say
shang-ti! what are you doing?!
or to insult someone, THOR SMITE YOU! or you LOKI !
I bet you some people still worship set and ra ! now they had cool back stories.
the egyptian pantheon was kinda of neat, lets some names, baast, thothlar, ra, neb, nut, set, each local village had some deity they made up for
themselves too.. and for i think 5000 years that religion was dominant in egypt? thats longer than christianity has been around !